How do i feel about Roe v. Wade being overturned? Not a big deal. States will just have to decide the legality of murdering babies individually instead of having that decision foisted on all of us.

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We knew for years bacteria can cause ulcers and can cause cancer. Yogurt kills them.

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Proverbs 3:21 My child, don’t lose sight of common sense and discernment. Hang on to them,

Abortion is as anti-female, anti-choice as you can get. Create more jobs, security, support for mothers instead of just opening up abortion factories and legalizing prostitution to force them into because real jobs don't exist. Instead of forcing them to stay with or rely on men who want the pregnancy terminated. Stop targeting the womb to protect mens precious hook up culture.

11 year old girls aren't developed enough to be pregnant. The womb needs a mature body and mind to support it. To force a little child to do that is inhuman.

A woman who has miscarried and has dead tissue in her needs it removed. Seriously, folks?! If you don't you are guilty of maiming and murder!

Literally, NOTHING in the Bible prohibiting birth control. There are situations where getting pregnant can be deadly or any host of reasons for the need of it.

Simple common sense!

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Abortion should never have been involved with federal law. It's not about women's rights at all. It's about culling the population, harvesting child organs and child trafficking. I'm thrilled! 50 years of abusing and killing children can now be thrown to the States!

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