Oct 31, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds


My parents put me their dresser drawer by their bed too when I was an infant. I actually remember that far back with surprising clarity.

Yeah, Elon is no savior. He is another false messiah and probable vampire. I never trusted him, and I am glad The Lord provides me with strong Spiritual Discernment.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Bin-towelhead is a snake. Elon should know that. I guess he does.

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Oct 31, 2022Liked by Strange Sounds

Let's apply some critical thinking to the meth bust in Hong Kong. In fact, let's try to imagine who or what may be lurking behind the entire illegal drug trade. First, a demand for the drugs must be created like any other market.

This has been accomplished over the years by the media promoting sub cultures within society which thrive in drug trade. Supply will be key to the productivity and profit of such a business. Who could initiate such supply and demand? Who would profit from it? Since the very beginning of the illegal international drug trade it has been CAREFULLY orchestrated by those claiming to fight against it. The CIA. And drugs aren't the only for-profit business the CIA is involved in.

We are completely controlled at the highest levels of government throughout the world by insidious, wicked principalities which control those that control the global economy. They control every facet of modern society by controlling the thinking of the masses through the media in all its forms. Every alphabet agency is involved in a clandestine operation to reduce the population, usher in a one world gov't and religion and they all work together to bring about this global, one world system for ONE individual. The antichrist.

He will be revealed after millions of people are supposedly abducted by aliens. Hint: We weren't abducted by any ETs, we were removed directly prior to God pouring out His WRATH on this wicked world for its rejection of His One and ONLY provision for the redemption of sin...Jesus Christ. Please, anyone in eyeshot of this post, please understand that this is going down exactly as was foretold by the prophets in the Bible.

Every day draws us closer to the event which will shake the world to its core - the Rapture of the Church (those who have been born again and who love and await Jesus Christ, God in the Flesh, and have had our sins removed by His Sacrifice of His own Body and the shedding of His Blood for the forgiveness of sins.) This is all true.

Most don't like this worldview because it interferes with their greedy aspiration of the basic THREE desires of all men: Lust of the eyes; (material wealth) lust of the flesh (sexual desire) and the pride of life (status and rating among peers). Every one of the sins we commit can be categorized by one of these natural (sinful) desires.

I began to make this post just to comment about how the government makes money (tons of it) by orchestrating and controlling the drug trade at the highest level but I was then motivated to give another warning, (which I do all over the internet) to come to Jesus Christ before it is too late. Nothing is more important.

You must decide where you are going to spend eternity. My advice is to do it NOW, before the Rapture because if you do it now, you will be removed from this reality before the great tribulation in which BILLIONS of people will die horrific deaths. Moreover, there is a good possibility that you will be decapitated by guillotine if you don't join up with the antichrist (if you want to be saved for eternity) by taking his mark in the right hand or forehead, the mark of the BEAST. I believe the vaccine was a trial run for the mark which will not be given until after the rapture.

Look at this: https://www.silverdoctors.com/headlines/world-news/thousands-of-guillotines-positioned-in-dozens-of-american-cities-for-left-wing-terrorists-to-execute-conservatives-christians-whites-in-unfolding-civil-war/

It's all true folks. The more it goes on the more it is confirmed in Scripture. Get a King James Bible (at the Dollar Tree for only a dollar) and begin reading in New Testament book of Romans to learn about Jesus Christ and how His Propitiatory Sacrifice removes our sins. Ask others to join you. It is very late on the timeline of God. Do it before it's too late!

All you must do is ASK and believe in your heart the Gospel found in 1 Corinthians 15:1-4. If you believe in your heart, you'll be saved. Manuel, thank you for your willingness to allow people to express their worldviews and opinions on this page. I come here because it is one of the very few places that I know my comments will be seen! Even YouToogle censors over half my comments merely by mentioning Jesus Christ, the Name which is above every name.

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Now Hiring Non-Stupid People. I like that. Dopers do only as much as they have to, to get one more fix. I’d rather hire someone mentally challenged who is willing to work than too many of the people I know. I’ve worked with mentally challenged and they work hard at what they understand.

This is funny, churches breaking the law. The Supreme Court ruled some time go that the Democrat regulation was unconstitutional. These laws aimed at churches are call nazi laws because they’re based on what hitler did. It was churches that led the demand for the freedom of slaves, and freedom for Jews, then in the real Civil Rights movement. For that matter, a lot of churches were burned during the Revolutionary War for preaching independence, the pastors hanged or locked into the churches as they burned. No wonder liberals hate God; Conservatives hate nazism.

While I haven’t much confidence in the Saudis, they do love Trump. Trump brokered a treaty between Israel, the Saudis, and India, three ancient enemies. The Saudis threw their weight behind Israel and Christian archaeologists who have tried for years to get permission to excavate in Goshen, the Nile delta where the Hebrews lived up till the Exodus.

The chicoms are not going to like Hong Kong interfering with their trade. Meth and fentanyl are about the only things still making the chicoms a profit.

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i think elon its no savior <a href="https://www.idealtata.co.id/">Atap Galvalum</a>

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