The US House of Representatives has ordered the Pentagon’s inspector general to conduct a review of whether the defence department “experimented with ticks and other insects regarding use as biological weapons between 1950 and 1975.”1

The demand for a review, proposed by Chris Smith, a New Jersey Republican, passed easily among a raft of other late amendments to a House bill on defence spending. It must still be “reconciled” with the Senate’s version of the spending bill, but Smith said that he was confident of Senate support.

He told the House that his amendment had been “inspired by a number of books and articles suggesting that significant research had been done at US government facilities including Fort Detrick, Maryland, and Plum Island, New York, to turn ticks and other insects into bioweapons.”

Biological research

Plum Island, a secure government biological research site since 1945, lies directly across a narrow stretch of water from Lyme, …

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Dr. Bryan Ardis on Diamond and Silk show on Rumble, said that Zuckerfucksitallup and his wifey injected wild game. With whatever brand he is in bed with, covid vax. 100,000 of them If I remember correctly. Wtf.

I don't remember asking for that.

And now that rancher being honest is so bad it's restricted to see....everyday something more and more disgusting happens.

Thank you Manuel. Take care all.

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Montauk......A year or so ago a 5hr. 28min. video of Al Bielek telling his own story was put out by a Richard Bruce. I believe it was made in 2000. He describes what he knew from his own experiences.

Also, the book series, "The Sands of Time" tells the story of a scientist drawn into the Black World & spending 40 yrs there building up our SSP, which we Normies know nothing about. Author...Dr. Sean D. Morton. What has gone on under our noses without us knowing about it has been shocking, to say the least!!

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Dump utube and use Rumble

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Crandon School District illness - wanna bet someone put up a new cell tower nearby and turned it on? EMF radiation poisoning...

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From Wikilies "The Montauk Project is a conspiracy theory ...". My the left is funny, they know their legions of useful idiots will glom onto the old, worn-out term. All as the same legions buy into pandemic/human caused climate change which really are conspiracies.

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Thanks for your research. Youtube is getting bad with censorship - sorry that happened to you for sharing the truth. Regarding the elephant attack: why on earth did the driver stop when a bull elephant began charging their tour car? It had no protection. It said it chased them for a while, so it blows my mind that they stopped!

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I call BS on the hog thing. First, who is "they?" Second, there is no such thing as a "live" mRNA vaccine. mRNA vaccines are not viral vector vaccines and do not use live viruses or even inactivated viruses. There is so much wrong about that post, I can't imagine how anyone can find it credible on any level. But then, people will believe whatever reinforces their narrative, even if it makes no logical sense whatsoever.

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