Sep 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Sigh. I’ve heard it said by some that - uhm - well, god or the supreme creator being is actually “doing” all this stuff - everything. If that’s so, I’m really looking forward to the superior supreme creator being getting off its destructive, violent, discordant, nasty, etc., jag it seems to be on. Just sayin’.

Thanks, Manuel. Very interesting reports.

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No doubt God is in control, but he disciplines his people for disobedience. And can you deny that the world is being disciplined right now?

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Sep 3Liked by Strange Sounds

Yes. I can deny this world is being disciplined right now because the Bible says so. The world is being led by satanic forces, powers, principalities, spiritual wickedness in high places and God is ALLOWING it ACCORDING to His Plan.

He will not 'discipline' the world who have turned their backs on Him, He does discipline His children (individually) but he is not disciplining the world right now because they don't belong to Him. The world is suffering the result of expelling God and rejecting Jesus Christ. But WRATH is very soon coming in which this entire world will be turned upside down, literally and BILLIONS will die.

Millions will disappear very soon and a world leader will arise. He will LIE and say that UFOs took us. No! Jesus Christ took us (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) but this leader will lie and deceive the world. His name is antichrist and the world will follow love and follow him willingly taking his (mandatory) mark upon their right hand or foreheads.

We who have loved Jesus Christ and believed His Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) will be REMOVED very soon before God pours out His WRATH on the earth and BILLIONS WILL DIE See Isaiah 24 and Revelation 8-10

All born again by His Shed Blood will be removed and given new, Glorious, immortal, eternal bodies like that of Jesus Himself! Who is going to pass up that opportunity??? Very sadly, BILLIONS will.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 4Liked by Strange Sounds

America was overthrown in a coup in 1963 by the CIA after assassinating JFK. The minions of the CIA have filled all the federal government agencies. Most all the federal agencies were formed by Executive Order. An agency formed by an Executive Order can be dismantled by another one. After that is done, all the Deep State will be unemployed, out of a job. Any agencies a President wants to keep after this is done, can be formed by a new Executive Order, no ex-employees would be returned as employees, and new employees hired by people who understand that the left wing liberal Democrats have been shown the door, and new "real" employees who actually do something productive can be hired from outside of Washington DC from around the country, particularly the midwest. Remember how Trump promised to drain the swamp and end the Deep State? Should he get into the Presidency again by some miracle, this is what must be done. Will he have the balls to do it this time? Or will America be conned again??? Or can we throw off the Deep State that has overthrown America from within? Is this what you want America??? Tell Trump. Tell the GOP. Tell everybody. Don't take no for an answer.

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The coup was before that. It's been going on for a while. JFK just got in the way of the machine. Lincoln rescinded the Constitution during the War of Northern Aggression. Coolidge was a main factor in the cause of the intentional Great Depression and FDR intentionally sustained it. It's never been any different for anybody living today. President Trump is the only hope for a return to constitutionality.

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Sep 3Liked by Strange Sounds

So...you just have a vague point, with no answers. Trump had a 4 year opportunity. Did less than 5% of what needed to be done, and much of that was undone. President Trump is the only hope of an answer? That was a good statement. Without guidance, Trump is just like all the rest. Give Trump guidance. Be specific.

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Sep 3Liked by Strange Sounds

This country was HIJACKED and completely taken over by super wealthy powerful men. I believe it happened before the dawn of the industrial revolution. There is a committee of 300 men (and their families) who hold ALL power in this world. It's handed down through the generations and exists to this very day, more powerful (and wicked) than ever. The "election" process is completely rigged.

The committee is intermingled with European and Eastern royalty and ALL world trade has been controlled from there. Search The British East India Company and the Tavistock Institute. These 300 men are the very top of the pyramid and they fomented all world wars and profited from BOTH SIDES. They continue to profit from both sides of every war from the sale of weapons (to both sides). In this country it was John D Rockefeller who represented them and he was responsible for every move of the industrial beginnings of this country and controlled the population and gov't by his wealth and influence.

It has always been this way and the phrase "follow the money" is the most accurate idiom ever written. Of course it goes much deeper than that and there are many other, smaller players in the big machine but it is these 300 men who hold all power on this earth. It is NOT the governments (i.e. the people) who hold power but the government's ANSWER to the 300. We are cattle and becoming an increasing liability.

Read "The Committee of 300" by John Coleman 4th edition (if you can find one and afford to buy it) I got my copy 20 years ago but the 4th edition (uncensored) is virtually impossible to get. Even the 100 dollar 4th edition on Amazon has been changed recently. Don't bother reading the free Internet Archives version calling itself the 4th edition. I checked it against my copy and it's COMPLETELY different.

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Like Joasis, you have no answers, just vague talk of wicked men, 300 wealthy controlling families in the world, and again, bla bla bla. Problems require answers. I gave a few. I have 65 more answers on my Blueprint for America. My e-mail is rickstanleyjr54@gmail.com I will send it to you and if you agree with what I said, than send it to everyone you know and, even don't know. That is at least something to shape minds to make changes against evil. . It has to start now, not some 1,000 years in the future when the world is run by many more wealthy men and women and their families, who are wicked as they can possibly be and are minions of Satanic forces. Please do not say everything will remain the same until Jesus Christ returns. He will return when it is ordained by God the Father. Until then, let's stop talking in vague terms and get specific and get good men to act. When Jesus Christ does come, let's be able to say we had valid ideas to fix things here in America at least, and we did in fact try to put our plans into action and end some of the evil and misery in this world, even if only a small part.

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Au contraire, mon frere. I am one of the very few who DOES have answers. They are not my own. They can be known by anyone but the world has largely rejected them EVEN WITHIN THE MODERN CHURCHES.

I have searched and continue to search for them finding them in the ONLY place where one can find them today, (or in any age) the written word of God, the authorized King James Bible of 1611. There are many arguments against this truth so spare me please, I've heard them all. I have been studying the BIble for 45 years and what has been labeled "conspiracy theory" for a good part of those years as well.

The current events of this world were told about thousands of years ago with uncanny and perfect accuracy and everything written about the end times in the prophetic word of God is leaping from its pages RIGHT NOW and all at the same time.

That's what we were told to look for; to lift up our heads and when we see ALL THESE THINGS HAPPENING AT THE SAME TIME, know that the redemption of our body is nigh at hand.

It's impossible to "shape minds to make changes against evil" from within THIS world because we are in a SPIRITUAL war against powers and principalities and spiritual wickedness in high places. That's why it's impossible that this world would come up with any measures against the wickedness of this age (the end of the age of Grace) WITHOUT finding them in the written word of God so I don't attempt doing so. The things written WILL COME TO PASS, and it looks very much like it will be very soon, at any minute!

This candidate or that candidate, is the title of the scripted, 24/7 theater going on right now in the bought media and they're all on the same team. You want truth? Here it is: We are living in the very last days of this age, the age of GRACE whereby the salvation of our souls is absolutely free.

This age is quickly coming to a close according to the Bible and the things prophesied within its pages. We now see, for the first time EVER, all the things coming into place for the one world government for antichrist. He is alive at this moment, and has been focusing all his energy on bringing this world under his rule. He controls the non-elected alphabet agencies like the WEF and WHO and CDC by appointing his OWN players.

Literally, at any moment millions of people all over the globe will suddenly disappear. Imagine the chaos of this event! The world will be ON FIRE with fear and confusion until a man steps from behind the world stage seemingly with ANSWERS for where everyone had gone. He will no doubt say that UFOs took us to train us in "spiritual evolution" even that we would be returned when that training is complete. All lies, of course. We were taken by Jesus Christ (1 Thessalonians 4:16 and 1 Corinthians 15:51) and he is right about one thing...we will be coming back but not in these mortal, frail, vile bodies, we will be coming back with Jesus in NEW, immortal, glorious bodies, (Joel 21-11) all on white horses (Revelation 19:14) to fight the final battle, the battle of Armageddon.

Anyone can still go with us. Just call upon His Name and believe the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) in your heart and you'll be saved and will be one of those millions of missing people. It's coming like a Bullet Train and when it happens, it will happen in the "twinkling of an eye" not a blink, a TWINKLING which is much shorter than a blink. You see, Rich, if you believe what the Bible says, you will expect something much, much greater than a phony presidential election or ANY kind of hope in this crumbling world. It is time; this world is now ripe for the wrath of God to come upon it. Don't be left behind to see the horrors of the wrath of the Lamb, where billions will die. (see Revelation 8-10 and Isaiah 24)

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You do like to preach to believers. Good for you. However, this was not a discussion about what our beliefs are, or what the Bible says. I am looking for folks who can focus on a specific topic which is Presidential authority to make Executive Orders. I can only assume you have no thoughts on that, since you ignored the conversation. However, I have been reading the Bible since I was 8 years old, many, many times for 62 years. Since you told me of your 45 years of Bible reading, I decided to tell you mine. We have been down this path before. Been there done that with you. Thank you for doing it again. When Jesus comes back again on the clouds, as it says in Mathew 24, and his angels gather his believers up, we will indeed be taken in a blink of an eye. Until then, we have real world problems that must be addressed American citizens. I will move on to toters for help on this issue of what a President can do with Executive Orders. Good fortune in your preaching Jimd.

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But the point of my comment is that things are DIFFERENT today because we are so very close to the coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH. We are told in Scripture what will happen NEXT in our world today and it's not MAGA or any kind of improvement in our condition. It will ONLY get MUCH worse from here on.

There is no hope for this world, that is my point. I'm trying to tell you (if you missed it when it happened in the last "election") that our votes are null and void. Those who COUNT the votes decide the election. We may as well stay at home and pull the lever on our child's Play School voting machine or send our votes to the North Pole for Satan Claus to count!

Throughout Scripture, the coming of Jesus spoken of in Matthew 24 is AFTER the Tribulation when He SENDS HIS ANGELS. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 says Jesus will come HIMSELF in the clouds for us. Jesus told us to look up and Paul told us the details of our catching away. Zechariah 14 gives more detail of His coming AFTER the Tribulation of those days. The TRUTH that we will not endure the tribulation is not accepted today, EVEN BY MOST CHRISTIANS it’s being SCORNED. It's certainly not preached in the apostate churches. But it is not a matter of little importance as those who disbelieve in immanence portray.

Your hope is still in this world and that we can change it and make it better. At this point that's akin to trying to catch a Volkswagen that is free-falling off a 100 foot cliff with you at the bottom holding a catcher’s mitt! I'm trying to prepare people for the RAPTURE BEFORE it happens. And to leave the TRUTH behind for those left behind (mostly everyone). If you have Christ in you, that is, in the Holy Spirit then no matter what you believe, you are going up before the 7 year tribulation, that's what the Bible says whether you believe it or not.

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Sep 2·edited Sep 2Liked by Strange Sounds

Thank You Manuel for the very good selection!

people defend billionaires…=> no, they 'only' work for them, with the true purpose of work being buried..

The last photo is great, where one can purchase that banner??? and these signs from Denver Colorado too...

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Sep 3Liked by Strange Sounds

The spiders in Pakistan are just one of many signs that nature has become unbalanced by something. The "experts" will say that "something" is climate change but it's NOT. It's from them spraying freaking metals, polymer fibers and chemicals (and a few bacteria, fungi and viruses just for a healthy mix) from jets which fall to earth destroying the biosphere. The microbiome that have previously broken down leaves and plant material into soil are DEAD. The leaves fall but they don't decay! The corn crops in my area are DEAD and have produced NOTHING. I can't find any satisfactory explanation as to why. One story admitted that corn crops are failing but negated it as any serious problem by saying it happened ten years ago! That's how they normalize all the evidence that this world is in BIG trouble. They say it "hasn't happened for a long time" controlling the thoughts of the people who think that if it happened before, it's no big deal, just the normal course of nature. Guess what? It's NOT. This world is being systematically destroyed and the powers that shouldn't be are creating a FAMINE of global proportions. See Revelation 6:6 We're on the precipice of something BIG, and we can feel it in the air!

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Sep 3Liked by Strange Sounds

The lawn sign was a hoot & had me laughing out loud!!! ;-) Thanks for the excellent News Roundup, Manuel!! For an eye-opener of a video check out Michael Salla's recent interview with Gene Decode!!

A lot of what has been going on is "out there" if we know where to look, but most people are so busy in their everyday lives it goes unnoticed!! He even mentioned the "pocket universes" that the elite can go hide in!! Once again, I would recommend the book series, "Sands of Time" by Dr. Sean D. Morton for a glimpse at how our SSP got started. Of course, now we know there are various SSP's of different organizations!! We have built only 10% of the 10,000 some tunnel systems there are in our honeycombed planet!! It was interesting to note that Brad Olsen wants to investigate the possibility of another ocean some 600 mi. underneath the crust! We are not alone.....nor are we the highest type of "being" that has ever been created!!

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Sep 3Liked by Strange Sounds

Who put up the "hate signs" in Denver? The cabal called the government, of course. Whenever something happens in this world today, in order to know the truth about it, just think about who and what it will benefit. It will further the divide between the factions, now ready to kill each other over a fake, political drama being played out by the media for the masses of people who have been conditioned to accept anything that the media says as TRUTH. (there's some fine print at the bottom of the white sign, I wonder what it says)

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Sure, just throw away your vote.

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Thank you for that sign at the end…

That pretty much sums up how I feel about ALL of them now.

I’m putting my faith in God alone.

He’s the only one worthy of my loyalty and devotion.

“ God is not a man that he should lie”

I trust Him. Xo

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Wow, Manuel, are you going full bore communist now?

1. The true purpose of work? The true purpose of why i worked is because i like to eat, wear clothes, live in a house, and raise my family. A job gave me that ability. How could i have otherwise honorably achieved those goals without a job? i guess sitting behind a keyboard all day every day makes you lose perspective. Even your article about Maracaibo shows what happens when there are no jobs and no entrepreneurs taking risks to start businesses that would employ people. You worry me sometimes.

2. And you support terrorist propaganda? True, today it's the same Oliver North, but it's not the same Iran. You worry me sometimes.

3. At the end, you praise a Eff'em both poster because of what Deep State has turned us into, but you equate the solution with the problem., so which of the following have you become? Leftist, liberal, communist, terrorist, democrat, gloabalist, or all of the above? You worry me sometimes.

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Why I work is because I like what I do.

I think both presidential candidates are bad.

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