Having fun today. Warning - a bit sarcastic, but not nasty.

Meteorite in Somalia - hhmmmm, and just HOW do “they” know the 2 minerals haven’t been seen on this planet before….? WHO SAID?!

I want my very own state - what are my chances of getting it if I protest - well, whatever.

Seems to me that as it’s said everything is God - or consciousness or some such thing - of course there is SOME level of it in every thing. Would luuuve to hear God’s take on this…see the story of the tiger and the goat.

Baby root, alien. Didn’t you see Men in Black? I think movie #2. All the answers are there re this. I forgot what kind of car it was…Mr. Smith’s backyard? Uhm - AGENT Smith?

CDC - mmmmHmmmm - yeah, right, sure. Anybody can SAY anything and they can also “name/label” anything - put on your “skepticals,” folks.

A few laughs, I hope - and a good day to All. 🙂

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Appreciate the World News!! Thanks, Manuel!!

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The 'exactly as intended' is the point. I'd come to same conclusion as I scoured old rules required to find the most specific diagnosis law demands since fraud & malfeasance was where I went initially. Impossible to be accidental since they bill & paid by Medicare/Medicaid. All this must be authorized by the lawyers before any regulations are finalized. This takes years. So yes, I'd say you're on point exactly. Sickening isn't it. Know any clinics medical billers? Great article.

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Astra Zeneca ~ Rare side affects?

A patented, weaponized belligerent - specifically designed for warfare. That is what it's registered as.

And it's causing "rare side effects", huh? ''Disease-X" is next. How many will fall for it as well?

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Only 1/3 of Americans breath "toxic" air? Wrong again MSM (Canada's National Observer) We all inhale, with every breath, nanoparticles of metals so small that they breach the blood/brain barrier. We're all full of aluminum and other harmful metals. But don't tell anybody.

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Exactly... We breathe their continuous spraying...

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Consciousness in animals: When looked at logically it is clear that science has struck out on all fronts regarding the complexity of the animal kingdom. To say that animals don't have any cognizance of who or what they are is just ignorance and folly but then, what is to be expected from science which has exchanged the truth for a lie and worshiped and served the creation rather than the Creator? Romans 1:25

That is, Darwinism, which core belief is that animals (all things) came from NOTHING in a big bang when a pinpoint of nothing exploded which, by chance, began forming things (what things?) into complex chemicals and minerals which then, one fine day, where some of those chemicals were all jumbled together in a puddle of some primordial soup (puddle? where did the water come from?) had all the benefit of the complexity of forming them into the first amino acids when a CHANCE bolt of some kind of electricity struck the puddle and aligned the chemicals into a vastly complex CODE of INFORMATION thus creating the very first amino acid.

Further such "accidents" made each and every complex amino acid into the first "life" from which every diverse and miraculous life forms accidentally sprung. And science grabbed this impossibility, concluding that billions of such "accidents" over billions of years (of course) brought all of us and the world around us into existence! Sounds crazy doesn't it? That's because it is. Am I the only one who thinks about these things?

All of matter, all chemicals and every form of life is the most complex system of code ever to have been attempted to be deciphered. What's a code? It's COMMUNICATION between two or more Intelligences. Hmm. Sounds familiar; "Let US make a man in OUR Image (Father, Son and Holy Ghost) and together "they" (ONE God in Three Parts) made all things by SUPERNATURALLY intelligent codes which are all things INCLUDING space/time which is the container for everything and which God "stretcheth out as a tent to dwell in". (Isaiah 40:22)

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Nayib Bukele is an amateur. Any investigation will only implicate his political enemies. His allies will walk. American Deep State leftist liberal communist terrorist democrtat/RINO global elitists have proven for decades that when you own the "justice" department, there is no true justice.

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Say I have a story you may want to use. Across the river from here in Clinton Iowa a man named Mark Krogman just won a million dollars from the Iowa State Lottery. But the day after claiming it, he died! I think he was 73 years old. Now they say the prize will go to his estate. Thanks for sharing all that's amazing!!

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Wouldn't that meteorite that fell in Somalia (or any that has ever fallen to earth) be filled with dangerous radiation from space? I'd like to walk up to it with a Geiger counter and see.

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Nope, but it will alter the age of the meteorite...

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You're truly worth the support, but my meagor income allows internet access at the moment, next to food & shelter! Prayers that your beneficial messages can continue with or without me.

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The Little Alien story has the earmarks of a hoax... It was cool looking though. A COOL HOAX.

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