Gender bending chemicals are frequently found in water (and among other places), why is this a bizarre claim by RFK Jr?

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Because he can say it. No other reason.

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Viva Manny!

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Thank you for your hard work. The story about the baby monkeys made me cry. The evil that's out there is sometimes too much to bear.

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This is the first I have heard of Atrazine being in the water but who in the world would put it past them? We already know they add Fluoride to the water which they claim is beneficial for the teeth. Guess what? In this upside down and backward world you can expect the OPPOSITE of the truth coming from the media and all alphabet agencies in mostly all reports. You can literally learn MORE truth simply by believing the exact opposite of the mainstream news!

Fluoride DESTROYS tooth enamel however, to believe this one must QUESTION the authorities and look at every alternative to what they have been taught. (programmed to think) I drank city water all my life and got cavities nearly every checkup. I STOPPED drinking city water when I moved into a rural community where I drink filtered well water and about that same time began taking a supplement - fermented cod liver oil and butter oil - said to strengthen the teeth.

I began drinking well water in 2013. I had a dental checkup in 2016 when I had a small cavity forming in a bicuspid. I didn't have it filled. I went back to the dentist for a cleaning in 2019 and X-rays showed the cavity was gone. The dentist thought he had the wrong X-rays but after making sure, he confirmed the cavity had HEALED itself. I haven't been to the dentist since then and my teeth are as strong as they ever were. We live in the age of deception. Question EVERYTHING!

And if you hate having a 4 inch needle stuck into your jaw muscle all the way back to the mandible hinge to deaden the main nerve and you like to have real teeth in your mouth, don't drink ANY city water and try fermented cod liver oil and butter oil. It works!


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