I've said this very thing to my Wife (born in California), and she says nothing. I've told her the United States and the world are under God's righteous judgment. Crickets.
It is a secessionist movement. Oregon NE wants to be a part of Idaho in another movement. Rural parts are 180┬░ from city weirdos in both states. I applaud these movements. The entire country is 85% red (conservative)counties too. So, lefties are not as big a faction as leftist media would portray. Lefties are scum. They are mostly parasite class takers. If we had a civil war, they would lose in a few hours. Lol.
I can think of a more deserving state than the "current" California. You think the debaucherous clowns ever wonder if its the "wrath of God"?
I've said this very thing to my Wife (born in California), and she says nothing. I've told her the United States and the world are under God's righteous judgment. Crickets.
Well, 63,000,000 abortion child sacrifices tends to piss off the Lord.
Naw... They are oblivious.
There is a movement up north and around there to separate from the marxist-satanist-pedohomo government. New California seems to be getting traction.
It is a secessionist movement. Oregon NE wants to be a part of Idaho in another movement. Rural parts are 180┬░ from city weirdos in both states. I applaud these movements. The entire country is 85% red (conservative)counties too. So, lefties are not as big a faction as leftist media would portray. Lefties are scum. They are mostly parasite class takers. If we had a civil war, they would lose in a few hours. Lol.
That describes a decent part of 'Murika also.