Reminds me of that old Hee Haw song:

"Gloom, despair, and agony on me

Deep, dark depression, excessive misery

If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all

Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

Every now and then we need to take break from their show- not very often, but every now and then.

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Just what I thought today when I saw the article on the submersible. Like why were they still spending our tax dollars to look for wreckage and bodies? What a waste. Ok, well we can add that to the illegals getting paid, Ukraine, Iran, ad nauseam. Us citizens need to stop this at some point.

On another note. Check out this book : War is a Racket. By Smedley Butler.

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I posted this comment on an ABC News Youtube video of the alleged massacre of "party goers" by rockets fired by Hamas. Go check it out... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6pmlgR4vtPs If you do, please sort comments by "Newest first" (default is Top comments) and please tell me if they allowed my comment and it is still visible on that link. I posted it just prior to posting this.

War is awful and evil. I pray every day for those affected by this violence. Aside from all that, why do I feel as though we are not getting the entire truth here? How about this for starters? Where are all of the cell phone videos of this attack? How many of the party goers would have had them in their pockets? Does Tom Mayer and his girlfriend (ABC interviewees) have a cell phone? Why doesn't Tom and girlfriend show VIDEO of what happened, but only describes what they saw (and quite unconvincingly at that)? How many people in attendance would have seen such an event as "selfie worthy" and to get a selfie recording of them escaping this attack? So, then, where are all the videos of rockets hitting, blowing up people and limbs flying with dead people all around? I believe NOTHING without questioning it, especially from the MSM.

I added a reply to someone who questioned where were all the dead bodies. No bodies, no rockets impacting and explosions shown except a few rockets flying overhead:

I'm happy to see at least a few people asking questions. The reporter with the helmet on was reminiscent of the first Gulf war and that dude pretending to don a gas mask, what was his name? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tn8zWYxE6_Q&t=2s Tell me, why should we believe ANYTHING they say after this??? (skip to 7:00 in the link to see gas mask actors)

The bottom line: How do we actually believe ANYTHING that we see or hear about what is going on over there??? They lied to us 33 years ago on CNN about the Gulf war (including the babies wearing gas masks etc.,) how could anyone possibly believe they could be telling the truth now????

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I could not watch th leopard thanks for the warning....

Boy, you couldn't imagine this in your wildest dreams.

Notice how the Tonga volcano is barely mentioned in all the "Climate Change" alarmism.

John Casey "Cold Sun" .. Read it.

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That 2007 video of Biden talking about troop withdrawal....that's the real Biden. The one in the WH now is his double. If this platform had the ability to upload images I would prove it to y'all.

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Manuel, I hope you are keeping hard copies of these stories.

Thank you so much for doing this.

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Just one small thing. I don't think 14 October is a month away. Or have I fallen into an alternate timeline?

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THANK YOU I JUST MADE IT CLEARER... The solar eclipse is on Saturday, October 14, 2023... NEXT SATURDAY! It was a post I wrote a month ago about this coming sky phenomenon! Take care and if you watch it put some solar eclipse glasses on! This is a must or you could get blind!

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99.99997 % of news is controlled by CIA and is a lie or Psy op. Especially from satanists NASA, they care not for truth. But their CGI sun colors and planets are kind of interesting, a lie still yet. Be not deceived, these people work for the one we call devil. Wake up and come out of that. Don't partake of their lies or sin. It's a door you can't close.

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