The pic of the "handbags" brought to mind for me a crazy video of still pics of many of what are known as Ica Stones. They are round black stones of varying sizes which exist in the tens of thousands in Ica Peru (pronounced EEKA) and they depict very telling carvings in them. Underneath the black exterior is a white surface allowing detailed carvings to be etched into them. They reveal many mysterious things and the date of their carvings throws a wrench into the entire worldview of Darwinism. Of course, they have been denied and claimed to be fake by the scientific community at large. They are said to have been faked by one peruvian man! These are so ubiquitous, being unearthed to this very day in Peru and at least 33,000 of them are known to have been unearthed however estimates are that there are closer to 100,000 of them yet the world continues to believe that they were ALL carved by one man. Absolute insanity.

Check out this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-_hZE0e4q4&t=652s

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Thank you will look at the video tomorrow

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As you gawk over the insane images, try to imagine that ONE Peruvian farmer carved every one of those images into each of those tens of thousands of stones asking yourself, WHY and HOW and WHEN did he possibly have all the time to do this??? I can't believe what people will try to convince themselves of just to hold up an impossible theory of our origins and JUST for the purpose of evicting God from His miraculous creation! And they call US crazy!!!

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The interesting thing about the ICA stones is that they show humans & dinosaurs lived together! I believe some even show heart surgery!

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Yes, they do. And they (the world or those familiar with the Ica stones) believe that ONE man carved all of these stones for the purpose of debunking the Darwinian worldview. What's worse is that people BELIEVE it. Nothing could interfere with their religion of insanity, that of evolution and everything from nothing (plus billion of years) These stones depict a sort of open heart surgery and very peculiar devices they use to blow into while performing that surgery. They also illustrate so many other things and every one of them is contrary to what most people believe in this world today. It's all becoming too much for me lately, that is, knowing what I know since having sought the truth in all things. Deception is off the charts. The only other thing more common than global deception is global, mass, psychotic IGNORANCE. All I can think of anymore is, "please, Come, Lord Jesus!"

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I forgot to mention that many of them show man with dinosaurs, some of which are in battle with men and others which seem to be pets of men. Take your time and look at the variety and the details of them, you'll be amazed.

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The "Handbags"??? Recently read that they were used to carry water & the pine cone thing was to be able to crosspollinate the date palms. Will we ever know the real explanation?! Thanks for all the interesting posts, Manuel!!

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The bags were used by the 'gods' to collect DMT. The Shamans in Norway, Finland and Russia still did and still do. Reindeer eat mosses and mushrooms and the Shamans let the Reindeer piss on fur. Once dry, it contains salt crystals with DMT and you can eat it from a bowl or drink it from a mug. That is why people in the Anglo-Saxon countries hung socks near the fireplace. Let the socks they had pissed in dry. Would there have been a hallucination ahead of Santa Claus/Christmas days, because with DMT you make time-space travel! The 'pine shell' stands for pine cone (Pineal gland). It is not without reason that the Vatican in Rome has a huge pine cone on a pedestal, with a peacock on either side! No coincidence! Enki has shriveled up our 'pineal' on assignment, so the pineal gland only naturally produces DMT during our birth and death! The Peacocks represent the 'thousand eyes'... because we will not have enough of them when we travel into space! Jacob also made such a space trip (Jacob's ladder - at Pniel... and I move the letter n behind the letter i - I read Pinel = pineal!). DMT can be found in plants, mosses, cactus and mushrooms - see also John Allegro and his book; ‘The Sacret Mushroom & the Cross’!

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How very interesting!! Taking all that in......what is going on Right Now, in your opinion?!

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Hello Loxie Lou Davie,

I forgot to tell you that the two Peacocks represent your moment of birth and your moment of death and then the Pineal Gland naturally produces DMT. This represents the Pine Cone and the two Peacocks at the Vatican in Rome. They know about it... be clear! What could possibly be happening right now or...upcoming?! What is the question?!

Greetings Evert Jan

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We live in the end times. The fourth world is coming to an end and we will soon enter the fifth world. Just a transition from one epoch of 3600 years to the next epoch of 3600 years. The twelfth planet (Zecharia Sitchin), which turns out to be a star! could appear at any moment. All signs point to that. It should appear in the year 2035, but I have received clear indications that it will come sooner. I received those insights in 2007/2008 and again in 2012 via a message. The ancient Sumerians write that forty years before his arrival the climate changed. That is in the here and now, established that it started in the year 1995. If we add forty years, we arrive at 2035! The ancient Frisians sailed with their fleet in the Red Sea in the year -1565 and the sea trembled, the land shook and the water receded... that was the moment of the Exodus and the crossing. If we add 3600 years to that, we arrive at... 2035! The ancient Sumerians also write - that shortly before his arrival (the second star RA, which we may also call GUD, according to the ancient Sumerians...) the planet will be ravaged by storms, rains and deluges and floods... and that has been going on for years... so we are at the very end of this period!

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How very interesting!! Here at age 79 I have come to the conclusion that most everything we were told from birth was a lie. How do we know which "history" we have been taught is correct since the Victors always write the history, according to them?! I wonder if 1,000 years have been added to our calendar?

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731 / 5.000



Then I'm right on your heels with my 70 years! I was interested in ancient cultures and civilizations from an early age. I looked at and read thick books about the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, ancient Egypt, ancient India, Greeks and Romans and got into the books of Erich, found Daniken, Immanuel Velikovsky and others and since 1986 I came across Zecharia Sitchin. I thought I knew everything, but thanks to this book everything fell into place. I delved into the Twelfth Planet, which turns out to be a star, and the 'inhabitants' of the system, whom we know as the 'gods' from ancient times and the Bible. These people are from the 5th dimension.

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Man, what's up with all the sunspots? Crazy days...crazy days and crazier yet to come!

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The first image is for the whole year (facing earth).

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The coverup of Jeffrey Epstein's murder, shows just how up his clients went.

I loved Glynnis Johns in While you were sleeping with Sandra Bullock, very funny.

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That'd be great if we could leave the NASA CGI freemason team work fiction of this site, I mean you can't be that asleep?

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Wide and deep.

We used to have a saying. "every nigerian gets a printing press for their 16th birthday"

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