I live in the Mid Atlantic, in Virginia near Williamsburg and the York River. May is my favorite month and has been since I can remember. It is the month that FINALLY ushers in good weather and guarantees no more snow. Not this year.
May has been a geoengineered massive pit of manufactured low pressure systems, one after another and steer…
I live in the Mid Atlantic, in Virginia near Williamsburg and the York River. May is my favorite month and has been since I can remember. It is the month that FINALLY ushers in good weather and guarantees no more snow. Not this year.
May has been a geoengineered massive pit of manufactured low pressure systems, one after another and steered directly overhead. I have many shorts on my Youtube channel showing Doppler Radar images of how they constantly pump energy into the atmosphere creating weather havoc and this May, I just happen to live under their target area and I'm SICK OF IT! It's raining and 62 degrees today and the weather map shows a stalled NOR'EASTER over the Southern and Mid Atlantic coasts.
Nobody seems to care and my videos get virtually no views because they destroy the audio and video quality when I upload them to youtube. When I play them after I make them, my voice is loud and clear. After I upload them it sounds like I'm mumbling into a tin can with cotton stuffed in my mouth! They blur the images too so that the full impact is not seen.
I write this in response to the flooding in Nebraska where anyone can see how they are accomplishing this by looking at a good (not animated) Doppler Radar map. I use COD, College of Dupage, literally the ONLY one (that I know of) that will still show the actual radar returns without filtering and animating the images. Go look at it today before they take it down. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ttLN_D3FCz4
I live in the Mid Atlantic, in Virginia near Williamsburg and the York River. May is my favorite month and has been since I can remember. It is the month that FINALLY ushers in good weather and guarantees no more snow. Not this year.
May has been a geoengineered massive pit of manufactured low pressure systems, one after another and steered directly overhead. I have many shorts on my Youtube channel showing Doppler Radar images of how they constantly pump energy into the atmosphere creating weather havoc and this May, I just happen to live under their target area and I'm SICK OF IT! It's raining and 62 degrees today and the weather map shows a stalled NOR'EASTER over the Southern and Mid Atlantic coasts.
Nobody seems to care and my videos get virtually no views because they destroy the audio and video quality when I upload them to youtube. When I play them after I make them, my voice is loud and clear. After I upload them it sounds like I'm mumbling into a tin can with cotton stuffed in my mouth! They blur the images too so that the full impact is not seen.
I write this in response to the flooding in Nebraska where anyone can see how they are accomplishing this by looking at a good (not animated) Doppler Radar map. I use COD, College of Dupage, literally the ONLY one (that I know of) that will still show the actual radar returns without filtering and animating the images. Go look at it today before they take it down. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ttLN_D3FCz4
Depopulation on all fronts, land, sea, and air. Satan is clicking his hooves.