The problem with voter drop boxes and people legally observing isn't a problem. Arizona is a Constitutional Carry state too. It is perfectly legal to carry concealed or open without a permit. That state was stolen last election. The people watching are videotaping vehicles pulling up with license plates covered, and dropping fraudulent ballots. All elections are rigged and plagued by leftist fraud. 2,000 Mules exposed this fact. Courts don't do crap either. Everything is corrupted. Same crap now in Brazil with election fraud. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is a fact, and provable. Watch 2,000 Mules and you will see quite clearly.
Edit and Update:
November 2nd
A Phoenix judge blocked the use of cameras at voter drop boxes. Obviously, this judge does not believe in the Consitution. Likely he is a bribed or leveraged subversive buttclown. A public street is public. Cameras are used on a regular basis all over the country. When crimes are captured, the footage is used in court as evidence! This will lead to voter fraud, and communists remaining in power. Every facet of local government is corrupt. Free and fair elections are a myth.
And you watch, they'll do it again in another week. They're predicting a red tsunami but I think the election thieves this year will be even bolder than in 2020 and when they show them proof they will say we're crazy. It's more than strange sounds, we will have strange video and they will demonically stare into our faces and say we're looney tunes. Jesus is going to return. He's going to give the prideful arrogant degenerates life on earth without the presence of the believers on earth and it will be flippin nuts. Absolute hell on earth. I will be with my Saviour. Oh and Offgridman, I live in Az, ...Tucson to be exact.
I'm 45 miles north of you, and yes, they'll try but this time liberals will be stalled. I think no more computer counting, either, and no counting unless both parties have representative keeping an eye on things.
"It's not the votes that count, but he who counts the votes."
---Stalin's buttclown buddy.
Don't forget, there is a legacy of fraud with sørøs diebold machines and with those døminiøn machines. It was exposed here, Canada, and in Venezuela. Of course, Pinnochio media brushed it under the rug.
A cheater-repeat is almost gauranteed. There were no consequences in 2020. Part of marxist-satanist strategy is unequal justice to demoralize the opposition. Another part of marxist-satanist strategy is to ruin the nuclear family, and divide people. That is why we see people divided by race, age, sex, and the open promotion of trannypedohomolesbo activities. The backlash is coming though. People are fed up with reprobates, and so is Christ.
And when Christ raptures the church, for 7 years God will unleash his fury on a God rejecting world all the while at this time being the absolute last time you can still repent but if you do repent you will, I repeat will die for Christ. Experts believe the greatest revival on earth will happen at this time. There will be 3 types of people, the people who knew and rejected God,... the people in the middle who will hear the lies from the Antichrist but have close ones who are Believers but will be torn to which direction to turn, and the third, the sold out souls for satan. The earth will have 3 fold judgement, judgement from God, judgement from Satan and judgement from man. It will be ugly evil in triplicate and on steroids. This so called "bad" time now is a Sunday after church picnic compared to what people will face. The devil knows his time is short and things are going fast.
I know one thing that helped me when I was at a crossroads (gambling, drinking, chasing loose women), that is, quit and Repent. Ask Christ for forgiveness, and don't backslide. Since then (nearly 10 years) my life improved and miracles happened before my very eyes. Now, I have no devil's temptations leading me away from Christ.
When I had tried before, I'd be good for six years, four years, three years, two years, a year etc. However, I backslid. Things would go badly, and I would quit being a hedonist, but didn't have Christ in my heart, so the devil's temptations would get to me. Once I really Repented in earnest, and stuck to it. It worked. Now life is darn good. At night I always pray, and at the end thank God Almighty, Christ, The Holy Spirit, and the Angels for rescuing me. I make sure to count my blessings off, and then pray for the others that were in my kind of trouble to be saved.
When one truly repents one does a true 180. What I have found Offgridman is that God's commands are not burdensome. Jesus said his yoke is easy and his burden is light! If we love God, truly putting God first in every facet and corner of our life, life truly is awesome and HIS way is the WAY. When I let God into my life, I gave him the whole house, not the broom closet. Too many people want Jesus as their savior but not their Lord. If you live in spirit filled obedience you are living the most exciting life a believer could live! Be encouraged OGM....I've been a Christian since 1985 and I'm a baby in so many areas still. But God has done so much eye opening since covidiocy I see now! My eyes are opened. I'm awakened. NOT WOKE. BE BLESSED OFFGRIDMAM! I'm at prayer meeting at my church. Later.
I found my Strange Sounds link in my spam folder today. I first thought there wasn't one for Tuesday this week then I found it in spam. Now a days, everyone should check their spam folders as it seems that there is now more useful mail in there than spam. Just a heads up for those getting the same pathetic kind of censoring of anything to do with TRUTH.
I can appreciate your penchant to keep the peace. However, when it comes to rightly dividing the Scriptures, we must be sure to allow the text to interpret itself exegetically, not eisegetically. So much damage has been done to our world by those who wrongly understand eschatology. So many baseless religious wars. When one understands the fraud and manipulation of the Greek texts committed 150 years ago they begin to understand why the "modern" prophecy teachings are not only erroneous, but dangerous. How do you think the Church would interact with the world if they stopped assuming the Parousia of Christ is just around the corner? Their faulty understanding of biblical prophecy is not an innocent mistake but a calculated avoidance and ignorance of scholarly study. And it has dire ramifications presently on politics and religion. The group responsible for having Christ tortured and hung on a Roman cross 2,000 years ago is the same group today destroying Christianity from within. It was this group that had their sacrificial system, their temple, and their whole city obliterated in 70 A.D. To say they are "God's Chosen People" is to completely disregard Biblical texts to the contrary. Division is good - it separates the 'wheat from the tares.' Unification with error is not commendable. If it is, then the Apostles taught and corrected their brethren in vain did they not?
Nope, I am an Arizonan. The only voters worried about armed guards by voting boxes are those who want to vote illegally. A camera is on each box and that can ID the person. 309 is to be voted on, on the 8th, and when it passes, all voters will have to have picture ID or the voter told to go get one. Blacks are furious that liberals are saying they’re too stupid to get a picture ID. Very few mail-in ballots will be accepted, and it must be proved the person is incapable of getting to the polling place. Otherwise the ballot is discarded.
Nederlands, Holland, is well named, the land of snakes. Darkness is closing over the EU. The prophecy is, Europe will be turned into a slag heap for its evil. Now would be a good time to EMIGRATE.
Well to hell. Miners in the family said in the lower levels there was always a cold wind that whispered around you. They said it was the spirits of dead miners calling you home. After all, you were already in a tomb.
Chinese devils
Xi came to visit Pres. Trump and was ushered into the Oval Office. Trump was speaking into a phone and grinning, then hung up. He starts to explain that with this phone, another American first, you could call Heaven or Hell to talk to relatives who passed away. Before Xi could say anything, the phone rings.
“Mr. President,” the demonic operator says, “Please deposit $5,000.00 for your long-distance call to Hell.”
“Yes, excuse me.” Trump inserts a credit card and the demon thanks him. he sets it down and begins to talk but Xi can’t take his eyes off the phone.
“Tell ya what,” Trump said, smiling, “In the interest of good relations, how about you take this? We’re gonna start manufacturing them after the election.”
Xi is all thanks and he hurries out. But, he was so busy for the next few days he forgot about the phone till an aide asks him. Xi grabs the phone. It has two numbers on it, 777 and 666. Knowing his father was a loyal party member, he dials Hell.
He chats with his father for a while and then paperwork is dropped on his desk. People are waiting on him. he apologizes and hangs up. After a half an hour, he starts to scowl. The operator from Hell didn’t call to say how much he owed for the call so he dials Hell to ask.
Perhaps a little surprised, the operator says, “Sir, you’re calling from China?”
“Yes,” Xi said, angry.
“Oh, not a problem, sir. Communist China is a local call.”
I love Strange Sounds. I am even considering upgrading to paid. Even so, we are no where near the End Times, Last Days, or a so-called "rapture" of the Church. In fact, all this already happened 2,000 years ago, only people don't like to believe their Bibles, especially Matthew 24:34. They much rather believe prophecy gurus like Hal Lindsey, Thomas Ice and other Dispensationalists which wouldn't know eschatology if it landed on their nose. If only people would study instead of listening to these charlatans. They "think" they see what The Revelation of Jesus Christ states, but they don't. They think they understand Daniel, especially Daniel 9:27, but they don't. For 1500 years Christians have speculated that mankind is near or in the Last Days, only to find out we weren't. I suspect mankind will continue speculating for at least 1500 more years.
Probably not another 1500 years as Yeshua HaMashiach indicated in Matthew 24:22 just look around i think theres really not much time, maybe 1 year or maybe 20 years or maybe even 100 but not 1500.
However i will only input one difference between what Christians have speculated for 1500 years, although i think its much closer to 1900 plus years, and that is the fact that you can look at a map and see a country by the name of Israel which after the temple destruction of 70 AD has returned to the land (though not the full promised land yet but still, Israel is there)
Doesn't matter what people think or not, we have the liberty to differ however those that truly believe the rapture (harpazo) will occur or is near live a different life versus those who think its not going to happen. Either way, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Him.
You seemed to have missed my point. Firstly, Christ's Parousia happened once and for all in A.D. 70 - there are NO more returns, not in 1 year, 20 years, 100 years or 1500 years. He already came. The Book of the Revelation is fulfilled, completely. There is NO prophecy left unfulfilled. And Yeshua was addressing FIRST century believers, that was HIS audience - not the Christian Church in perpetuity. This is a common mistake most unscholarly students make - negating audience relevance. The Scripture is NOT written to US today - it was written to people that lived thousands of years ago. We can deduce certain precepts from it - but we cannot arbitrarily apply it's prophecies with specific time stamps to periods thousands of years in the future from the time it was originally written. That is just intellectual suicide.
As for the State of Israel - the land was granted to them by the Balfour Declaration, not God. It was organized by the Zionist Rothschild family. Even if you want to believe Matthew 24:34 has to do with 1948, which it does not, a biblical generation is 40 years. We are now at 75 years and counting. When does the prophecy become ridiculous? Prophecy is not open-ended. Each one gave specific time frames of its fulfillment. Exactly 40 years after Christ gave the prophecy in Matthew 24 the Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed. The Jewish cultus was ended forever.
And yes, we do have the liberty to differ. However, I've found that most Premillennial Dispensationalists have no clue how their system of interpretation developed 200 years ago nor the fraud and blatant disregard for scriptural integrity and alteration of Greek texts. The same people instituting the Great Reset are the same families involved in laying the foundation for the modern Jewish State, which even Orthodox Judaism abhors relative to the Tanakh.
The Book of the Revelation was written around 64 A.D., not the popularized 96. A.D. This, in an of itself completely nullifies it being anything other than a prophecy linked directly to the Book of Daniel about the destruction of Judaism, the decimation of Jerusalem, and the complete obliteration of their Temple, all of which occurred in 70 A.D.
While I offer others the liberty to disagree, as I stated, none of them have actually studied the facts, but instead rely on personal interpretation and prophecy guru's like Lindsey, MacArthur and others to tell them what to believe relative to eschatology. They have been deceived.
Your video is one of the more interesting videos I have looked at online. I don't usually watch videos as I use a phone out here in the offgrid. I bookmarked it, so I can watch it again. Probably will irritate many people, but it is worthwhile and very interesting too.
Thank you. I'm glad you found it informative. And I'm not in a popularity contest or trying to acquire a mass audience, just try to reach as many Dispensationalists with the truth as I can. Too bad you're in the back 40 - although I'm secretly jealous - otherwise I'd send you a couple DVD copies, still have some left after sending them all over the world. You can always reach me through my website -
Thanks for the link and comments. Based upon the video, I think your audience will be the three-digit I.Q. free thinkers. Sheeple won't go out of their comfort zone. I enjoyed the scholarly lecture.
Exactly. Sheople, sadly, are being led to the slaughter. Why? As you state, intellectual boobs have no tolerance for critical thinkers. Glad to make your acquaintance. JP
I could go through the book of Revelation and most every other major and minor prophet found in Scripture and simply start throwing out prophecies that are future - yet to occur - and every preterist, in order to make sense of modern preterist proclamations, must twist the scripture to oblivion and look at every item of prophecy as metaphoric. I have enough knowledge about preterism to understand its tenets which attempt to make people disbelieve in end times eschatology, i.e. the end times we are right now living in but I also know the Historic Christian Faith found throughout the Bible, more accurately the dispensational interpretation of Scripture is not only the application of correct hermeneutics but is without controversy the most accurate. I have been studying the written word of God for more than 40 years and the more I study, the more I find a literal interpretation to be the correct one. I am not inviting a debate on this issue, I am addressing it for the record and for anyone who reads your comment to have the correct view so that they may study the preterist controversy for themselves. I am certain that if anyone makes an HONEST investigation into this matter, they will come to the conclusion that most every logical scholar of dispensational eschatology comes to which is that we are yet to see over half of the predictions made by the prophets of the Old and New Testaments come to pass. One final thought regarding this debate; WHO is served by manipulating Scripture to believe that all of Bible prophecy has already been completely fulfilled?
Firstly, whether one is a brand new Bible student or a decades long biblical scholar is irrelevant. Does one honor Scriptural integrity? Preterism is a system of eschatological interpretation which is almost 2,000 years old. On the other hand, Dispensational theology originated in the 19th century. While age does not signify accuracy, it does mean there is much more time to test something. Dispensationalism contradicts the plain and literal interpretation of Scripture all the while holding to a hyper literalistic interpretation of prophecy. So, in order to understand Preterism, one must first understand Scriptural integrity. I appreciate your comment, but would honestly like to know what makes you think you understand Preterism since you stated not a few faulty assumptions about it's premise. Likewise, you're not the FIRST to attempt to set the "record straight." Preterists have held debates with some of the most popular 20th century Dispensationalists such as Thomas Ice and made a mockery of the system, just as Dr. R.C. Sproul used to do. Dispensationalism has never won a debate against Preterism, that is why Preterists are considered "heretics" and Dispensationa.lists are warned against debating us because at the higher echelon they know it only produces more Preterists from Dispensational ranks. When I produced a documentary on the issue I tried to elicit the involvement of John MacArthur only to be ignored and dismissed. So please do be careful with your false accusations. Preterists prove that men such as John Darby and Cyrus Scofield not only "manipulated" Scripture, but committed fraud by actually redefining Greek words to fit their new interpretation. This is why there is no scholarly debate, relatively speaking, between Preterists and Dispensationalists anymore because when a foundation of Scriptural integrity is laid out to the audience, most realize how corrupt the premise of Dispensational theology was in the late 1800's when it was being developed.
I am going to set aside the particulars of this debate, which to me has no logical reason to exist at all and I am going to lay it out for you as I see it from my years (over 40) studying the Bible and walking with The Lord. While I spent my younger years doing things that I am now ashamed of, I have come around to God's Way of thinking and acting in this life and I have been washed in regeneration by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ who loved me and died for me.
I have delved deeply into the preterism debate beginning in the 1990s when Hank Hanegraaff of Walter Martin's "Bible Answer Man" broadcast claimed to be a preterist but I found that I hit bottom before going very deep at all.
I am a born again, saved and sanctified, Holy Spirit filled, rightly dividing, King James Bible believing, obedient child of The Living God and I love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind and with all my strength, Mark 12:30, and God testifies this to me every single day. My faith defines who I am and it grows in me every day that I live and breathe.
I am not a novice nor do I take any part of the PRESERVED written word of God lightly. Note: It is necessary to define the "type" of Christian that I am because of the fact that the Historic, Apostolic, Christian Faith is nearly vanished from the world and we are living in the time of the apostasy of the Church or the "falling away" spoken of by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 in which he prophetically says, "let no man deceive you (with all due respect, as you are trying to do now) that the day of Christ is at hand for there shall come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (Daniel 9).
We are at this moment in this falling away and the evidence is overwhelming. For the aforementioned reasons I have refrained myself from using the title "Christian" without giving an explanation of what a Christian is. I offer this as a comparison for the modern church "Christian" and do not intend to boast about any of what I am, it is ALL of God and not myself as Scripture says I am God's workmanship.
I pray before every morsel of food goes into my mouth, even snacks like popcorn because I know that it all comes from Him. I pray and give God thanks and praise on my knees every single day in the morning time for at least 45 minutes, often times longer, at night before going to bed and also before leaving the house every time I leave it (much less now because I'm retired)
I don't partake in any vile discussion nor do I use profanity of any kind, my speech is polite and respectful of those who can hear me. Although I would have a very substantial monetary inheritance if my dad would pass away, I do not want worldly riches and I pray constantly for God to PRESERVE my dad's life so that He would see the catching away of the saints and perhaps believe at that time. There is nothing in this world that I desire, God has supplied all my needs and more. I live modestly, in a small house which I have lived in for the last 22 years and do not desire a bigger house.
The Holy Spirit lives within me and GUIDES me in my life and actions and has TAUGHT me through Scripture what He expects of me as a creation of Himself who had thought me up and gave me being from nothing at all. I have given my entire life and consciousness to Him and I live for Him now and for eternity. He has opened up my spiritual understanding during this past decade more than any other decade of my Christian life and has confirmed to my soul that we are in the very last days of the age of Grace.
Deception is at an all time high. We are seeing the alignment of allies against Israel coming to pass as told by the prophets of Scripture in ways that just a decade ago were not true nor could even be imagined (without prophecy). We are seeing every prophecy of end times eschatological event coming to pass EVENFOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT LOOKING FOR IT or even actually know what it is.
I could not have written this comment if every word of it wasn't true. I follow wherever the Spirit guides me (not as if I hear audible voices as some foolish "Christians" claim) He has guided me here and to write this as a testimony to the TRUTH. I am not foolish or ignorant, in fact, He has given me great wisdom at my request over the years. This is my honest testimony.
So, you see, from my perspective and from the knowledge that I have gained over the years from studying God's written word (for the last 14 years, the King James Authorized Version of 1611 which He encouraged me to study at that time; all modern versions are CHANGED and NOT the preserved written word of God - a lengthy study in itself which I also have undertaken) the very idea of Preterism is not only foolish to me, it increases in foolishness as time goes on.
Again, with all due respect, to believe that all prophecy of Scripture has already come to pass and that the Bible is a book of past history with no future prophecy is to not only ignore current events but to manipulate the preserved written word of God beyond recognition which is forbidden by God Himself.
Thank you for that very long winded personal testimony. I wish not to add to or take away from your personal experience and convictions. Your experience is your experience, no one else's. And if Preterism is foolishness to you, so be it. However, you present no argument against it but your own subjective experience of why what you believe is the truth. It is the truth to you at this time. No one can argue against that. Time is the final arbiter of truth. You believe we're in the last days, the Great Apostasy, etc., so be it. Plenty do. Interestingly is the fact that none can prove it, whereas Preterism can prove we are not in the last days, the great apostasy, or the time of Israel's destruction. Dispensationalism replaces spiritual Israel with a political state, that is one of their greatest errors, in time you may perhaps come to realize that. Either way, thanks for sharing. Just remember that Scripture can only properly be interpreted exegetically, not eisigetically. And there isn't a biblical scholar alive that would argue against this point.
I was taught different about the rapture, ie., false doctrine. I don't fault anyone that goes for that though. I have stored articles in my folder about that topic. I don't argue about it with people since it may hurt their feelings. It could be something as simple as an innocent mistake in interpretation. I used to argue and point out things, but now I don't. Rather have more points of agreement than disagreement with my Christian brothers. We don't need any more division in the ranks.
Not an ethical experiment. Dr. Fraudchi was an expert at unethical animal experiments. He used beagles, and let sand flies eat the dogs alive. He turned monkeys into tranny demons.
Mysterious Black Ring Over Vietnam:
I watched that video three times. Could an aircraft have made that ring like the old school sky writers did for advertisements? Then the plane flys out of view, and videographer takes video. Does look strange, but probably has an explanation which is not strange.
Honestly, I do appreciate your tenacity. You're definitely convinced you understand soteriology. However, do you? Really? This is why you do not understand the Preterist view of eschatology. First one must have a scriptural understanding of salvation, not a religious one. I am not a sinner. I am a saint. And today, on this side of the Cross, one does not need to be "saved." They already have been by the Mediator, Christ Jesus. One does not "get" their name written into the Book of Life since Golgotha. But one can have their name blotted out of it, implying all are written therein. John 3:3 does not at all imply what modern Christendom believes it to mean. It simply states that 2,000 years people were having a very difficult time understanding how one could be justified without the works of the Mosaic Law. Thus Yeshua explained that just as one was born of water physically, they must also be born of the Spirit. I know this sounds confusing but it is not. It is modern-day churchiantiy that has clouded the issue with their easy-peasy "salvation."
And I'm truly happy for you - yes you have been redeemed. You were bought with a price. Christ died in your stead. So I ask you again - what are you saved from? Everyone was redeemed at the Cross. Everyone. The whole of the human race. The question is - will everyone be glorified? And perhaps you understand 'propitiation' - but most do not. They assume Christ appeased "the Father's" wrath. That is incorrect. You dwell with Yeshua now if you have been redeemed. He lives in his spiritual temple, of which we dwell if we belong to Him. It appears like most Christians, you have been taught that you must be "born again" in order to have your sins forgiven and go to Heaven when you die physically. And that this act of being "born again" "saves" you from hell. What do you do with Matthew 5:18? How can you know you're "saved" if you're still under the Law of Moses? This is why Preterism makes no sense to most religious people - they can't even begin to grasp how Heaven and Earth passed away in 70 A.D. This is why I do not enter into debate lightly about eschatology with Dispensationalists - because they don't even have a grasp of Christology, let alone soteriology.
Please understand, with all due respect, you are still at the Hebrews 5:12 level. And that is okay. Everyone starts out on milk. But please, cut some of us a little slack who've progressed into the 'meat.' If after 40 years of study you are still at an elementary stage, please be advised - Paul's words to the Hebrews was not a commendation, it was a reproof.
The problem with voter drop boxes and people legally observing isn't a problem. Arizona is a Constitutional Carry state too. It is perfectly legal to carry concealed or open without a permit. That state was stolen last election. The people watching are videotaping vehicles pulling up with license plates covered, and dropping fraudulent ballots. All elections are rigged and plagued by leftist fraud. 2,000 Mules exposed this fact. Courts don't do crap either. Everything is corrupted. Same crap now in Brazil with election fraud. This is not a conspiracy theory. It is a fact, and provable. Watch 2,000 Mules and you will see quite clearly.
Edit and Update:
November 2nd
A Phoenix judge blocked the use of cameras at voter drop boxes. Obviously, this judge does not believe in the Consitution. Likely he is a bribed or leveraged subversive buttclown. A public street is public. Cameras are used on a regular basis all over the country. When crimes are captured, the footage is used in court as evidence! This will lead to voter fraud, and communists remaining in power. Every facet of local government is corrupt. Free and fair elections are a myth.
And you watch, they'll do it again in another week. They're predicting a red tsunami but I think the election thieves this year will be even bolder than in 2020 and when they show them proof they will say we're crazy. It's more than strange sounds, we will have strange video and they will demonically stare into our faces and say we're looney tunes. Jesus is going to return. He's going to give the prideful arrogant degenerates life on earth without the presence of the believers on earth and it will be flippin nuts. Absolute hell on earth. I will be with my Saviour. Oh and Offgridman, I live in Az, ...Tucson to be exact.
I'm 45 miles north of you, and yes, they'll try but this time liberals will be stalled. I think no more computer counting, either, and no counting unless both parties have representative keeping an eye on things.
Good if it can be accomplished.
"It's not the votes that count, but he who counts the votes."
---Stalin's buttclown buddy.
Don't forget, there is a legacy of fraud with sørøs diebold machines and with those døminiøn machines. It was exposed here, Canada, and in Venezuela. Of course, Pinnochio media brushed it under the rug.
A cheater-repeat is almost gauranteed. There were no consequences in 2020. Part of marxist-satanist strategy is unequal justice to demoralize the opposition. Another part of marxist-satanist strategy is to ruin the nuclear family, and divide people. That is why we see people divided by race, age, sex, and the open promotion of trannypedohomolesbo activities. The backlash is coming though. People are fed up with reprobates, and so is Christ.
And when Christ raptures the church, for 7 years God will unleash his fury on a God rejecting world all the while at this time being the absolute last time you can still repent but if you do repent you will, I repeat will die for Christ. Experts believe the greatest revival on earth will happen at this time. There will be 3 types of people, the people who knew and rejected God,... the people in the middle who will hear the lies from the Antichrist but have close ones who are Believers but will be torn to which direction to turn, and the third, the sold out souls for satan. The earth will have 3 fold judgement, judgement from God, judgement from Satan and judgement from man. It will be ugly evil in triplicate and on steroids. This so called "bad" time now is a Sunday after church picnic compared to what people will face. The devil knows his time is short and things are going fast.
I know one thing that helped me when I was at a crossroads (gambling, drinking, chasing loose women), that is, quit and Repent. Ask Christ for forgiveness, and don't backslide. Since then (nearly 10 years) my life improved and miracles happened before my very eyes. Now, I have no devil's temptations leading me away from Christ.
When I had tried before, I'd be good for six years, four years, three years, two years, a year etc. However, I backslid. Things would go badly, and I would quit being a hedonist, but didn't have Christ in my heart, so the devil's temptations would get to me. Once I really Repented in earnest, and stuck to it. It worked. Now life is darn good. At night I always pray, and at the end thank God Almighty, Christ, The Holy Spirit, and the Angels for rescuing me. I make sure to count my blessings off, and then pray for the others that were in my kind of trouble to be saved.
When one truly repents one does a true 180. What I have found Offgridman is that God's commands are not burdensome. Jesus said his yoke is easy and his burden is light! If we love God, truly putting God first in every facet and corner of our life, life truly is awesome and HIS way is the WAY. When I let God into my life, I gave him the whole house, not the broom closet. Too many people want Jesus as their savior but not their Lord. If you live in spirit filled obedience you are living the most exciting life a believer could live! Be encouraged OGM....I've been a Christian since 1985 and I'm a baby in so many areas still. But God has done so much eye opening since covidiocy I see now! My eyes are opened. I'm awakened. NOT WOKE. BE BLESSED OFFGRIDMAM! I'm at prayer meeting at my church. Later.
I found my Strange Sounds link in my spam folder today. I first thought there wasn't one for Tuesday this week then I found it in spam. Now a days, everyone should check their spam folders as it seems that there is now more useful mail in there than spam. Just a heads up for those getting the same pathetic kind of censoring of anything to do with TRUTH.
I found some in my spam folder. Probably a word triggers a filter and then it is dumped there. That is my guess.
I can appreciate your penchant to keep the peace. However, when it comes to rightly dividing the Scriptures, we must be sure to allow the text to interpret itself exegetically, not eisegetically. So much damage has been done to our world by those who wrongly understand eschatology. So many baseless religious wars. When one understands the fraud and manipulation of the Greek texts committed 150 years ago they begin to understand why the "modern" prophecy teachings are not only erroneous, but dangerous. How do you think the Church would interact with the world if they stopped assuming the Parousia of Christ is just around the corner? Their faulty understanding of biblical prophecy is not an innocent mistake but a calculated avoidance and ignorance of scholarly study. And it has dire ramifications presently on politics and religion. The group responsible for having Christ tortured and hung on a Roman cross 2,000 years ago is the same group today destroying Christianity from within. It was this group that had their sacrificial system, their temple, and their whole city obliterated in 70 A.D. To say they are "God's Chosen People" is to completely disregard Biblical texts to the contrary. Division is good - it separates the 'wheat from the tares.' Unification with error is not commendable. If it is, then the Apostles taught and corrected their brethren in vain did they not?
I agree with your argument in both posts. I have read a few articles on the topic.
Nope, I am an Arizonan. The only voters worried about armed guards by voting boxes are those who want to vote illegally. A camera is on each box and that can ID the person. 309 is to be voted on, on the 8th, and when it passes, all voters will have to have picture ID or the voter told to go get one. Blacks are furious that liberals are saying they’re too stupid to get a picture ID. Very few mail-in ballots will be accepted, and it must be proved the person is incapable of getting to the polling place. Otherwise the ballot is discarded.
Nederlands, Holland, is well named, the land of snakes. Darkness is closing over the EU. The prophecy is, Europe will be turned into a slag heap for its evil. Now would be a good time to EMIGRATE.
Well to hell. Miners in the family said in the lower levels there was always a cold wind that whispered around you. They said it was the spirits of dead miners calling you home. After all, you were already in a tomb.
Chinese devils
Xi came to visit Pres. Trump and was ushered into the Oval Office. Trump was speaking into a phone and grinning, then hung up. He starts to explain that with this phone, another American first, you could call Heaven or Hell to talk to relatives who passed away. Before Xi could say anything, the phone rings.
“Mr. President,” the demonic operator says, “Please deposit $5,000.00 for your long-distance call to Hell.”
“Yes, excuse me.” Trump inserts a credit card and the demon thanks him. he sets it down and begins to talk but Xi can’t take his eyes off the phone.
“Tell ya what,” Trump said, smiling, “In the interest of good relations, how about you take this? We’re gonna start manufacturing them after the election.”
Xi is all thanks and he hurries out. But, he was so busy for the next few days he forgot about the phone till an aide asks him. Xi grabs the phone. It has two numbers on it, 777 and 666. Knowing his father was a loyal party member, he dials Hell.
He chats with his father for a while and then paperwork is dropped on his desk. People are waiting on him. he apologizes and hangs up. After a half an hour, he starts to scowl. The operator from Hell didn’t call to say how much he owed for the call so he dials Hell to ask.
Perhaps a little surprised, the operator says, “Sir, you’re calling from China?”
“Yes,” Xi said, angry.
“Oh, not a problem, sir. Communist China is a local call.”
Only a few years later, so was DC.
Good one!
I love Strange Sounds. I am even considering upgrading to paid. Even so, we are no where near the End Times, Last Days, or a so-called "rapture" of the Church. In fact, all this already happened 2,000 years ago, only people don't like to believe their Bibles, especially Matthew 24:34. They much rather believe prophecy gurus like Hal Lindsey, Thomas Ice and other Dispensationalists which wouldn't know eschatology if it landed on their nose. If only people would study instead of listening to these charlatans. They "think" they see what The Revelation of Jesus Christ states, but they don't. They think they understand Daniel, especially Daniel 9:27, but they don't. For 1500 years Christians have speculated that mankind is near or in the Last Days, only to find out we weren't. I suspect mankind will continue speculating for at least 1500 more years.
Probably not another 1500 years as Yeshua HaMashiach indicated in Matthew 24:22 just look around i think theres really not much time, maybe 1 year or maybe 20 years or maybe even 100 but not 1500.
However i will only input one difference between what Christians have speculated for 1500 years, although i think its much closer to 1900 plus years, and that is the fact that you can look at a map and see a country by the name of Israel which after the temple destruction of 70 AD has returned to the land (though not the full promised land yet but still, Israel is there)
Doesn't matter what people think or not, we have the liberty to differ however those that truly believe the rapture (harpazo) will occur or is near live a different life versus those who think its not going to happen. Either way, Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Him.
You seemed to have missed my point. Firstly, Christ's Parousia happened once and for all in A.D. 70 - there are NO more returns, not in 1 year, 20 years, 100 years or 1500 years. He already came. The Book of the Revelation is fulfilled, completely. There is NO prophecy left unfulfilled. And Yeshua was addressing FIRST century believers, that was HIS audience - not the Christian Church in perpetuity. This is a common mistake most unscholarly students make - negating audience relevance. The Scripture is NOT written to US today - it was written to people that lived thousands of years ago. We can deduce certain precepts from it - but we cannot arbitrarily apply it's prophecies with specific time stamps to periods thousands of years in the future from the time it was originally written. That is just intellectual suicide.
As for the State of Israel - the land was granted to them by the Balfour Declaration, not God. It was organized by the Zionist Rothschild family. Even if you want to believe Matthew 24:34 has to do with 1948, which it does not, a biblical generation is 40 years. We are now at 75 years and counting. When does the prophecy become ridiculous? Prophecy is not open-ended. Each one gave specific time frames of its fulfillment. Exactly 40 years after Christ gave the prophecy in Matthew 24 the Temple and Jerusalem were destroyed. The Jewish cultus was ended forever.
And yes, we do have the liberty to differ. However, I've found that most Premillennial Dispensationalists have no clue how their system of interpretation developed 200 years ago nor the fraud and blatant disregard for scriptural integrity and alteration of Greek texts. The same people instituting the Great Reset are the same families involved in laying the foundation for the modern Jewish State, which even Orthodox Judaism abhors relative to the Tanakh.
The Book of the Revelation was written around 64 A.D., not the popularized 96. A.D. This, in an of itself completely nullifies it being anything other than a prophecy linked directly to the Book of Daniel about the destruction of Judaism, the decimation of Jerusalem, and the complete obliteration of their Temple, all of which occurred in 70 A.D.
While I offer others the liberty to disagree, as I stated, none of them have actually studied the facts, but instead rely on personal interpretation and prophecy guru's like Lindsey, MacArthur and others to tell them what to believe relative to eschatology. They have been deceived.
You may find my research here: I look forward to your criticisms of why it is not accurate.
Your video is one of the more interesting videos I have looked at online. I don't usually watch videos as I use a phone out here in the offgrid. I bookmarked it, so I can watch it again. Probably will irritate many people, but it is worthwhile and very interesting too.
Thank you. I'm glad you found it informative. And I'm not in a popularity contest or trying to acquire a mass audience, just try to reach as many Dispensationalists with the truth as I can. Too bad you're in the back 40 - although I'm secretly jealous - otherwise I'd send you a couple DVD copies, still have some left after sending them all over the world. You can always reach me through my website -
Thanks for the link and comments. Based upon the video, I think your audience will be the three-digit I.Q. free thinkers. Sheeple won't go out of their comfort zone. I enjoyed the scholarly lecture.
Exactly. Sheople, sadly, are being led to the slaughter. Why? As you state, intellectual boobs have no tolerance for critical thinkers. Glad to make your acquaintance. JP
I could go through the book of Revelation and most every other major and minor prophet found in Scripture and simply start throwing out prophecies that are future - yet to occur - and every preterist, in order to make sense of modern preterist proclamations, must twist the scripture to oblivion and look at every item of prophecy as metaphoric. I have enough knowledge about preterism to understand its tenets which attempt to make people disbelieve in end times eschatology, i.e. the end times we are right now living in but I also know the Historic Christian Faith found throughout the Bible, more accurately the dispensational interpretation of Scripture is not only the application of correct hermeneutics but is without controversy the most accurate. I have been studying the written word of God for more than 40 years and the more I study, the more I find a literal interpretation to be the correct one. I am not inviting a debate on this issue, I am addressing it for the record and for anyone who reads your comment to have the correct view so that they may study the preterist controversy for themselves. I am certain that if anyone makes an HONEST investigation into this matter, they will come to the conclusion that most every logical scholar of dispensational eschatology comes to which is that we are yet to see over half of the predictions made by the prophets of the Old and New Testaments come to pass. One final thought regarding this debate; WHO is served by manipulating Scripture to believe that all of Bible prophecy has already been completely fulfilled?
Firstly, whether one is a brand new Bible student or a decades long biblical scholar is irrelevant. Does one honor Scriptural integrity? Preterism is a system of eschatological interpretation which is almost 2,000 years old. On the other hand, Dispensational theology originated in the 19th century. While age does not signify accuracy, it does mean there is much more time to test something. Dispensationalism contradicts the plain and literal interpretation of Scripture all the while holding to a hyper literalistic interpretation of prophecy. So, in order to understand Preterism, one must first understand Scriptural integrity. I appreciate your comment, but would honestly like to know what makes you think you understand Preterism since you stated not a few faulty assumptions about it's premise. Likewise, you're not the FIRST to attempt to set the "record straight." Preterists have held debates with some of the most popular 20th century Dispensationalists such as Thomas Ice and made a mockery of the system, just as Dr. R.C. Sproul used to do. Dispensationalism has never won a debate against Preterism, that is why Preterists are considered "heretics" and Dispensationa.lists are warned against debating us because at the higher echelon they know it only produces more Preterists from Dispensational ranks. When I produced a documentary on the issue I tried to elicit the involvement of John MacArthur only to be ignored and dismissed. So please do be careful with your false accusations. Preterists prove that men such as John Darby and Cyrus Scofield not only "manipulated" Scripture, but committed fraud by actually redefining Greek words to fit their new interpretation. This is why there is no scholarly debate, relatively speaking, between Preterists and Dispensationalists anymore because when a foundation of Scriptural integrity is laid out to the audience, most realize how corrupt the premise of Dispensational theology was in the late 1800's when it was being developed.
I am going to set aside the particulars of this debate, which to me has no logical reason to exist at all and I am going to lay it out for you as I see it from my years (over 40) studying the Bible and walking with The Lord. While I spent my younger years doing things that I am now ashamed of, I have come around to God's Way of thinking and acting in this life and I have been washed in regeneration by the shed Blood of Jesus Christ who loved me and died for me.
I have delved deeply into the preterism debate beginning in the 1990s when Hank Hanegraaff of Walter Martin's "Bible Answer Man" broadcast claimed to be a preterist but I found that I hit bottom before going very deep at all.
I am a born again, saved and sanctified, Holy Spirit filled, rightly dividing, King James Bible believing, obedient child of The Living God and I love the Lord my God with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind and with all my strength, Mark 12:30, and God testifies this to me every single day. My faith defines who I am and it grows in me every day that I live and breathe.
I am not a novice nor do I take any part of the PRESERVED written word of God lightly. Note: It is necessary to define the "type" of Christian that I am because of the fact that the Historic, Apostolic, Christian Faith is nearly vanished from the world and we are living in the time of the apostasy of the Church or the "falling away" spoken of by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2:3 in which he prophetically says, "let no man deceive you (with all due respect, as you are trying to do now) that the day of Christ is at hand for there shall come a falling away first and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; (Daniel 9).
We are at this moment in this falling away and the evidence is overwhelming. For the aforementioned reasons I have refrained myself from using the title "Christian" without giving an explanation of what a Christian is. I offer this as a comparison for the modern church "Christian" and do not intend to boast about any of what I am, it is ALL of God and not myself as Scripture says I am God's workmanship.
I pray before every morsel of food goes into my mouth, even snacks like popcorn because I know that it all comes from Him. I pray and give God thanks and praise on my knees every single day in the morning time for at least 45 minutes, often times longer, at night before going to bed and also before leaving the house every time I leave it (much less now because I'm retired)
I don't partake in any vile discussion nor do I use profanity of any kind, my speech is polite and respectful of those who can hear me. Although I would have a very substantial monetary inheritance if my dad would pass away, I do not want worldly riches and I pray constantly for God to PRESERVE my dad's life so that He would see the catching away of the saints and perhaps believe at that time. There is nothing in this world that I desire, God has supplied all my needs and more. I live modestly, in a small house which I have lived in for the last 22 years and do not desire a bigger house.
The Holy Spirit lives within me and GUIDES me in my life and actions and has TAUGHT me through Scripture what He expects of me as a creation of Himself who had thought me up and gave me being from nothing at all. I have given my entire life and consciousness to Him and I live for Him now and for eternity. He has opened up my spiritual understanding during this past decade more than any other decade of my Christian life and has confirmed to my soul that we are in the very last days of the age of Grace.
Deception is at an all time high. We are seeing the alignment of allies against Israel coming to pass as told by the prophets of Scripture in ways that just a decade ago were not true nor could even be imagined (without prophecy). We are seeing every prophecy of end times eschatological event coming to pass EVENFOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT LOOKING FOR IT or even actually know what it is.
I could not have written this comment if every word of it wasn't true. I follow wherever the Spirit guides me (not as if I hear audible voices as some foolish "Christians" claim) He has guided me here and to write this as a testimony to the TRUTH. I am not foolish or ignorant, in fact, He has given me great wisdom at my request over the years. This is my honest testimony.
So, you see, from my perspective and from the knowledge that I have gained over the years from studying God's written word (for the last 14 years, the King James Authorized Version of 1611 which He encouraged me to study at that time; all modern versions are CHANGED and NOT the preserved written word of God - a lengthy study in itself which I also have undertaken) the very idea of Preterism is not only foolish to me, it increases in foolishness as time goes on.
Again, with all due respect, to believe that all prophecy of Scripture has already come to pass and that the Bible is a book of past history with no future prophecy is to not only ignore current events but to manipulate the preserved written word of God beyond recognition which is forbidden by God Himself.
Thank you for that very long winded personal testimony. I wish not to add to or take away from your personal experience and convictions. Your experience is your experience, no one else's. And if Preterism is foolishness to you, so be it. However, you present no argument against it but your own subjective experience of why what you believe is the truth. It is the truth to you at this time. No one can argue against that. Time is the final arbiter of truth. You believe we're in the last days, the Great Apostasy, etc., so be it. Plenty do. Interestingly is the fact that none can prove it, whereas Preterism can prove we are not in the last days, the great apostasy, or the time of Israel's destruction. Dispensationalism replaces spiritual Israel with a political state, that is one of their greatest errors, in time you may perhaps come to realize that. Either way, thanks for sharing. Just remember that Scripture can only properly be interpreted exegetically, not eisigetically. And there isn't a biblical scholar alive that would argue against this point.
I was taught different about the rapture, ie., false doctrine. I don't fault anyone that goes for that though. I have stored articles in my folder about that topic. I don't argue about it with people since it may hurt their feelings. It could be something as simple as an innocent mistake in interpretation. I used to argue and point out things, but now I don't. Rather have more points of agreement than disagreement with my Christian brothers. We don't need any more division in the ranks.
Cat Gravity Video:
Not an ethical experiment. Dr. Fraudchi was an expert at unethical animal experiments. He used beagles, and let sand flies eat the dogs alive. He turned monkeys into tranny demons.
Mysterious Black Ring Over Vietnam:
I watched that video three times. Could an aircraft have made that ring like the old school sky writers did for advertisements? Then the plane flys out of view, and videographer takes video. Does look strange, but probably has an explanation which is not strange.
Honestly, I do appreciate your tenacity. You're definitely convinced you understand soteriology. However, do you? Really? This is why you do not understand the Preterist view of eschatology. First one must have a scriptural understanding of salvation, not a religious one. I am not a sinner. I am a saint. And today, on this side of the Cross, one does not need to be "saved." They already have been by the Mediator, Christ Jesus. One does not "get" their name written into the Book of Life since Golgotha. But one can have their name blotted out of it, implying all are written therein. John 3:3 does not at all imply what modern Christendom believes it to mean. It simply states that 2,000 years people were having a very difficult time understanding how one could be justified without the works of the Mosaic Law. Thus Yeshua explained that just as one was born of water physically, they must also be born of the Spirit. I know this sounds confusing but it is not. It is modern-day churchiantiy that has clouded the issue with their easy-peasy "salvation."
And I'm truly happy for you - yes you have been redeemed. You were bought with a price. Christ died in your stead. So I ask you again - what are you saved from? Everyone was redeemed at the Cross. Everyone. The whole of the human race. The question is - will everyone be glorified? And perhaps you understand 'propitiation' - but most do not. They assume Christ appeased "the Father's" wrath. That is incorrect. You dwell with Yeshua now if you have been redeemed. He lives in his spiritual temple, of which we dwell if we belong to Him. It appears like most Christians, you have been taught that you must be "born again" in order to have your sins forgiven and go to Heaven when you die physically. And that this act of being "born again" "saves" you from hell. What do you do with Matthew 5:18? How can you know you're "saved" if you're still under the Law of Moses? This is why Preterism makes no sense to most religious people - they can't even begin to grasp how Heaven and Earth passed away in 70 A.D. This is why I do not enter into debate lightly about eschatology with Dispensationalists - because they don't even have a grasp of Christology, let alone soteriology.
Please understand, with all due respect, you are still at the Hebrews 5:12 level. And that is okay. Everyone starts out on milk. But please, cut some of us a little slack who've progressed into the 'meat.' If after 40 years of study you are still at an elementary stage, please be advised - Paul's words to the Hebrews was not a commendation, it was a reproof.