Sep 29Liked by Strange Sounds

Self-censoring. I’ve been doing that all my life, to some extent. I think differently and most people are - quite frankly - often afraid of what I have to say. It’s been interesting. As we know, tolerance for another point of view is not widespread.

The wolf boy. I always feel sorry for those like him that are “rescued” into “civilization.”

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I've had wolf hybrids for years, 9 currently, much smarter and nicer than a lot of humans!!!

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Sep 29Liked by Strange Sounds

Coydogs here. 🐕‍🦺

Neighbor had a Husky/Wolf. Beautiful animal! 😀

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Sep 30Liked by Strange Sounds


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Thanks Manuel for more terrible CNN style news;) !!

This is strange, was just taking apart your first news, about the 'speechless' man from the past, and his casue of death: TUBE-R-CU-LOS-IS... Is tuberculosis indeed somehow connected with the precious metal copper, which stands for Cu symbol?? Here you go: "Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Copper: A Newly Appreciated Defense against an Old Foe?*" from 2015 at: https://www.jbc.org/article/S0021-9258(20)42266-5/fulltext

Boy, whoever came up with this language knew a LOT in advance...

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Sep 29Liked by Strange Sounds

In the late 80’s early 90’s , I was fortunate to go to rehab ( twice) for my alcoholism. The AA meetings helped after, for a while. It felt a bit cultish sometimes & yea I was encouraged to identify myself as a recovering alcoholic, fits into the whole thing. & the psychiatric community is a cruel joke most of the time. Makes things worse with many of the drugs.

They love the labels . & they ignore basic things like a truly healthy diet. ( that can heal adrenal exhaustion, many people with ptsd have that & they never know.

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Oooohhhh - the labels thing! Labels hide - obscure - (often painful) the meat of whatever is going on, being referred to. (Clear example: labels of political parties, other systems). I include acronyms in the label category. Harmful in the sense THEY hide not only what’s underneath, but the label itself! More obscurity. Make sense?

I would identify you as Rosalind. Period.

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oh, Jon from Florida: 'natural' weather change'???? OPEN your eyes old man and see this:


and in particular this:


Is this all a punishment for what Dr. Ladapo is doing???


or is it more to this catastrophe??? IN particular when you take the 'origin' of the hit shown in video No 1 and the fact, that the in 2018 constructed 'replica' of Tesla tower is 'just around the corner' (Milford, TX):


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Sep 30Liked by Strange Sounds

At least in part, I suspect the “theys” want the land.

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Sep 29Liked by Strange Sounds

FM8 had a good stack recently on energy field and weather

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I posted the same video but you beat me to it. Geoengineeringwatch.org video about steering hurricanes. That makes them MASS MURDERERS. They have the technology to steer them AWAY but they use that tech to deliver MAXIMUM destruction!!! How much more accurate could Ephesians 6:12 actually be??? "spiritual wickedness in high places" is what rules those wicked billionaires who perpetrate all of this because they want us all DEAD~!

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Sep 29Liked by Strange Sounds

In that Iraq picture, you can see the octagonal lens flare of the shape of the sun simulator. Our old sun was round but that bright hot LED has like 6 sides

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Sep 29Liked by Strange Sounds

The calcification of the Pineal Gland for the majority of humanity is almost complete.

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“Two-thirds of Americans say that they are afraid to say what they believe in public because someone else might not like it, finds a new study that tracked 1 million people over a 20-year period, between 2000 and 2020.”

Propaganda to keep your mouth shut?!? Other people are so “you0 should as well”

I have read the Orwell “1984” multiple times and watched the movie last night…..it was on some random outlet late at night when I couldn’t sleep

Fear - the biggest shackle of slavery to the negative/satanic forces…..lose the fear and speak TRUTH

The demise of our societal “fabric” is 👀

If I die - thia flesh suit is gone - “I” don’t die

How malleable the masses are - “be afraid and keep your mouths shut! “


Has anyone else thought about how we might be living through “satan unleashed for a season”

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Sep 30Liked by Strange Sounds

My self-censoring began as a very young human, from family - as a way to stay away from - let’s say mean-spiritedness in family members. The outside had much less to do with it.

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Outside are the dogs, the sorcerers, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood. [Rev. 22:15]

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Sep 30Liked by Strange Sounds

All the deaths, 40 in Florida alone, all the destruction of people's lives, all the billions of dollars of damage was done ON PURPOSE by the military industrial complex. See the proof here:


We are encumbered, everyone in the world today, by a wicked, nefarious, select group of men who control and direct this world by their immense wealth. They have been working to reduce the population of this planet AT LEAST since the dawn of the industrial revolution. They have developed technology which could benefit the world but has been kept secret by compartmentalization and used for death and destruction as seen so recently in hurricane Helene. They now completely control the weather and use it as a weapon against any who resist their agenda which is a one world government ruled by the coming dictator, the antichrist.

The media are the visible liars who deceive the people by constantly lying and covering up the truth. The problem is that most people disregard these facts by ignoring them because to embrace the truth of this matter is much too frightening and painful. They live in their little bubble of belief in lies and discount the truth to the point of complete ignorance and THIS also was by design of the wicked elite.

The biggest consideration for those alive today should be that all of this was written BEFOREHAND in the Bible.

Those who disbelieve the truth that we are ruled by a wicked cabal that want us dead have also believed the lie that the Bible is a book of fairy tales. But for those who actually look for themselves in search of the truth, we have found that it is 100% supernatural in origin. This can be determined by its fulfilled prophecy much of which is coming to pass in THIS generation.

Our God who inspired the words of the 66 books of the Bible has shown us that it comes from Him but most are too hoodwinked to look at this truth for themselves. For anyone alive right now, I can say confidently that YOU have been chosen by God to be alive at this time in history, a time like none other and in which this world is on the precipice of utter destruction. The ONLY way out is by believing in Jesus Christ, Creator of all things seen and unseen including YOU.

Make a conscious decision to seek Him today. What could be the harm in that? The very worst that could happen is that you go on believing the lies of those foisting them. The best that might happen is that you would realize the TRUTH and embrace the Truth (John 14:6) and, instead of being one of the BILLIONS who will die in the greatest time of tribulation this world has ever seen, be removed BEFORE this happens and be given a new, glorious, immortal body that never dies. The choice is yours however, that choice WILL SOON be taken from you. Seek the Truth of die in this world and go to the next where those deniers of Truth will be cast into a lake of fire to burn in everlasting destruction. 2 Thessalonians 1:9

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5 hrs ago·edited 5 hrs ago

Self censoring? Not in my playbook. No apologies either. I am good to people and I am kind. I speak my mind. As some of you may know about me, I have paid a price for that with the government that has overthrown America from within by coup with the 1963 assassination of JFK, but I never backed down back then 20 years ago, and not happening now either. A 6 year prison sentence was served for filing two pleadings in two courts and the judges decided that I threatened them. Nope. No imminent threat is what the law says regarding their dual federal charges of "Influencing a Public Official by Threat of Violence", there was no threat, it was in writing in the pleading, and they didn't care, just decided an example had to be made. Kangaroo Court for me. Sort of like Trump only 20 years back. I was one of the first imprisonments in America violating the 1st Amendment right to speak freely and to Petition the government for Redress of Grievance. BTW, they never did respond except with a swat team. I feel badly for President Trump, but he trusted the swamp, the Deep State, and it has come after him for not joining up with them. JFK had similar problems with the CIA and the Deep State began after the CIA murdered him by assassination. America is unrecognizable anymore after 61 years of their successful coup.

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