Can someone explain to me why the Department of Defense provided $9,147,532.00 to Reuters for "ACTIVE SOCIAL ENGINEERING DEFENSE (ASED) LARGE SCALE SOCIAL DECEPTION (LSD)"
"We are secretly mislead by the government. This is an organized plan by a group of people to harm us by steering us away from the truth…"
Are We surprised? The "government" is a for-profit corporation and has been since 1871. In 1871 the civil war debts came due, and to pay them off (and then some), a for-profit corporation was set up for DC that looked very much like the constitution but with a few words changed, and no Bill of Rights. The People in the original controlmind quietly moved over into similar positions in the corporation and the public was none the wiser.
They (the owners, the psychopaths in control who own all the "governments" on Our planet) used interstate commerce laws to reach into the states.
And since then have declared the People the enemy. All while keeping Us slaves taking Our money. To maintain the illusion We have a say, They hold "elections," "count the votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).
So everything since 1871 is what They have chosen for Us. We would best not consent to being ruled by a corporation that sees Us as dollar signs only.
There are so many 'They' who are SHAMELESS, like the ENTIRE MEDICAL CARTEL, here you go:
"The science behind the first pig-organ transplant trial in humans"
"The first clinical trial testing whether pig kidneys can be safely transplanted into living people has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As part of the trial, which will begin later this year, kidneys from genetically modified pigs will be transplanted into people with chronic kidney disease whose organs no longer function independently."
'They' make sure, when you will ever speak about somebody being a pig, that that is a fact indeed...
GENE 'therapies' everywhere thanks to covid GENETICALLY MODIFYING bioweapons!!! WAKE UP everybody.
"They"'ve been using pig heart valves in heart valve replacements for some time now.
My guess is they have transplanted a lot of pig parts into humans already and this is the big "reveal" to put it in the pipeline so everybody says YES!
Nobody knows what gene they are being therapeutically treated with when they are injected with them. Their doctors doing the injecting don't know. Could be anything. Like tomatoes or spider silk goats.
"We are secretly mislead by the government. This is an organized plan by a group of people to harm us by steering us away from the truth…"
Never has there been a more true statement than that! It is fundamentally correct in every way imaginable. I am currently learning that the elite, deep state possesses (and have for decades) INFINITE free energy which they use to their own nefarious ends in ways that the average person has never dreamed about. I'm currently struggling with understanding the premise of Quantum Vacuum Zero Point Energy which is basically free energy from the exploitation of liquid helium at absolute zero which possesses peculiar properties including the retaining of kinetic energy at absolute zero. In other words, when stirred, liquid helium will form a vortex which lasts indefinitely without losing any kinetic energy.
One doesn’t necessarily need a level of mathematical genius to understand these things on a primitive level if they can get beyond the scientific and complex math and terminology to arrive at the discovery itself which, as I showed above is free energy from the lightest and most simple element, helium, at absolute zero or the temperature at which the fundamental particles of nature have minimum vibrational motion, retaining only quantum mechanical, zero-point energy-induced particle motion. In short, as frozen as anything can get.
This is the PROOF that free energy does exist and they do possess it and have been utilizing and amplifying it secretly while the world is destroyed by hydrocarbon emissions from the burning of stored carbon energy in fossil fuels. Would anyone put this past them? Think of the implications. We already understand that any one of these elite billionaires could practically end world starvation OVERNIGHT and STILL be billionaires yet they do NOT.
Add to such obvious and insane greed, the level of disdain for humanity they must have to keep such discoveries as free energy to themselves and we have a new understanding of the limitless hatred they have for mankind and God and His beautiful green earth. Knowing this, we can be certain that they are and have been in collaboration with the only such source of hatred toward man and God that exists, satan himself.
I have wondered how the controllers were able to generate so much energy to manipulate the weather and now I know. It would be impossible to utilize so much electrical energy from the grid designed to power our cities and homes without being detected moreover without causing major disruptions. This is how they do it. They pump billions of watts of FREE energy into the stratosphere without using any of the nuclear, hydroelectric or coal fired power plants. This also adds to the conspiracy theory and incredulity of any such weather manipulation which secret activity is buried beneath layers of conspiracy and lies which they use to ridicule any who attempt to expose their weather manipulation; “where would we get so much power to do such a thing?” They do cover all the bases, don’t they? And why not? Lucifer was the HIGHEST creation of God until iniquity was found in him and he was cast to the earth and given power to rule. We know that by the passage in Matthew where Jesus is taken to a high mountain and offered the world; “ Again, the devil taketh him (Jesus) up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Matthew 8:4 KJV (parentheses mine) How could satan offer the world to Jesus if he didn’t already possess the world?
We also know that satan is the father of lies; John 8:44. In short, he is SMART. His intelligence level remained when he took on the name satan and he uses it against God and God’s most prized creation, mankind. When putting all the pieces together, we can learn how these wicked elite whom we see plastered before our eyes every day in the media, do the bidding of the adversary of God and mankind, the devil.
It is sad we are seeing all this now,...but even sadder that we never saw it before. In retrospect, they gave us tons of signs and gaslit us to not see them. They made us believe we were free, while making us free range chickens. We lost through trust in their lies.
You need to give a warning about how gross that article is.
If you think shutting down the government and harming the most vulnerable in America is fun, I pray for you and any stray puppies you come across. Gross.
for those who study the bible and rightly divide it, it seems Israel is not what todays' pro israel christians say it is? The jews are mostly from Europe and the genetic semites are arabs... It is all convoluted... not to mention Israel regularly massacres their own people to serve the deep state goal...
Exactly - the Khazarian “Jews” not actual Hebrew descent and not to mention all of that was moot once Jesus (our creator in the flesh) made the new covenant with humans - gentiles and “Jews”
The Fake Jews as God warned are working their word salad magic 😑
yes, the kazarian mafia literally doing magic; bible believers need to make the distinction between the various jews, semites, imposters and atheists just born into one of the above.
Indeed! The Little/Short Season of Satan is upon this realm. If believers of Jesus believe the word well then - was he lying when he said certain things about “this generation shall see”and other specific mention???
there was no 2000year pause on what was coming. It came it happened and we are living in a BIZZARO World Little Season of Satan…
I am waiting for The Project Blue Beam finale of those intent on destroying our creators beautiful kingdom. They will fail. Many will be the chaff sorted from the wheat and many will have gained eternal life.and are the harvested wheat.
All had been foretold, and much has been twisted by those working with Satan within his SHORT season
😊💖 praying for all - good humans and the bad ones to turn the faces back and circumcise their hearts and return to The Law - The Natural Law of our Creator
I agree, trusting Lord Jesus Christ is the only thing to be relied upon.
"the gospel By which also ye are saved, [believe that] Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; [Jesus] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins ..., through the forbearance of God; Romans Chapter 3:25
That is not correct. The land Israel is on now was given to the 12 tribes led by Joshua. They took it from the giants there and then divided it up amongst themselves. And Jerusalem is God's city where they crucified the Lord and where He will be coming back to. And relatively soon.
I guess you never read the scriptures. In the wilderness a leader from each of the twelve tribes was sent to spy out the land of Canaan, which would become the land Joshua led them all in to take from the giants. And then they divided that land up between them. This land is the land we call Israel. LOL that bot lady.
That is what religion says. Scripture says no one will know the day or the hour. The jews He spoke to understood what that meant. And the whole world will see Him at the end of the trib. not when He comes for His bride. Half of the church world will miss the first time also.
You know something, I'm sick of them calling the Orcas' "killer" whales. What animal doesn't kill?(but the vegetarian animals) I once heard about a seagull that killed a mouse, should we rename seagulls Killer seagulls? I keep pet ferrets. They would kill a mouse too but do we call them Killer ferrets? In this age of political correctness, I think that name should be banned from all media and censored on all social media. Not!
"Study finds alarming levels of microplastics in human brains…" Man, they do love to scare us don't they! Seven grams??? What? After they planted them there? Seven grams is about one and a half sheets of standard copy paper. Don't believe that for one second. Why do they like to scare us? Because a scared population is a population more easily controlled. Much easier to control.
Unfortunately I think there will soon be little glory for anyone.
Musk has appropriated all US citizens' private information, Tax returns, SSN, DOB, Home addresses, Medical records, Banking info, etc., listed in the US Treasury which represents millions and millions of people's data breached and in the hands of an unauthorized unelected non-citizen.
Musk is a citizen of South Africa. Where's ICE when you need them? Oh, I know, arresting farm workers standing on the curb at Home Depot.
My reasonable guess is it's being used to feed and train STARGATE.
i believe all the data you list is already available on line via any credit card you own. and that very information is bought and sold on a daily basis along with info on every purchase you make.
Will Musk consolidate such information, probably, for the better running of the agencies. For he has a legal mandate to redesign the FED IT system under an existing agency that Obama set up and funded.
Musk received a high security clearance from Biden back in 2022 so he is authorized to review the govt records.
Will the info be used against people, such info has been used by govt agencies against people for some time, it is possible that Musk's review along with the staff reductions in the FBI and CIA may reduce such actions.
Stargate IMO was a hastily thrown together govt PR stunt to blow smoke at the release of DeepSeek. As DeepSeek makes the Stargate and Oracle business models obsolete.
That's not true. Financial institutions are prohibited by laws to sell your private information. You actually think your SSN, DOB, etc. is being sold and has been for years? No. You would be continually hacked if that were the case.
Your bank account drained. Fraudulent charges. Etc.
Musk never received the security clearance needed to access the US Treasury. That's bull hockey.
You're fabricating these things and I don't know why, but that's okay. Maybe you're some poor soul in India just trying to make a living. IDK.
Good luck to you. I'm ending this conversation now.
Yes, there is propaganda all around. But this government spending contract is not as nefarious as the description appears to imply. It is certainly easy to latch onto and feel the need to amplify the words in the description. But if you take the time to look up the details in the actual contract, it is defensive in nature. Not that it’s intent couldn’t be bent and used against the U.S. citizenry. But as it is written, the defensive use seems needed and practical. Just sayin’.
Y'all had no problem with unknown unnamed unelected henchmen sifting through your data behind closed doors in the dark and with nefarious reasons , but you throw a tantrum when the one person on earth who has a cadre of the most brilliant analysts since creation at his disposal scrutinizes the scrutinizers in the open, detailing every move, disclosing everything found, and trying to first stop, then fix every issue he's found, and the only reason you hate him is just because he's rich.
"We are secretly mislead by the government. This is an organized plan by a group of people to harm us by steering us away from the truth…"
Are We surprised? The "government" is a for-profit corporation and has been since 1871. In 1871 the civil war debts came due, and to pay them off (and then some), a for-profit corporation was set up for DC that looked very much like the constitution but with a few words changed, and no Bill of Rights. The People in the original controlmind quietly moved over into similar positions in the corporation and the public was none the wiser.
They (the owners, the psychopaths in control who own all the "governments" on Our planet) used interstate commerce laws to reach into the states.
And since then have declared the People the enemy. All while keeping Us slaves taking Our money. To maintain the illusion We have a say, They hold "elections," "count the votes," and tell Us who "won" (who They appointed).
So everything since 1871 is what They have chosen for Us. We would best not consent to being ruled by a corporation that sees Us as dollar signs only.
There are so many 'They' who are SHAMELESS, like the ENTIRE MEDICAL CARTEL, here you go:
"The science behind the first pig-organ transplant trial in humans"
"The first clinical trial testing whether pig kidneys can be safely transplanted into living people has been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). As part of the trial, which will begin later this year, kidneys from genetically modified pigs will be transplanted into people with chronic kidney disease whose organs no longer function independently."
'They' make sure, when you will ever speak about somebody being a pig, that that is a fact indeed...
GENE 'therapies' everywhere thanks to covid GENETICALLY MODIFYING bioweapons!!! WAKE UP everybody.
ALso these 3 letter names:
LSD - laser weapon
LSD - one of the most dangerous drugs
The point is to CONFUSE.
Or take this one, the tip of shamelessness:
"They"'ve been using pig heart valves in heart valve replacements for some time now.
My guess is they have transplanted a lot of pig parts into humans already and this is the big "reveal" to put it in the pipeline so everybody says YES!
Nobody knows what gene they are being therapeutically treated with when they are injected with them. Their doctors doing the injecting don't know. Could be anything. Like tomatoes or spider silk goats.
Thanks for the links.
Sorry, Mebj. Comments suddenly began to work again. (I posted a comment on your comment because there was no "post" button on my first comment.)
Where the heck are the JFK files? It takes a while to get all the rewrites pasted in.
Bring in the clowns. There ought to be clowns. Oh, baby, they're here.
Am I a futurist or can anyone else see Trump is deranged? That's the REAL TDS. It means Trump is deranged. Now it makes sense...
I support NO politicians.
I do support clear-eyed vision unobscured by the glaucoma of political ideology or the partial blindness of misplaced savior complex.
I hear apple cidar vinegar used as an eyewash can help.
Thanks for your article.
"We are secretly mislead by the government. This is an organized plan by a group of people to harm us by steering us away from the truth…"
Never has there been a more true statement than that! It is fundamentally correct in every way imaginable. I am currently learning that the elite, deep state possesses (and have for decades) INFINITE free energy which they use to their own nefarious ends in ways that the average person has never dreamed about. I'm currently struggling with understanding the premise of Quantum Vacuum Zero Point Energy which is basically free energy from the exploitation of liquid helium at absolute zero which possesses peculiar properties including the retaining of kinetic energy at absolute zero. In other words, when stirred, liquid helium will form a vortex which lasts indefinitely without losing any kinetic energy.
One doesn’t necessarily need a level of mathematical genius to understand these things on a primitive level if they can get beyond the scientific and complex math and terminology to arrive at the discovery itself which, as I showed above is free energy from the lightest and most simple element, helium, at absolute zero or the temperature at which the fundamental particles of nature have minimum vibrational motion, retaining only quantum mechanical, zero-point energy-induced particle motion. In short, as frozen as anything can get.
This is the PROOF that free energy does exist and they do possess it and have been utilizing and amplifying it secretly while the world is destroyed by hydrocarbon emissions from the burning of stored carbon energy in fossil fuels. Would anyone put this past them? Think of the implications. We already understand that any one of these elite billionaires could practically end world starvation OVERNIGHT and STILL be billionaires yet they do NOT.
Add to such obvious and insane greed, the level of disdain for humanity they must have to keep such discoveries as free energy to themselves and we have a new understanding of the limitless hatred they have for mankind and God and His beautiful green earth. Knowing this, we can be certain that they are and have been in collaboration with the only such source of hatred toward man and God that exists, satan himself.
I have wondered how the controllers were able to generate so much energy to manipulate the weather and now I know. It would be impossible to utilize so much electrical energy from the grid designed to power our cities and homes without being detected moreover without causing major disruptions. This is how they do it. They pump billions of watts of FREE energy into the stratosphere without using any of the nuclear, hydroelectric or coal fired power plants. This also adds to the conspiracy theory and incredulity of any such weather manipulation which secret activity is buried beneath layers of conspiracy and lies which they use to ridicule any who attempt to expose their weather manipulation; “where would we get so much power to do such a thing?” They do cover all the bases, don’t they? And why not? Lucifer was the HIGHEST creation of God until iniquity was found in him and he was cast to the earth and given power to rule. We know that by the passage in Matthew where Jesus is taken to a high mountain and offered the world; “ Again, the devil taketh him (Jesus) up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” Matthew 8:4 KJV (parentheses mine) How could satan offer the world to Jesus if he didn’t already possess the world?
We also know that satan is the father of lies; John 8:44. In short, he is SMART. His intelligence level remained when he took on the name satan and he uses it against God and God’s most prized creation, mankind. When putting all the pieces together, we can learn how these wicked elite whom we see plastered before our eyes every day in the media, do the bidding of the adversary of God and mankind, the devil.
It is sad we are seeing all this now,...but even sadder that we never saw it before. In retrospect, they gave us tons of signs and gaslit us to not see them. They made us believe we were free, while making us free range chickens. We lost through trust in their lies.
More fun is coming in March
You need to give a warning about how gross that article is.
If you think shutting down the government and harming the most vulnerable in America is fun, I pray for you and any stray puppies you come across. Gross.
Idk who thinks about this or not but “Israel” according to the Bible- if taken literally - was The Tribes of Jacob….not a land of entitlement forever.
for those who study the bible and rightly divide it, it seems Israel is not what todays' pro israel christians say it is? The jews are mostly from Europe and the genetic semites are arabs... It is all convoluted... not to mention Israel regularly massacres their own people to serve the deep state goal...
Exactly - the Khazarian “Jews” not actual Hebrew descent and not to mention all of that was moot once Jesus (our creator in the flesh) made the new covenant with humans - gentiles and “Jews”
The Fake Jews as God warned are working their word salad magic 😑
yes, the kazarian mafia literally doing magic; bible believers need to make the distinction between the various jews, semites, imposters and atheists just born into one of the above.
Indeed! The Little/Short Season of Satan is upon this realm. If believers of Jesus believe the word well then - was he lying when he said certain things about “this generation shall see”and other specific mention???
there was no 2000year pause on what was coming. It came it happened and we are living in a BIZZARO World Little Season of Satan…
I am waiting for The Project Blue Beam finale of those intent on destroying our creators beautiful kingdom. They will fail. Many will be the chaff sorted from the wheat and many will have gained eternal life.and are the harvested wheat.
All had been foretold, and much has been twisted by those working with Satan within his SHORT season
😊💖 praying for all - good humans and the bad ones to turn the faces back and circumcise their hearts and return to The Law - The Natural Law of our Creator
yes, so many moving parts and things confusing.
I agree, trusting Lord Jesus Christ is the only thing to be relied upon.
"the gospel By which also ye are saved, [believe that] Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures: 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; [Jesus] Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins ..., through the forbearance of God; Romans Chapter 3:25
\¸.♥ Praise Lord Jesus Christ ♥.¸
/ \ All Glory to God!
Agree. Nations are genetic peoples, not 'geography'.
That is not correct. The land Israel is on now was given to the 12 tribes led by Joshua. They took it from the giants there and then divided it up amongst themselves. And Jerusalem is God's city where they crucified the Lord and where He will be coming back to. And relatively soon.
Lol - tribes of Joshua ?!?
What tribe are you from?
A bot tribe?
I guess you never read the scriptures. In the wilderness a leader from each of the twelve tribes was sent to spy out the land of Canaan, which would become the land Joshua led them all in to take from the giants. And then they divided that land up between them. This land is the land we call Israel. LOL that bot lady.
Uh...the Bible says the whole world will see Him when He returns.
It also says no one will know when He will return.
That is what religion says. Scripture says no one will know the day or the hour. The jews He spoke to understood what that meant. And the whole world will see Him at the end of the trib. not when He comes for His bride. Half of the church world will miss the first time also.
You know something, I'm sick of them calling the Orcas' "killer" whales. What animal doesn't kill?(but the vegetarian animals) I once heard about a seagull that killed a mouse, should we rename seagulls Killer seagulls? I keep pet ferrets. They would kill a mouse too but do we call them Killer ferrets? In this age of political correctness, I think that name should be banned from all media and censored on all social media. Not!
"Study finds alarming levels of microplastics in human brains…" Man, they do love to scare us don't they! Seven grams??? What? After they planted them there? Seven grams is about one and a half sheets of standard copy paper. Don't believe that for one second. Why do they like to scare us? Because a scared population is a population more easily controlled. Much easier to control.
I think we will see the, "They did what!!!??" moments rolling into high gear with Musk in charge of all govt computers.
Strange sounds, you will be in your glory
Unfortunately I think there will soon be little glory for anyone.
Musk has appropriated all US citizens' private information, Tax returns, SSN, DOB, Home addresses, Medical records, Banking info, etc., listed in the US Treasury which represents millions and millions of people's data breached and in the hands of an unauthorized unelected non-citizen.
Musk is a citizen of South Africa. Where's ICE when you need them? Oh, I know, arresting farm workers standing on the curb at Home Depot.
My reasonable guess is it's being used to feed and train STARGATE.
Among other things...
i believe all the data you list is already available on line via any credit card you own. and that very information is bought and sold on a daily basis along with info on every purchase you make.
Will Musk consolidate such information, probably, for the better running of the agencies. For he has a legal mandate to redesign the FED IT system under an existing agency that Obama set up and funded.
Musk received a high security clearance from Biden back in 2022 so he is authorized to review the govt records.
Will the info be used against people, such info has been used by govt agencies against people for some time, it is possible that Musk's review along with the staff reductions in the FBI and CIA may reduce such actions.
Stargate IMO was a hastily thrown together govt PR stunt to blow smoke at the release of DeepSeek. As DeepSeek makes the Stargate and Oracle business models obsolete.
That's not true. Financial institutions are prohibited by laws to sell your private information. You actually think your SSN, DOB, etc. is being sold and has been for years? No. You would be continually hacked if that were the case.
Your bank account drained. Fraudulent charges. Etc.
Musk never received the security clearance needed to access the US Treasury. That's bull hockey.
You're fabricating these things and I don't know why, but that's okay. Maybe you're some poor soul in India just trying to make a living. IDK.
Good luck to you. I'm ending this conversation now.
As you wish, I would have been happy to support my observations. BTW I am a three generation New Englander by the way and a former long time Democrat.
Erica Cirino author of Thicker Than Water: The Quest for Solutions to the Plastic Crisis was alerted to geoengineering via her editor. It's a great book.
Yes, there is propaganda all around. But this government spending contract is not as nefarious as the description appears to imply. It is certainly easy to latch onto and feel the need to amplify the words in the description. But if you take the time to look up the details in the actual contract, it is defensive in nature. Not that it’s intent couldn’t be bent and used against the U.S. citizenry. But as it is written, the defensive use seems needed and practical. Just sayin’.
Worse then the Mafia
Y'all had no problem with unknown unnamed unelected henchmen sifting through your data behind closed doors in the dark and with nefarious reasons , but you throw a tantrum when the one person on earth who has a cadre of the most brilliant analysts since creation at his disposal scrutinizes the scrutinizers in the open, detailing every move, disclosing everything found, and trying to first stop, then fix every issue he's found, and the only reason you hate him is just because he's rich.
Man, y'all got some effed up priorities.
Mike Morales RIP would say Well Done My Friend!