They can't do ANYTHING without cheating and manipulation. It's ALWAYS been their mantra and, it AIN'T about to change.

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The movie " the Sound of Freedom" is not money well spent, Manuel.

It is more Satanic filth being rubbed gloatingly in all of the filth-eating faces of the idiots that give their money to the pedophiles of Hollywood, so that they all can continue to flaunt the disgusting truth of the matter, which is that all of these letters agencies that are supposed to be protecting the sheeple, are in actuality the very ones conducting the filth, rinse and repeat.

Does ANYONE really believe that Hollywood would put out a genuine truth, especially one so critical to its own continued operation?

The people who do are not going to be anything but dead weight, soon, too soon.

Honestly, I will be glad when the curtains are dropped on some of these wastrels. Humanity is predominantly monstrous, and is setting itself up for a mighty Epic Fall. Grab your popcorn.

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I will watch it online, when I have some time... Several movies on my list right now... But no time... Sadly!

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I see your point, but on the other hand, these producers are a small upstart so I give them credit for making it an aware issue for the unaware (and there are many that are clueless). Kind of like Angel Studios and The Chosen, maybe Mormon based which I don't believe, but so far have done a reasonable job of portraying the New Testament story and have stood behind a lot of independent filmmakers with Christian stories. Point is, not sure Hellywood is getting that $$ out of this other than po'd that it's beating Indiana Jones at the box office. They (the producers) fought for 5 years to get this film on the big screen so kudos.

Now the actual subject matter... it's been going on for millennia and will continue until Armageddon. The "practice" (if that's what you want to call it) is still very prevalent in muslim cultures and even encouraged with multiple "child wives". At least in America it's been an illegal practice up until now where people like the late Ruth B Ginsberg tried legalizing the age of consent to 11 years of age back when she was in law school and now is immortalized as a hero with her Asheroth like emblazoned statue in NYC. God is allowing our culture to fall into the immoral, abominable pagan practices of ancient Babylon , Rome, and Sodom and Gomorrah with reprobate minds (unchangeable). His righteous judgement will soon be unleashed on the insane loons. Sadly, our Christian leaders are slowly but steadily starting to condone these sins and it will be at great cost to all of us.

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Christian Film From Small, Upstart Outlier Utah-Based Movie Company not hellywood. And Hollywood elites are trying to kill him for exposing CIA Child Sex Trade.

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There is no such thing as a 'Christian Film'.

It all belongs to the father of lies, and that's no lie.

Time to quit half-@$$ing your lives away.

Answer me this: when you watch a movie that is supposed to be based on a reality, and it's being portrayed by actors (paid liars), claiming to be in it for the Truth of the Matter, and yet the banks are the biggest fans, because all parties are about the ever-present bottom line, and nothing is seriously ever accomplished, other than now you have all of these teary-eyed people thinking that there are good people out there trying to stop all of this devilry, when in reality, do you think that it's Just A Job?

It's called blind hypocrisy, like most all supposed , self-proclaimed 'Christians' (but predominantly the Church Christians, (where He won't be found anywhere among) are plumb full to the hilt with.

A True Christian wouldn't ever be a Rich Man in a Fancy Suit. The thought is absurd and almost laughable, if it weren't for all of the misery such foolishness has caused and continues to cause...

Watch the JBP interview with your two golden boys, and tell me if you sense the bland fakery that is oozing out of all three parties?

And don't ya just LOVE it when JBP tries to profit from the Truth he thinks to know, when a popup advert for his Hallow© app is there to try and con the sapsuckers into more dopey behaviors,

paying for him to give you Salvation, while lining his High Holy pockets with the Devil'$ Dollar$.

'Christians' my aspiring @$$. These are the lukewarm pretenders that get spit from the mouth.

Do Not Partake!

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Hey there, MR- just checking in and seeing if you've learned anything more in regards to this subject?

If what I have been digging up is the Truth, then my instincts are /were true.

The organization of that CIA actor, Ballard - Operation Underground Railroad (hate for all of these damned acronyms) - is, according to the latest research, a shill organization (big surprise), and these pedophilic, masonically funded (and so therefore EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that is all aboard with the Way of the World) ORGANIZATIONS- from the bottom up, to the top straight down, from the Colonel Sanders' to the Clinton's, and from the Pope to the police -are in league willingly or subjectively, and yet ...

Folks are still rooting for the bad guys in Large Numbers, maybe larger numbers than ever before, and seem unaware of the trap that's been sprung.

Let us do our very best to help spring these children from the trap, if we might.


Truth Preserve Us.

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I've seen some bad out of Utah about them. If nothing else, it at least opens the eyes of some who've had their head-in-the-sand. Now, is it possible that because of the Alt-Media's never ending search for the truth, caused the Mexican Cartel Lord that might be funding much of this (supposedly), just throwing a sacrificial lamb to the slaughter to make it appear as if they are doing something? Perhaps, I'm not skilled enough in digging for the hidden connections in all cases, this being one, to make those determinations. So just throwing the possible theory out there. Deception tricks, if they reach 51-55% and up, then the monsters are happy, they've achieved the public response they desire. Take Epstein's suicide for instance, he was the sacrificial lamb in a related arena, was he really dead? How about Tim Osman, CIA operative and Columbia University grad, Osama Bib Laden? Dead? Buried at sea, no body, Seal Team 6 subsequently killed in mysterious helicopter crash a year or two later? Just sayin'...

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Epstein is not dead- 'they' provided a poor quality double (the ears and eyes are obviously wrong in comparison...).

Just business as usual.

The same old tired Hollywood/Disney black magic.

It is the same system that allows the Real Upper Echelon Weirdos off with just a slap on the wrist for their heinous crimes against Life Itself.

Assange, Gunderson, The CIA 'whistleblower' Snowden, Tucker, Rogan, all of the guys and gals setting 'up top' that are allowed to profit from this war misery, or are visibly flaunted in the corrupt media- they are all suspect, in my opinion, even those who appear to be Caught as the Bad Guy, or portrayed as a martyr for The Truth, when in actuality... Well, I think that I need say no more on the subject.

Blessings to Pass Gracefully Through the Darkness.

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I see your point as well, but am just not able to believe that these little guys bullied their way into the arena to force this Urgent Message in front of the good and truth-deserving American public. It just doesn't happen.

I am not one that believes in having leaders of any sort - spiritual, political, or otherwise, and I have given no oaths to anyone or anything.

I don't think that I will ever be compelled to lower the bar, so as to be inclusive of these confused and blasphemous perverts, and I don't think that I will be earning money by the prescribed methods anymore, as it's all the devils' doings and business, no matter how it's cut, and I will be prepared for the quickly approaching reality, which is not going to be a grand merrymaking venture, and I will not pretend otherwise.

I seem to live in what many would call a dark and miserable place, and I can only respond with a yes, that they are correct, and I am finally starting to voice my observations of the fact that they seem to mostly live in fictional Dreamlands, powered by all of this satanic Filth, and it's not just in Hollywood, or just in the Vatican, or just on Epstein Isle. It's on this whole Earth, and in every corner, and is ruled by the prince of the air, the father of the lie, and this is just the way of it.

I can't pretend, and wouldn't if I could.

Many, many will not find the desire for Grace, and this reality pains me in a way that is difficult to convey with words alone.

I don't like seeing and hearing the screams of tortured children, nor of beasts, nor do I like seeing the wasteful destruction of this planet's 'resources' , although I do know that such 'birthing pains' will be coming to pass, and that I must be vigilant until the End that approaches.

This is no time to be caught out without your shield.

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This is not a Hollywood film, it is completely and intentionally anti-pedoworld establishment. Your brutal critique is exactly the kind of help Hollywood needs to prevent people from discovering these truths. You should read about this effort a little more before jumping in full bore with your criticism, it clearly is an uninformed or purposely misinformed opinion.

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And if people need a movie to inform them of what goes on around them, then there really is no sense even trying to reach those befuddled minds, as horrible as that might sound.

So many are really caught in this complex yet simple trap that has been laid , but there's still time and hope for their extrication.

I don't believe in fairy tales, though, and so I am always hurting the feelings of these poor, misled, and deluded children that were taught to believe in them- the Santa Claus's and the tooth faeries, etc ... I hear their whining and protesting complaints as they plug their ears as they try to hold on to the lies, and I am called a monster for this, but they are wrong, the ones that falsely accuse me of such.

I detest the lie, plainly and simply.

There will never be a way for the Truth and a lie to dwell in harmony. Such is, as far as I've experienced, a complete impossibility, no matter how hard these little devils may try.

Only the liar can repent of the lie, but he can't be forced to do such, with the soap taken to his mouth;

It just doesn't work that way, at least it hasn't up until now, that I am aware of, and I do not believe that such will ever be possible for a human. It is not our work, but another's, and so we must do what we are capable of, and what is required of us, should we ever humble ourselves to that work. Time may tell.if we are willing to listen.

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D Clemens, have you been doing your homework?

I have continued to pursue as much truth as I can find regarding this whole mess of Bringing Awareness (as if awareness alone ever gets anything accomplished) to the filth that has been going on in the World, in Hollywood, among the Elite, such as the Epstein crowd, and with So Very Many of our politicians and lawmakers, and our law interpreters being a part of said CROWD, I think that it's about time that we quit kidding ourselves as to the extent of the Problem.


Peace, and I forgive you for your accusations earlier, and hope that you can forgive my brusque mannerisms, as well.

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So D, I don't know what you think about JBP (I think he's a slimy belly-crawler, myself), but here's Canada's Smartest interviewing this Feddy actor, pretending to expose the nefarious agenda that the cia (his employer!) operates, and is the party responsible for 99% of the Satanic Filth that is For Sale to the highest bidder.

I think that most of you still believe that the gubment is a benevolent business venture.

This 'Sound of Freedom ' movie is as scripted as 'the Sound of Music'...

Get a Clue.

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Okay, it's not a traditional Hollywood flick, I get your point. But you don't seem to get my point, and that is that these things don't get let into the public arena by whim.

You are dense to think so.

This is sick gloating, and nothing more.

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Well said and I understand your complaint...it hits at the true heart of the problem in around about way, and that is (in-a-nut-shell) earth is a pit stop on the eternal journey, we're here for 2 things, to get to Heaven and share the Gospel to help lead others to the same destination. We are and have been deceived (at least here in the west) by the American Dream. Where most of us put our hopes in a comfy job and retirement package and finish life sitting on our front porch sipping tea or lemonade. I too had that vision at one time, but fortunately I was awakened to the fact we are not to build up earthly treasures but heavenly treasures, for it is there that is our home. Just as Christ was tempted as well as Adam and Eve who fell for the lie "that we can be as gods ourselves" or in Christ's case, was offered ALL the Kingdoms of the world if He would just bow his knee to satan. Fortunately for us, He did not bite at the temptation, but plenty of others throughout history have, and satan delivered to them (Stallin, Mao, Lenin, Hitler, and many others), satan also collected from them in his deception, none of their kingdoms lasted, no one has lived forever (might take a hint Yuval Noah Harari), and in the end all of them will probably end in hell. I say "probably", because we do not know what their death bed confessions or state-of-mind might have been, it's possible they pulled a Nebuchadnezzar at the last moment (see Daniel Ch.9-I think). But for all practical and logical reasoning, they will suffer eternal punishment. Anyway, my point is, at least for our generation (the last 100 years or so), our culture has fell for the lie, and as the American Dream is replaced by the Global Dream (another deception) where man has been taught to worship the creation (earth) instead of the Creator, we have our two newest generations hoodwinked and believing the lie the 45 graduating classes of Klaus Schwabs Young Global Leaders School that permeate every major political,medical, corporate, and philosophical position in the world's society--where the deceived become the deceivers. And it's only going to get worse.

So kudos to you for figuring it out, not everyone is ready to accept the Big Picture, or the 50,000 foot view of what is going on, and many, especially those of the two youngest generations, can not comprehend, quite yet, what lie they are believing. So baby steps for them, and if this movie helps them begin to see the Truth, then mission accomplished-it's a start. I'm not mad at your opinion by any means, I totally get it, but we have to take it one day at a time, one little bite (baby food) at a time for the unaware. If we dump on them ALL that we know All at once, it will be too much for them and our message will be lost by the wayside--filed in the Conspiracy Theorist can.

Trust me, I feel like Jeremiah and his lamentations, or when he questioned God when the evil doers of his day wouldn't listen to him, plotted to kill him, through him in prison. But God told him to keep going, deal with the issues, "they won't listen to you", God knew that but wanted Jeremiah to just keep going-at least the blood of judgment would not be on Jeremiah's hands. And that my friend, is about all we can do too.

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THANK YOU Manuel for the REAL CNN style news!!! Few remarks:

1. "How convenient. Just before Threads by Meta gets launched… Twitter silently removes login requirement for viewing tweets: => all passwords were SAVED and now every single account accessible.. By whom???

2. How pathetic:

"Secret service promises we may never know who left the cocaine in the White House"

=> that's why they call themselves SECRET....

3. "Hailstorm affects more than 20,000 hectares of crops in Valencia and Castellon, Spain…"

even in US in CA nurseries put signs like "sorry for lack of citrus fruits, we try our best..."

Well, when growing from tiny plants, they need LOT of water, LOT of GOOD minerals to survice the onslaught of the geoengineering sprayings...

Oh, is it posible to bring one tiny, little funny joke in every post??? We laugh so seldom these years.

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Yeah the world is so absurd these days that I feel like everything is a farce and funny as f… it is so sad and pervert that almost anything is a joke 😀

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Hmm!! Tiny homes are perfect for the 2030 agenda just like California spending money on tiny metal homes for the homeless... big government loves this type of spending 💰💰 plus keeps the plebs happy

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why metal ????

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Thank you

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Anyone that believes in the hype of anything promoted via a movie being shown in theatres as being legitimate, have a peek at this:


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