It ain't just the government..yes term limits at the very least. Yes tax the endowments and send kids to those schools free using their endowments for this by income not by color. Eliminate the fed and make it transparent and by limited appt. Stop bailing out the ,markets and the BIG banks..save the small and local. Break up the monopolies..facebook google along with Blackr9ck state street and vanguard. Get them 9ut of residential real estate, confiscate their ai and send them to prison like you did to Martin Armstrong. No sale of any land energy or minerals to farmland. Break up bill gates farmland monopoly..limit how much farmland a company can own. No dual citizens ,as hold any office or work for any state 9r federal agency. Eliminate most federal agencies starting with nih and farm it out to states, Eliminate cia and nsa. Prohibit the collecting and sale of online Data without permission. Tax income from employment at lower rates than cap gains. Reverse the cour ruling that corporations are persons. Eliminate n9n profits and foundations. And that's just my starting list

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I like your starting list

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Yep, you just dipped a toe into the swamp that never ends. Just go to 52:45 to 55:00 in this video and see all the lazer action in North Michigan and Ontario also. He only talks about the tornado cause, but you can see stuff up there. Not sure if in this one, but he showed major zaps from Florida up into north of Texas also. Everything is under evil control now. Everything. https://rumble.com/v4s9pfz-4.29.24-worldwide-submission-they-will-not-win-correspondent-dinner-mess-b2.html?playlist_id=watch-history

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Good video, thank you

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PS: And We Know has a hope things will eventually get better, but I don't. They might let people have hope for a short while, but that will be a psyop to drop our guards and then their final attack will come. It is all prophetic and can't be changed.

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I am afraid i am more than toe deep and sometimes I think i have tipped over into cray cray land. I try and tell myself it's OK to be suspicious..but what if I'm wrong? Maybe it's just the 5g or radar getting bounced back cause it's night? Maybe it's the magnetic pole shift...and then I think of the fires in canada..Lahaina and..california..the rain in Dubai where they admitted seeding and of course Easter day off San Fran with the salt..and Bill gates wanting to dim the sun and the president telling him go ahead?

And it's not just the geoengi eering..it's everything i thought I knew is wrong. Covid revealed that everything is corrupt manipulated not true or worse...I thought I lived in a constitutional republic....but we don't even have fair elections. It's like having the ground kicked out from under you....you wake up, you are in a hospital..and you are surrounded by zombies. It's literally the walking dead series and I'm in it...and I can't shut the tv off or change the channel...

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"I thought,"..."I thought,". That was how they got us. With MKUltra, gas lighting, and programming of all sorts,.....and we thought they had our backs. But they had specific plans for us, like working with lab rats. I've been deep in it since I got covid in late December 2019,..which was nasty and after I recovered they started their programming of save grandma, etc. and that woke me up. ( I'm a grandpa) Then I received this book for Christmas 2021 and started reading it two weeks after Russia invaded Ukraine and my eyes were really opened. https://www.powells.com/book/the-protocols-of-the-learned-elders-of-zion-9781947844964/61-0

You won't see the picture cheaper than this book, or clearer. It can be pretty discouraging if all your faith is in man who has no power against what is coming. The red heifers are ready and the timing is perfect. If you have faith in man to fix all this, you will be disappointed and in terror. Just saying.

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Eyes wide open Ron! Excellent post. I'm glad to see that others are seeing what I have been talking about for at least the last 8 years. I'm kind of bummed because as soon as others begin using the COD (College of Dupage) Doppler radar map, the only one that show these transmissions, they'll restrict access to it. Here is a video I made about a year ago. They muffled my voice but at least they allowed the video to post, I'm on Youtoogle's watchlist! Check it out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL9XuVSZQpQ

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I saw about 20 years ago that there are actual treaties between countries that they couldn't use weather warfare against each other. I actually posted the gov. treaty on facebook and a few people got mad and unfriended me. LOL Anyhow,....now they are all in agreement to use the warfare against their citizens. Elite money and extortion has purchased government and media corruption for their depopulation goals. No man can fix this and the Prince of Peace will be coming soon to remove the restrainer so many countries can try to destroy Israel. Biden has turned the US's back on Israel which was announced a couple of days ago. Let the games begin.

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“Mom kills daughter’s molester & hangs body from tree, arrested

Somebody please set up a GoFundMe for this lady!

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passport planted cover up, a rock from the titanic, (they got this idea from the fake moon landing rocks), HAARP weather report from Oklahoma, ........elsewhere I saw the a flat earth cult report,....main guy wears an "ice wall" hat. Nice we are in a digital world now because my rubber boots only go up to my knees. I should get a hat and put "need hip waders" on it. Getting close to a "need snorkel" hat.

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Don't forget dews and other geoengineering. I don't believe those tornadoes are totally natural.

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The Titanic coal brick, with certificate of AUTHENTICITY. Gave me an idea - someone could, if they haven’t already, start a side business creating certificates of authenticity. I mean, like, WHO KNOWS anymore.

I present to you this authentic certificate of authenticity…🤪. I think the world is getting to me…

Signed, Authentically Me.

More comments later, maybe.

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Lol! It’s already like this. Always read the Fine print: you just got played and I am covered…

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MmmHmmm - I say it this way:

Fine Print to “me, whoever me is: “I have all the rights. You have none.”

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One more thing. The tornado damage is totally preventable. How? If they can CREATE the conditions for tornadoes and hurricanes, which they are and have been doing, they can create the conditions to STOP tornadoes and hurricanes the same way but in reverse!!! But they don't. That makes them GUILTY. That's why they would sooner die than admit to controlling the weather (and that will happen too!) It would implicate them in every hurricane, tornado, flood and every weather disaster at least back to Hurricane Agnes in 1972! They have the technology to create earthquakes also. They stole it from Nikola Tesla when they stole all his notes. Satan controls the world by controlling the antichrist (alive now and giving orders behind the scenes) who controls the wicked elite who control the weather (and everything else).

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"US official urges China, Russia to declare only humans, not AI, control nuclear weapons…" Duhhh. The most unnecessary warning of all time! Not to worry, the AI probably already DO control nukes. THAT is how nuclear war will start but never fear born again, Blood redeemed Christian, you'll be with The Lord in The Lord's dimension when the following happens:

"And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; (MODERN DAY Jerusalem) Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth." Zechariah 14:12 (parentheses mine)

Sounds like nuclear bombs to me, which, by the way, you can escape. It's quite clear, with all countries RIGHT NOW surrounding Jerusalem and Israel that this will happen in our age, very soon in fact. And if that's not enough proof for you, how about this, from Isaiah 24:6

"Therefore hath the curse devoured the earth, and they that dwell therein are desolate: therefore the inhabitants of the earth are burned, and few men left."

This will happen after we who love the Lord disappear. Look for a man who will explain everything cooly and calmly restoring order from chaos. He is the antichrist. He'll say we were abducted by aliens BUT we will be returned. Never in the last 2000 years have we been closer to these prophecies coming to pass than we are right now. What I say is either true or false. Have you done diligence to know which?

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All the discrepancies about the events at 9/11 ground zero absolutely prove that people do not WANT the truth. They will trust in the ones who want them DEAD AND are killing them no matter how many lies they tell and how many innocent Americans are murdered. Many books have been written on the subject in the 23 years since the event, every one of them much longer and more detailed than the negligent 1 million dollar "9/11 Commission Report" (much more of our tax dollars were spent on the Clinton/Lewinsky debacle). Building 7 wasn't even mentioned in the government report! Also telling, a jet airplane engine was found in the street below the towers, that should prove it, right? NO! Those who bothered to look noticed that they were 747 engines. No 747s were used in the "attack". Moreover, when the truth began to circulate about the "wrong engines" being found on a sidewalk shortly after the "attack" (demolition), an unmarked van quickly hovered in, scooped up the engine and whisked it away to the boneyard from whence it came. How can anyone, yet alone EVERYONE ignore such proof of lies? Do they simply refuse to believe that the government of the people, by the people and for the people could possibly be involved in such a murderous plan in which nearly 3000 people were killed horrifically? Do they actually believe the oath of office those "elected" to represent the people would be so blatantly broken by those who are supposed to be protecting us? Those two items, phrased as questions are precisely the reason most refuse to believe that 9/11 was an inside job. It's as simple as this: They can't handle the truth.

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The TED talk is very much worth listening! Thank you.

Just wonder one, are these the same criminals who established Federal Reserve, TAXes and also tuition for that ed-U-cat-I-on which is getting worse and worse with every year, while making the 'students' participants in more and more crimes against humanity (example, genetic engineering, chemical pollution,, etc...) ??

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I would say yes, but I have no evidence for it. It’s part of the same criminal system

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50% of what Scott Galloway says is good, the other 50% is horseshit. What does that make his talk? MEDIOCRE at best, but if you based it on school scores which he works under, 50% is an "F". This clown thinks that government is the answer to all of our problems by making GOVERNMENT LAWS and rules. That has worked so well the last 125 years in America hasn't it???

I have a better plan, it is called the Blueprint. It will work 1st of all. 2d, it will piss off 80% of America. Imagine that America. You will get to keep all of your money and spend it the way you want to? What could go wrong with that? Making laws that violate the Constitution, after it has been strengthened and tougher on criminals and those in government, and outlawing fascists, communists, socialists, and marxixts and not allowing their ist's to be taught in schools except as something that will never be allowed and in government you would go to prison for decades for suggesting laws based upon those principles. Send me your e-mail at Rick Stanley jr 54 @ g mail .com and I will send you the latest copy which is a work in progress. It is much more thorough than what I have mentioned here, and it would return America to the greatest nation on Earth once again and each of you, into a remarkable individual with good rights of freedom and liberty that are time tested, and bring you to self sufficiency based upon the principles of hard work and making your own way in life.

As I said 80% of America will hate it, they are the ones who want something from government. People that I respect want government to leave them the hell alone and will do no harm to another unless they try and harm them, and they will legally and lawfully have the 100% right to use the mechanical tools or weapons to protect themselves anywhere and anyway they wish, as well as any weapon they wish to defend themselves, their family, and their property, as a right, as long as they do so in defense of those three issues. Inanimate objects do not cause crime, or murder, they are objects that "humanity uses" to commit crimes, or murder. If you commit a crime or commit murder you will pay the price, not your inanimate objects. Personal responsibility is the basis of the Blueprint.

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