Nov 2, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Hope your Family is doing well and safe Manuel. Just a quick comment on your comment you've heard this in the 70's etc on the catastrophic climate fate. Well all I can say is you should have paid attention. Check out GeoengineeringWatch.org. All Scientificly documented about the changes in the World for over 15 years now....We now have due to People's ignorance and not paying attention to ALL of the WORLD WIDE CATASTROPHES IN CLIMATE: 80 to 90% of Global insects gone, 90% of the plankton in the ocean gone (which is the 2nd largest biosphere on our planet and has occurred due to repeated heating by HAARP during the last 2 years), 60% of all Global Tree cover gone due to geo-engineering Weeather Wars, 90% of all Northern fisheries collasping, and 70% decline of all wild life.

Then you expect 2 to 3 years before the Ozone functional collapse from actual data at this time. Currently we are losing from 200 to 300 species of Animal and Plant Life PER DAY. Zero hour level on animal complete extinction 2026. I won't go into the levels of depleting CO2 and Oxygen because they are in the danger zone for LIFE itself at this time. Check it out.....it is not a pipe dream.

Here in Montana where I live, the animal wildlife population has dropped by 3/4 in the last 2.5 years.... Not a joke. No animals for food, No Forests or Plankton for AIR to breath, continued chem-trailing means no Sun for CO2. Result, we die. I don't know which is worse. WWIII or starving to death or not being able to breath and just dying.

Enjoy the time we have left. It appears most people just sit back and let it happen.

Be Safe! Charlotte

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Very cool about vertical sleeping by the whales!

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I read your comment perfectly. Without sounding harsh, if I was paid to lie at the rate of $1 Billion dollars for the past 2 years / like all media / I would tell stories also.

But I learned a long, long time ago not to pay attention to the main stream media on anything!!! Hopefully you will learn that some day after the fact.

Stay safe and you can believe the lies on main stream if you choose!

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Excellent on the Balfour Declaration!! David Icke did a good presentation on the Kahzarian Empire & how it fits in with all of this.

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Curious trend against Israel that you're showing, Manuel. I guess Hamas didn't' paraglide into a music festival and murder innocent people. Or go house to house at night murdering innocent babies, children, women, and men in their sleep either, because you seem to conveniently omit islamic atrocities and focus on villainizing Israel's defensive measures.

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