Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Just a quick comment on the tragedy of the massive Dolphin deaths in France: the water pressure off the coast of France is a bit high as was the ocean levels of heat all summer. The dolphins look strange. They look like they have hemorrhaged from the inside. Both heat and pressure affect the marine life drastically. The changes in the ocean from this last year to now are still an ongoing concern for all marine life. The closer an object gets to Earth the more these things are going to happen.

Sun is no exception and I think we can see the drastic changes taking place there.

Animals respond to underground occurrences before they actually happen / not unlike the elephants running for higher ground before a tidal wave comes in (they have extra-sensory pads as do most 4 legged animals and can feel the changes and vibrations coming.

Whales also beaching due to the activities deep in the ocean.

Africa splitting into 2 continents has been foretold due to another fault line activating with the oncoming planet.

Love the pic about Zelensky coming out! Where do you find these things Manuel? Needed a laugh today and this certainly brought that about! Thanks for all your hard work and throwing in a bit of humor to go along with it!

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So much damage humans do. The dog torturers in Spain----may they burn in Hell. This is profoundly heartbreaking.

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds


This is a good video that all humans should share in the knowledge of, in order to be brought up to speed, and to give a good bit of perspective on the recent (since the Vietnam war, with Operation Popeye) timeline, with some good Senate hearings, etc. .

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The Uganda video has it exactly right. Psych Text books were changed by deviants a while back. He is correct. The books are corrupted. Most HS and College text books are corrupted by demonseeds. That is why education is corrupted, and we have a deviant marxist-satanist problem.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The female "teacher" who fistpumped "that's the goal" (big smile) because of confusing the gender of our children should be rounded up with all other freaks like her who are ruining humanity, tried, convicted and HANGED. Scratch that: I say forget the gallows, it's too costly to build and too much work to expend on garbage. Emptying (just to be sure) a magazine of 45 cal. rounds to the temple could do the job for pennies; ok, maybe a little more with inflation but seriously, the wickedness in this world is off the charts. I cannot WAIT to see judgement fall on these abominations of humanity. I've had it with the evil sickness in this world!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

What, are you reading my mind? I just watched that Aloha Airlines episode of Mayday: Air Disasters last night! It's a truly incredible story. That particular 737 had made so many short hops that from compressing and decompressing, the rivets finally broke off. I believe it had made something like 100,000 take-offs and landings! You should watch the video. Look it up on youtube, it's there under the channel Mayday: Air Disasters.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🇲🇽

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Where was that float or whatever it was with Zelensky emerging from a big fat American behind waving his flags? Can't imagine that being allowed here - quite a visual!

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The crap that Uncle Sam has spread upon the world! Everyone look out.

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Mar 20, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I upgraded to paid but it still says Upgrade To Paid 😎

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