Things just continue to get weirder...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for November 3, 2023...
Propaganda wants you to think that native Americans are more dangerous than actual terrorists…

Alaskans and visitors may be able to see an artificial airglow in the sky created by the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program during a four-day research campaign that starts Saturday… HAARP artificial airglow may be widely visible in Alaska…
That is creepy…
The Patato Famine 2… This year's potato harvest 'worst in living memory', says IFA (Irish Farmers' Association)…
Is this NBC admitting Obama’s 3rd term? No one believes Obama has been advising Biden for 5 months. Obama is Biden’s Puppet Master…

Before I’d spend one night cooped up in a van I’d just go in there and drag them out. How can you be that much of a slave to a broken system? Seattle homeowner lives in a van while deadbeat tenant rents his home on Airbnb…
Ross Coulthardt reported yesterday evening on NewsNation that NORAD scrambled multiple jets when 8-9 UAP were spotted over the Arctic Circle three days before the Chinese Spy Balloon was shot down. Apparently, the jets couldn't catch them once they took off. NORAD denies this & says they did have jets in the area, but that they were returning home from a training exercise…
80’s? Cocaine and Ferraris for everyone!!! Brace for 8% mortgage rates to drag the US housing market into a 1980s-style recession, Wells Fargo warns…
Elon Musk ..New AI in town… Anybody know what it is supposed to be? LLM chat? Generative AI? Something else?

Need to cut prices on the installation side if you want to keep demand up. People don't have money anymore… But I’m sure the prices will stay high-in-the-sky at retail… Solar cell prices plunge to all-time low…
At least she got a cookie…
Electric vehicle industry collapsing in US… Surprising? Nope: The cost of ‘fueling’ an electric vehicle is equivalent to $17.33 per gallon…
Over the course of 3 days scientists pumped 10 tons of cement into an abandoned ant hill. After weeks of digging, the colony’s intricate & impressive structure is revealed…
Hey Guys! Now its time to SUPPORT MY WORK!
If a few more people choose to become paid subscribers, I could expose more lies, root out more corruption, and call out more hypocrites. So, if you can afford it, please support this work via:
CNN mistakenly filmed woman stuffing a ballot box with multiple ballots – the reporter’s reaction says it all…
Do you get his plate message?
This is a case of ‘we are not rats’… One sleepless night can rapidly reverse depression for several days…
WOW! I missed this one! A football match taking place in Rugeley, Staffordshire, was interrupted by the controlled demolition of four chimneys at a power station in the town. The cooling towers were brought down at 11.15am on Sunday June 6, 2021...
It’s really insane how governments keep giving bailouts to megacorps like Siemens despite the wealth they have amassed over the years. Where’s the free market they preach of? Where’s the high risk high reward when only small businesses suffer from the risk while MNCs get away with taxpayer money? Siemens Energy shares plunge as it seeks government bailout…
Vote blue no matter who…

Justin Trudeau's nihilistic, sick society: 4.1% of ALL deaths in Canada last year caused by government 'assisted suicide'…
Iceland's 'exceptional' volcanic unrest continues, 800 earthquakes yesterday, 10,500 since swarm began on October 25th…

This timelapse video shows how a growing sunflower swings its head to follow the sun during the day then moves back overnight to face east in the morning… Now! The mechanism for how sunflowers follow the sun has been debunked…
Five people have been killed after rivers burst their banks following torrential rain in the central Italian region of Tuscany, local authorities said on Friday, as Storm Ciaran continued to lash western Europe…
Researchers at Mainz University are investigating the jet stream to assess how its decadal variations could affect the occurrence of weather extremes in Europe… Is the jet stream changing? What a question… Of course it is!
This morning, Nov. 3rd, coronagraphs onboard the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) detected a full halo CME. The storm cloud is heading directly for Earth:
The cloud was hurled into space by the eruption of a long magnetic filament in the sun's northern hemisphere:
A NASA model of the CME suggests it will arrive between 1200 UT and 1800 UT on Nov. 5th. Two minor CMEs could precede it with glancing blows on Nov. 4th. The sum of these impacts have the potential to produce G2-class or stronger geomagnetic storms.
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Thank you and have a great Friday,
Thanks Manuel. More great articles.
Interesting to note... the person who wrote the opinion piece of Maga and Christians..... he used to be a Playboy correspondent, and has sued Trump 3 times. So obviously, he dislikes Trump. His right, of course, but.... his opinion just might be a bit biased in this case. And as a Christain, I will say I have voted for the Left and the Right. I hate they way some journalists "pigeonhole" people....
Well I guess I won’t move to Iceland lol!