Nov 3, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks Manuel. More great articles.

Interesting to note... the person who wrote the opinion piece of Maga and Christians..... he used to be a Playboy correspondent, and has sued Trump 3 times. So obviously, he dislikes Trump. His right, of course, but.... his opinion just might be a bit biased in this case. And as a Christain, I will say I have voted for the Left and the Right. I hate they way some journalists "pigeonhole" people....

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Nov 3, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Well I guess I won’t move to Iceland lol!

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If you're a fan of NASA CGI and lies, yes it's and up and down system of wows and whats. And yes, it's finally, slowly being confirmed by state owned media that Obama is and has been living and controlling a third term causing chaos and destruction around the world and in USA, all while you blamed a senile old child sniffer. Get ready, more to come from the antichrist and company; third world status and death, while nobody lifts a finger, sword or weapon, evil shall prevail.

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Thanks for all the interestting posts, Manuel!!!

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Manuel, thank you & God bless

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For a person constantly in the media spotlight, wouldn't it be proper to look his best at all times when in the public eye? Why then, is his hair so messy and the back needs trimmed worse than mine does right now? I thought he had meticulous people, i.e. "groomers" around him constantly. Perhaps they have even tired of following him around.

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Of all people, John Travolta gives probably the best description of the Great Irish Potato Famine i've heard:


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