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Just out of curiosity (and totally none of my business), would you be willing to share which issues you vote left on? No offense intended, and none taken if you're not comfortable answering.

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Hi Joasis - No offense taken!

My point isn't the issue, it is that we shouldn't just look at a politician's party; listen first and then make the decision. The governor of my state is Democrat, and I have often agreed with him on issues. That being said, the entire political realm has moved so far to the left.... if you listen to JFK of yesterday, he sounds like a Republican of today. But journalists (like this man) take for granted that if you are MAGA, you are Christian, and vice-versa. Way wrong, but that is how so many of these guys like to pigeon hole us.

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It's as simple as three words: DIVIDE. AND. CONQUER. Bottom line is if you watch mainstream media, either network or cable, simply STOP. You are being programmed into zombies that no longer possess the ability to think critically.

They accuse we Christians (now completely necessary to specify, Jesus loving, BORN AGAIN, BIBLE believers) of having "blind faith" yet their faith in the government and its lap dog media deceivers is so much worse, being so obvious by their lack of discernment in all matters, political AND other.

I like your comparison of JFK's version of the democratic party compared to that of today. And if you want to see the best example of a MAGA, patriotic, pseudo-Christian just visit the Stew Peters Network and watch his show.. Those who are dividing us don't even include we born again Christians because we are such a small group and we don't fit into EITHER party.

The Trump supporting, MAGA "Christians" like Stew Peters are a HUGE group, all proclaiming to be Christians yet are so woefully ignorant of the written word that you can't tell them from the world and its own. That is why he got the job he now occupies - the job of controlled opposition.

In the current world of far right and far left, someone was needed to gain the trust of the far right and control them from within, leading them down the road to ultimate tyranny by failure to realize the TRUTH of the day in which we are now living. Stew is now leading his listeners down the contrived pathway of hatred of the Jew, blaming ALL evil and wickedness on them AND IT'S WORKING!

We who love the Lord Jesus Christ are now of such a small minority that even those who were perhaps sitting on the fence have now jumped into the camp of the Stew Peters brand of Christianity. Hatred of the Jew and a foul, filthy, even pornographic tongue. CINOs I call them and they evolved from RINOs. If you watch, be prepared to hear rants with pornographic language intermixed. He once had a female guest on his show and he actually used the shocking language, "suck his d#!k"!! And it wasn't censored in any way. His mind is foul and corrupt yet out of it he names the Name which is above EVERY name and nobody on his comment thread (except me) will say anything about his filthy tongue!

We are in a new world now, not a "brave" new world but a disgusting new world and I feel less and less a part of it as the days move along. I cannot wait to hear those words, "Come up hither!!" After which God will pour out His WRATH on this world and it will be truly catastrophic.

Then we, who were taken by Him 7 years prior will come back with Him, all on white horses to fight the battle of Armageddon. THEN will we reign as kings and priests with Him for 1000 years (the millennium) where "They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain: for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea."! Isaiah 11:9

It's all happening just as He told us through His prophets. Bible prophecy is LEAPING from the pages and into reality! We now are so near the start of all of this most don't even consider how close. If you're born again and sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise, I'll be seeing you very soon. In the AIR!

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Well put Jimd. You said it better than I can.

Blessings to you -

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