Child Poverty Crisis in Japan, one of my neurotypical/healthy military siblings has to go there this year for military reasons. Pray we don't go there, despite being tempted by its alluring culture. Japan's politicians and corporations are just as greedy and corrupt as America's are. https://mainichi.jp/english/articles/20240123/p2g/00m/0et/038000c ("Japan is rich, but many of its children are poor; a film documents the plight of single mothers")

"One woman in the film says she works from 8:30 a.m. until 7:30 p.m., while earning less than 200,000 yen ($1,350) a month."

"Despite being one of the world's richest nations, Japan has one of the highest rates of child poverty among OECD countries, with one in every seven children living in poverty. About half of single-parent households live below the poverty line."

"Japanese society also tends to favor full-time male workers, and women often receive lower wages and fewer benefits, even when they are working full-time and overtime."

"The story of the underclass, including those who are forgotten and don't have a voice, has long fascinated McAvoy. His next film will be about young people driven to suicide in Japan. He said that being an outsider allows him to tell stories with a fresh perspective and without bias."

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I heard a great lyric in a song very recently that said, "no light gets into a mind with no windows." I raise this thought about the doomsday clock. We are in a spiritual war which is outside of most peoples cognitive abilities. The doomsday clock is set by secular scientists who are part of the globalists. And the fear they sell is to get you ready for the great deception that will happen in the skies. And this is being readied to distract and deceive the masses from the supernatural event coming very soon they don't want you to know about or understand. Yes, it is impending but it is not doomsday depending on how you interpret doomsday. But if you interpret doomsday as having no freedoms, that definitely is at your door step. The dark spirits controlling the world at the moment have enough light so to prepare for this last battle. They have MKUltra controlled the masses with media lies, flouride, many other poisons including now legal marijuana so they are as docile and gullible as puppies. They even know how long they have to control the world before the real doomsday arrives. Your thoughts on this will not change a thing. And not by any entity.

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So .... if robots are working for free ?! Humans will make $25 dollars to clean floors and toilets 💭

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Appreciate the worldwide news reports, Manuel!! Maybe that "thing" is a game of some kind?!

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"November 12, 1963 US President John F. Kennedy sent a letter to CIA Director John A. McCone demanding access to the UFO files. Ten days later he was dead…'

Never saw any UFO, but lot of MAN-MADE high tech machines, so the question is really, is there more behind it than 'just technology'? Is it somehow connected with the genetic modifications of humans tp prepare for a take over of our Creator given planet Earth by somebody else, or what?

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'Pseudo-Japanese' industry flourishes in CCP China (as the actual Japan suffers un-ending economic crisis and perpetual worker shortages, partly due to slave-like work conditions and 'karoshi' - d. from overwork - in a supposed 'first world country'). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LUKFPJECQs

(China Observer: Don't Be Fooled! These Products Aren't Made in Japan, They're Actually Manufactured in China!)

"In the video, a man who identifies himself as "Keita Ito" speaks fluently in Japanese while wearing the typical work attire of a Japanese artisan. He smiles and discusses the quality of iron pots, saying, "This kind of iron pot is not outdated; it represents a legacy of craftsmanship." The video claims that this man is the fourth-generation heir of the "Ito family," a lineage of traditional Japanese pot-makers. In 2018, in keeping with his father's wishes and skills, he collaborated with Shanghai's Yi Jia Living to produce these traditional iron pots, aiming to promote and celebrate this age-old craft. The Ito family has also received multiple awards in Japan.

However, this success was short-lived. Two years after the iron pots became a hit, at the end of 2020, Chinese professional anti-counterfeiter Wang Hai revealed on Weibo that these purportedly Japanese-made iron pots were actually produced by a Chinese OEM factory. He also found that a domestically branded iron pot, identical to the one in question, was being sold for less than half the price. Adding to the irony, "Keita Ito," who claimed to be the fourth-generation heir of the Ito family, was actually portrayed by Chinese actor Huai Yuan. Thus, both the promotional video and the product itself were entirely "made in China."

These paid liars may be smiling now. But not on the day of judgement that awaits all (regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, economic status). I'm NOT against letting someone have names/cultural lifestyles from other countries, I do not believe in so-called 'cultural appropriation' as the far-left and "anti-orientalism" movement does. The "anti-orientalism" movement is a monstrous attack on traditional and ancient "Asian" (Tartarian, possibly also Lemurian and Native American, as America is the true Far East on the Plasma Moon Map) cultures. Japanese society (since the 'Otaku K--ler story made the news in the 80's?) hates and suppresses/conceals away its own traditional culture to a noticeable extent, alongside the rise of westernization and the extreme Japanese school system (funded by/created by the U.S.) and one in seven Japanese kids 'living' in poverty. Creativity is discouraged in Japan (outside of video game companies/kids YouTube channels), if you don't believe me, watch "The Japan Reporter" channel on YouTube's various videos.

Interesting comment on that C.O. video: "Lots of Chinese counterfeits also says Made in Italy. When buying expensive items, it's best to buy directly from the manufacturer and NOT unauthorized 3rd party sellers (such as sellers in Ebay - lots of Chinese fakes)."

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"This is just speculative and subjective fearmongering." Thing is, I see speculative fearmongering coming from all directions constantly - from the dire predictions of globalists and climate change activists on the radical Left to the prophecies of doom and gloom from the conspiracy theory crowd.

In my 68 years of living, I've only very rarely seen any such prognostications ever actually make it to reality.

My philosophy now is not to worry about what might or might never happen in the future. My dad used to say that 95% of the things you worry about never happen and the other 5% you can't change anyway, so why worry? Jesus had a few things to say on that topic as well. No need to borrow trouble from tomorrow; today has enough trouble of its own.

All the modern 'prophets' out there should be glad we aren't living under a Biblical theocracy - back then if you made even one single prediction that didn't come true, you would be taken to the village square and stoned to death immediately.

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"The Lord told us to’' ~ B.S.! (GOD ALMIGHTY) JEHOVAH, MOSHIA, HAMOSHIA, LORD and SAVIOR, YESHUA, CHRIST JESUS, never told this FOOL to steal money from the assembly and build ANYTHING.

HE doesn't work that way. Not now, not ever. People like this 'nut' give Christianity a BAD name.

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Preparing for Hypothetical “Disease X”: COVID Having Failed to Do the Job, Bill Gates Is Making a Second Run at “Culling the World Population” https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-having-failed-do-job-bill-gates-making-second-run-culling-population/5847109

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