Oh, don't be alarmed. The Departments of Defense (DoD), Department of Energy (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is conducting a Large-Scale Nuclear Training Exercise. With all of those alphabet agencies on hand, what could possibly go wrong???

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I shudder to think !

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Just want to throw this out there. CV 19 was colds, flue, pneumonia RENAMED. If you had issues then that's what you had. It's was a military Psy op with false positives using a test only used for CSI DNA tests. I have no link. Either believe it or not. Don't fall for the bird flu lie either. We are and have been under attack and it just gets worse from here. Do what you can to prep, pray and stay outta the way. Things aren't as we thought them to be. We have what ONLY appears to be friendlies in gov't.

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Agree 100%

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Sort of funny re Florida. A package I ordered out of Clearwater FL is delayed due to weather. Snow and ice. Not a destructive hurricane, but snow and ice. I get it, but it still strikes me as funny. Originally from Michigan, I lived in Florida for about 6 years in the late 80’s. It was still nice then, just starting to turn - well, uhm, weird.

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I grew up, up north. Northeastern Illinois, mere miles from Lake Michigan. People don't know what cold and windchills temps really are and "lake-effect-snow" ~ especially people of the south! Nothing (hardly) ever shuts down up north in the winter. Now we live in the Ozarks, where a 1/4'' of snow paralyzes the entire region like it's nuclear fallout or something !

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I remember when living in Montreal that sometimes schools were shut down because of very low temperatures...

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I remember that in Michigan, too. And, outdoor workers got a day off, too. 🙂

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“…up north.” As one from Michigan, or up north, too, you know how I luuuuuv hearing that phrase! 🙂. Grew up and lived in the Detroit area suburbs near “the Pointes.” R&R was a ride along Lake St. Clair for the sunrise or to see the giant slabs and chunks of ice that wash up to shore in the wintertime. And just for relaxing. Pretty much the same weather paralyzation you talk about in the more temperate parts of North Carolina. I’m in north central. However, Michigan is mostly flat. NC has LOTS of wavy hills everywhere - I think the Ozarks do, too. Big difference for driving conditions. I lived in one place here that had to go UP the driveway to get to the street - in snow, well, I had a snow day from work. ❄️. We did have snow a week or so ago - that’s pretty exciting here! But it can also shut things down.

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Yup. The Ozarks is hilly ! And we live way off the beaten path on gravel so, driving can be a little hairy! Winter AND rainy, springtime driving. Mud is just as bad as the snow & ice!! "Say YA to DA U.P., EH?"

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Ooooooooh, yes! I even have a t-shirt embroiderd with a beautiful fir tree and cardinals - caption “UP NORTH MICHIGAN.” 🙂

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👋👋Fellow Michigander! I live in HI now, but just as crazy here! Weather warfare…60 degrees? Never before 2023, in the 16 yrs I’ve lived here. Now the last 3 years winters are ridiculous, this year the coldest on a daily basis. Down to 60 degrees, and even after daylight, 62-64. They’re destroying our fruit crop and everything else we now “try to grow. No sun. Rain is toxic, it eats the leaves, changes the ph of the soil. Even my pineapple plants have turned red. Fruit rotting on the trees. Sick of this warfare, and it’s going to get worse I’m sure!

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No, the "lab leak" is NOT true. It's being used to prop the "virus" narrative. Too Many are becoming aware that there has never been a virus actually proven, and neither has contagion!!! These were lies created by Rockefeller for profit (selling petro-"medicine" and jabs) and fear (for control), and used to the fullest in 2020.

A Post to Be Viral (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-post-to-be-viral

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maybe that help' sign is related to this today?


looks like the entire stratosphere is under attack:


normally do not like reptiles, but the picture of the frozen alligator is just terrifying..

the nuclear weapons exercise.., not good, under a careful watch of the new administration??? No word about it only here, by Manuel??

Thank you as always for the CNN style news!

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Thanks for the link to GWP. Winning!

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Beware training and table-top exercises. There was a nuclear practice in Atlanta in 2022. https://pin.it/7ew7UXEEl

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And they're proud of Wernher von Braun in Huntsville, Alabama. The rocket center borders on the Redstone Arsenol. When I went to Space Academy for Educators in 2023, a hotel manager told me, "a lot of FBI agents stay here." I told him that I could tell. Here is Peter Santenello's coverage of Huntsville. https://youtu.be/3rwZsCwPJYs

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praying for those suffering - I'm one of the lucky ones who survived flash flooding & mudslides from Hurricane Helene in Asheville, North Carolina, on Sept. 27, 2024. https://youtu.be/zVmogRaQaQA

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I’m glad to hear you’re OK! I have a friend who’s over there right now trying to help out the survivors. It is absolutely heartbreaking that they’ve had to wait all these months and they’re facing freezing temps! I really hope that this administration helps them ASAP. At least the Californians have a warmer climate right now and North Carolinas have been waiting for such a long time… it hurts my heart to think about it.

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The last thing posted about 'Who's telling the truth' , this reminds me of what they're doing to Maxine Bernier here in Canada. The leader of the PPC (People's Party of Canada) has been refused to take part in any of the debates. Our current leader in the PM race is Pierre Poilievre of the Conservatives, my gut instinct tells me that he's wolf in sheep's clothing. Canada is in deep trouble, more trouble than I first thought. A new video/movie just came out and it's extremely disturbing, where he explains how the whole country has been lied to and we really don't even has a legit government or a legit Charter of Rights. The word charter is extremely important in it's context. The movie is called "Canada the Illusion", it roughly 48 minutes long and he shows you where in the wording our country really doesn't exist, heck... we're not even suppose to have a Governor General and that whole thing back in the 70's with Pierre Elliott, was a sham. If you're Canadian, and you really love this country, take the time and watch it... It'll really piss you off. And Share It !!!

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Exactly Poilievre, is not the guy Canada needs... He is a WEF scam. I will try to find the documentary. Thank you!

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Here comes that Jewish False Flag I've been warning about!

“Israel” bombs “america”,

brand new Russian passports “found” in ashes!

Will the “american” assholes swallow another Jewish 9/11!?

Hell, yes!

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They're just upping the tension. Nothing works like FEAR to keep the sheep under control.

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Words also visible are Terrorismo DOS and FBI

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Thanks for the, as always, excellent Roundup of News, Manuel!! With 8 other planets tugging & pulling on us we are bound to experience some weird happenings! Been going on since about 2009. Check out the SAMUEL HOFFMAN interviews on Radio Wasteland!! People helping People continues in NC. Hopefully, since the Prez made a visit there it will focus more attention on the disastrous situation!! People still sleeping in tents.....in the U.S.A.!!!

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WWII. The Nazi party did not lose WWII. It simply shifted into the next phase of operation. The 3rd Reich moved into the ''4th Reich". The phase that ''they'' say is a hypothetical successor. The 4th Reich is "perpetual warfare". From "Werewolves to Democrats". The Fourth Reich adherents suggests that "right-wing extremists" are on the brink of power, or have already attained it. The TRUTH of the matter is, the "Left-wing extremists" are the extension and driving movement behind the 4th Reich ideologies. (More of their Marxist tactics). Accusing the opposing party of the things that ''they'' ''themselves'' are doing, creating confusion to those not paying any particular attention to the actual truth of the matter. the reality of the Fourth Reich, rather than dismissing it because "Wikipedia" tells you to, is and should be a warning against complacency concerning the Marxist-socialists-commie demon-crat party. And I DON'T use the term "demon-crat" loosely. The very term "demon" [is] a description that precisely describes the (demonic) nature that is akin to the angelic in knowledge and powers, but with the emphatic addition of the idea of positive and active wickedness. The etymology of the word "cratic" is a Greek root word, ''krat'' meaning "rule" or "power". This sham word 'DEMOCRACY' has NOTHING to do with equality. That's a mere disguise they hide behind. In reality, they want total rule and authority. The word - "DEMOS", another Greek word means: the people, as the depository of "supreme power." This IS what they desire. Supreme authority ~ but for them and them alone, (party wise). It has nothing to do with equality, but has everything to do with Totalitarianism. "TOTALITARIANISM" is a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state. THIS is the demon-cratic goal. And this IS the goal of the still in existence Nazi party, the "party" of the modern, 21st century DEMOCRATIC / DEMON-CRATIC POLITICAL PARTY.

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The iguanas always fall … but the rest is crazy

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I quite like Iguanas. I hope they will unfreeze!

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As soon as it warms up .. they unfreeze .. it’s like a deep come to keep them alive .. 😀

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It truly is unsettling. Thinking of weather manipulation and of earthquakes, volcano's, fires and floods, is really creepy for me. It creates fear. Not an emotion I feel often. Nor do I like it much. Now I understand why they used climate change to induce fear. If I ever believed climate change were real, it would have frightened me, too.

I so wish I didn't believe this was real.

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It's not conspiracies that start with an exercise. It's false flags that start with an exercise.

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