Smellinsky is a khazar-sodomite devil-worshipping nazi piece of excrement. I pray Putin annihilates him.

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C'mon OGM! Tell us how you really feel! 🤪

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Dec 29, 2022
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Not sure if we are seeing a body double on Smellinsky. I notice the midget pervert puffs his chest out, like he is flexing as he has always done. Perhaps he can put on his leather queen outfit, high heels, and model it again, or bang his weiner on a piano again, and we can judge if it is the same pervert, or a doppleganger?

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Concerning Zelenski's participation in the WEF: No surprise here.

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So, as far as HAARP goes....yeah 'we are just experimenting, if we happen to link all this EMF up with 5G, or destroy the weather patterns mixing the EMF with all the spraying, that would be a big OOOOPS, did not mean too.....bwahahahaha""

Sinkhole....NOT!!....notice again all the pipe and lines under the road, I have seen this so many times, they are NOT sinkholes, they are from the weakening of the ground from all the constructed lines underneath...here in Austin, I have been downtown when workers were repairing water leaks under the roads, you can see at least 4 layers of brick road on brick road...the ground shifts and the top collapses.

'Potential'....I love it....more play on words....potential, maybe, could have, should have, could be, just might, what if!.....catagory 4 atmosphere river....hahahaha....you mean a HAARP controlled geoengineering plan?...........Nothern Cal is only 500+ inches behind in rain from a few years back, Newscum needs it dry so him and Aunt Pelosi can take over!.....so long as there is plenty of liquor!

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Fraudchi's wifey looks like it has more testosterone than he does?

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She(??) hangs with Big Mike Obozo

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Yeah, that dude has a size 14-E "feets."

Rarely will you, ( if ever ) see a picture of its "feets." Even homobama's brother admitted big mike is a male with fake knockers, and the kids were from surrogate birthing. Yet, millions of sheeple think it is a genuine female?

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And I have asked some who believe the fairy tale of Big Mike being a real woman if they have ANY photos of it pregnant....nope.....Why was Joan Rivers suddenly 'offed' during 'so called complications' during a fairly common surgery???....maybe because on camera for all the world to see she said, 'everyone here knows she is a tranny'

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I believe that the military industrial complex possesses technology that not only is secret but would blow our minds if revealed. I also believe that they have tapped into the intelligence of the adversary Satan whose knowledge is little considered among the majority because he has been scorned out of existence.

I have a strong suspicion that CERN (whose logo is 666) was built by technology acquired from Satan by those who have been calling upon, worshipping, sacrificing children, using witchcraft and doing his bidding for decades if not centuries passed down through the generations. When we who love the Lord Jesus Christ are removed in the Rapture, the antichrist will appear from behind the world stage and use this technology to convince the masses that he is the "true" god. The Bible says he will use "lying signs and wonders".

"Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders",...2 Thessalonians 2:9 and

"And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image." Revelation 19:20

It says to "them that had received the mark of the beast", which in this age looks very much like the false vaccine in many ways. It is not THE mark of the beast because we who are born again will not be here to see that being mandated (sound familiar?) but this looks very much as if it will LEAD INTO the mark of the beast. To those who do not know about any of this, are you beginning to see how all of these things are lining up with Bible prophecy?

I am so thrilled to be alive at this time as I and all others who love the Truth and have been forgiven of our sins (anyone can have their sins forgiven - it is absolutely FREE for the asking!) we very well may be those spoken of by Paul the Apostle announcing to the Christians of that day regarding the Rapture of the church. (please do not confuse the word "church" for ANY of the brick and mortar structures calling themselves church today; the Biblical definition of church is the body of Christ - we who have been saved)... we may never see death! Every day looks more like that very well may be the truth for me and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ. We may be THAT generation that NEVER DIES!

"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep (in death), but we shall all be changed, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:51-52 (parentheses mine) and...

"For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore comfort one another with these words. Thessalonians 4:16-18

And that is what we have been doing through the evil that we see in this world getting worse everyday - comforting one another with these words! What I have written here is just a small sample of the reasons we believe the Lord could come for us at any minute. There is enough happening RIGHT NOW to write a book about how close we are to the biggest event since the God-Man Jesus ascended into Heaven. We were told by "two men in white apparel) that He will come back in the same way He went up (in a cloud; see Acts 1:7-13)

Every day when I wake up in the morning, I go about my morning routine the same as the day before but with one difference: I feel the Lord's coming is now CLOSER. I comment all over the internet, writing about the hope that is in me; about the soon coming of Jesus Christ. Most places censor me (why is that?) but in some places my words are not prevented. This substack is one place where the truth is welcome. Manuel, if you're reading this far, I want to express my gratitude to you for allowing me to say these things on your platform.

My writings have taken on an edge of urgency lately. I can't describe how this feeling is progressing except that it is an indication of how close He actually is. I obey God in as many ways as I possibly can. I feel very much compelled to write and so I do.

Most people believe that being a Christian is going to "church" and following the Ten Commandments. If that were the case, none of us would have any hope at all because we CAN'T follow them. God knew that we could never be sinless on our own and that is why HE paid the penalty for OUR sins Himself! And He made it as simple as possible: "For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13

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And yet again, you refuse to investigate your self, the facts I refer to are NOT from that site, look into the patents at the US patent office, look and the link I sent on the military and project cirrus, look into Operation Popeye....just look for your self, I was in Algebra and Trig by the 7th grade, so I do know math, also an engineer and tech since 1969..............I look at facts and do NOT rely on any one site...so you sir, need to do your own research and stop bitching at me, thanks and have a blessed day

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And further, since you said 'all your associates in the high tech world', that tells me you are part of the problem thinking you should rule over everyone else with your high tech Mr Knowitall attitude

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So you have not even verified anything, first post you said you were in the military for 50 years, now you have your own business for 30+ years...so which is it??

Not affiliated, but I know Dane personally and know his background, at least he consistent on what he says. Tell me what effects Strontium, Barium, Manganese, Aluminum, Graphene, Surfactant and Nano Polymers have when sprayed behind C130's ??........all one has to do is look into the skies and see the trails, look at some close ups of the added nozzles, and tell me about 'High Bypass Turbofan Jet Engines" and if they have the ability to create 'con trails"

So Dane, as an Engineer and Scientist himself, has give 25 years of his life trying to expose this madness of daily spraying heavy metals in the skies all around the world...but he is a con man?

So please show me 'PROOF' that these metals HAVE NOT BEEN FOUND EVERY WHERE ON PLANET EARTH.....and tell me how 'aluminum' (not being a natural metal) is found everywhere.

And since you are NOT doing your homework....this is turning to a mud sling by you

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as a life long tech myself, a degree in Applied Science of Technology and over 100 college hours and grew up during Viet Nam conflict, I must say that YES, the weather CAN be controlled.

Operation Cirrus, 1947, successful steering of a hurricane by the US military (how much more advanced are they now), FACT, During Nam, Operation Popeye to cause rain over t he HoChiMin(sp) Trail....first patent for weather modification was issued in 1917, look at the patent for yourself (public record) first attempt at weather mod (that we know of) was 1895!.......just look at the facts all documented on geoengeenigwatch.org

I am not here to dispute what you say, I am just pointing to the facts and that the military has a LONG history of 'lying' to everyone!

On that site you can actuaslly watch the successful steering of the most recent IAN

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Dec 29, 2022
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Call it what you want, I hate being lied to as well, all I ask is that you look at the documented proof

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