Lord, let us all ask for your love for the people of Maui! Aloha nui loa......................

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thank you.

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That was interesting about the MS mud!! We all need to spread the truth about what happened in Maui!!! If this doesn't wake up The Normies......what will??? GO BRICS!!!

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The former island nation that was stolen from them, now being ravaged. Anguish for Every One, each of those truly affected in a horrible way (not celebrities) by, what intuition tells us is no accident or freak act of nature. Usually, I can do details, but not of this one. The children…

Marty Leeds of Gnostic Academy ( yt) wrote and sang a song. He has lived in Hawaii and left a few years ago. Sorry, I don’t have a link, but savvy folk can probably find it easily. From his heart.

There appears to be an ongoing process of demoralization and demilitarization for future human annihilation. I heard someone say that. I wish I could disagree.

The landslide and building collapse in India - were there people in those buildings, or did they have warning?

My own heart is heavy from events of these days - may others also feeling that heaviness find peacefulness in spite of it. May WE find peacefulness in spite of it…

Thank You, Manuel for your work in finding unusual sources of events.

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Yes, this world is full of demons and their dark principles, but the Sacred Truth is still right here, though trodden mercilessly underfoot.

The perversions are still being ramped up, if that's any indication.

I get most sickened thinking about the forced sexualization of the school children, which isn't just limited to here in the U.S., obviously.

What posseses the parents of these children to allow such to happen is the same malignance that is encouraging it in the first place, and the chain needs broken, not for links to be added.

Who will have the eyes to see, or will the bulk of the people keep turning their willingly blind eyes to it all, as appears to be the case?

Mercy and Justice for the Children.

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I pray for everyone especially in Maui and also across the world who are suffering at the hands of the deep state and its secret programs which are turning our world into an unlivable planet.

I pray also for those missing children, and ALL children; the most innocent of all now being subjected to unfathomable evil at the hands of the deep state.

I pray that God intervene in the wickedness of this world very soon by continuing in His Plans for the redemption of mankind, removing those who love Him and are washed by His Blood, taking us to be with Him in our new, glorious bodies which He has promised us which never die.

I pray that those who have not yet made the decision to worship Him, to love and believe in Him finally do so before the very soon coming tribulation.

I pray also for those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life but will be here DURING the tribulation (Revelation 7:14) that they "endure to the end". This I pray as always in the Name which is above every name, Jesus Christ, Amen.

It's only going to get worse from here and it won't get any better until AFTER the great tribulation when Jesus takes up His Scepter and reigns on this earth with we, His kings and priests. Revelation 1:6

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The horrific events in Maui and the truth surrounding them is completely remarkable and needs to be critically examined instead of giving in to the knee-jerk reaction of spitting, cursing anger. We know that they censor everything in this age.

Why aren't they censoring the video we saw? What can be said about this video at face value? One thing: it has CLEARLY infuriated the people! This makes me believe that they (the global wicked who now control the world) WANT us to be angry. Why? So that we will RISE UP against them giving them a reason to kill us and incarcerate us! Check out this website. They clearly did their homework:


Of course, the media ridicules all those who mention anything about all of these empty, fully equipped gulags just as they ridiculed the German people who spoke out against the murderous SS who were exterminating the Jews and any others who weren't of "Aryan" descent.

Keep in mind that the deep state is controlling FEMA and every other gov't agency and although the leaders of these alphabet agencies appear to have power, they do NOT. They follow orders of the elite, the deep state, the spiritual wickedness in high places and when the elite no longer have use for them, they will also be eliminated!

The governments of this world will all be eliminated very soon and ONE leader will emerge to make "order out of chaos" - chaos like this world has never before seen and is right this moment coming like a freight train upon this world.

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At present, there are now 11 member nations in the BRICS nations however, it is very possible that one of them will either withdrawl or be restricted from membership. I say this because Bible prophecy says that there are TEN nations in the last days (which, by prophecy and current events proves we are now living in) and 10 Kings which make up the end times Revived Roman Empire (Daniel 7:23-27)

I'll keep my eyes on that even though it may happen AFTER the Rapture and I'll see it from a different place! : ) One thing is for certain and that is TEN kings will comprise the revived Roman Empire (which is the fourth Kingdom in the history of the world; Daniel 7:23) and another king, greater than them all will arise afterward.

I believe the last king won't arise until after the saints are removed in the Rapture. Note: Saints by Biblical definition are ALL those who are saved throughout history, not the "elected" saints which the RCC elects after meeting certain criteria. (ironically most, if not all of them aren't even TRUE Biblical saints!) The last king will be the antichrist. We who are saved, i.e. born again, will not be here to see his coronation.

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