Weather weaponry, or at least the ongoing use of it especially lately, seems to be a US thing. Spain recently ended weapon supplies to Israel, is it possible there is a US connection?

Could be God's Will of course, possibly still upset by the end of the Inquisition?

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Thing is, evil couldn't do anything except God allows. He created the source from which evil flows and continues. Only One Creator. As Protestant reformer Martin Luther said, " The devil is God's ape," God is very much in control of evil and how much is released and where and to whom .

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This is where the Free Will Clause comes into play.

Man has Free Will and that means horrific behavior can and does happen. See Gaza, Somalia, Sudan for recent details. However once they do occur, the well known FAFO statute goes into effect.

THAT is how God has this set up; for it is not just God let this happen, or God is a slacker and let this happen. It is God allows Free Will and your positive and/or negative actions will incur Divine Retribution (also known as Payback is a Female Dog) either in this life or the next. FYI, it happens in this life a LOT.

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I don’t buy the story that some have the ability to create extreme weather events. There is an established correlation between solar activity and prevalence of lightning strikes. There is also a theory of causation being that the increase in electrical charges of the ionosphere being picked up from the solar wind.

Similarly, the solar energy flows along the magnetic field lines and enters the ground at the poles. Increase in this system likely leads to higher prevalence of earthquakes and volcanos.

Since the magnetosphere is weakening, this energy transfer process become increasingly erratic.

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They can and DO create extreme weather events. It's a secret program called stratospheric aerosol injection (SAI) in which they employ tanker jets to carry payloads of heavy metal nanoparticles including Barium, Aluminum, Strontium and polymer fibers (to help keep them aloft and anything else they decide to put in the mix) which they spray into the sky.

These are visible as the long thin lines constantly seen criss-crossing the sky which then spread out into a dingy haze. They use these to control the weather by beaming millions of watts of microwave energy from ground based (HAARP look it up) and satellite frequency generating stations. When these nanoparticles are heated up by these frequency generating stations they are plasmatized and made SUPER hot which heats the surrounding air (hundreds, even thousands of square miles) causing the air to RISE. In rushes cooler air and you have an instant low pressure system and resulting high pressure system nearby.

They can and do STEER these systems AND they can steer hurricanes while increasing or decreasing their intensity, moving them wherever they want even STALLING them over any city or land they choose whereby inundating it with flooding. By the same method, they can and do STOP rain from falling causing droughts of devastating proportions. It's weather warfare.

They have had much of this technology for 75 years but recently have been increasing the weather manipulation activity, especially in the last 20 years. The technology they use is patented and can be found online. For much more info to to geoengineeringwatch.org

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so true so close but don't forget the interplay of blue beam and the screen for the great show of potassium or phosphourus

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Great picks, Manuel!! Thanks!! Amazing to learn about the Roman concrete!! This a.m. I checked out how things are going in NC & it seems they are at the point of tearing down all the condemned houses, moving HUGE piles of debris. What is sad, we will never really know how many people were lost because the rapidly moving mud & debris slide simply washed away whatever was in its path. The landscape itself has been changed because of the path that was carved out. It will take these poor people YEARS to get back to any semblance of "normal"!! However, it is encouraging to see people coming in from all parts of the country to volunteer their time in helping out! Many of the churches have turned into distribution centers. Who was it that said, "We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone!" ??? It might have been Ronald Reagan!

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Ozone depletion 🤔 another manipulation tool like climate change by any and many other names to create more bondage and global (as they call it) TAXES! 😷 Masks again? 🚫 Uh, that's gonna be a no for me, but it's almost pathetically amusing to see how many stupid people there are in crowds. Resistance is Mandatory. Stay safe stay grey. Watch your six.

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"In 2025, US aerospace forces can “own the weather” by capitalizing on emerging technologies and

focusing development of those technologies to war-fighting applications. " Presented on 17 June 1996, this report was produced in the Department of Defense school

environment of academic freedom and in the interest of advancing concepts related to national defense. T

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Nov 3Edited

Two competing politicians walk into a bar..... awesome! Did anyone film it? 🤣 So, you voted for your guy, or that other guy; what's your politician you chose gonna do for you personally? Anybody?

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