Those puny little ants outnumber us 100 to 1 and if they ever figure that out there goes our way of life...
Your daily dose of natural disasters and amazing phenomena for February 8, 2023...
I think these types of photos are important even if a lot of people have been pissed at them getting posted... We cannot process numbers like "1,200 killed" or "9,000 dead." Numbers are actually harmless and meaningless… They don't impact or process the same as 1 single life being lost in an image… Now that one loss makes you feel inside, imagine what that ‘times 9,000 or 10,000’ means… This is what makes us care about our families, our friends and each other. We are human, and it can all change so suddenly…
Power outage in Congress? Well this is bizarre. The Capitol doesn't have redundant power feeds? WTF is going on?

Means and motive: How America took out the Nord Stream pipeline…
When I saw this on for the first time, I was like “that can’t be Jill Biden she just kissed another man on the lips.” It actually was Jill Biden…
Now that we're fighting single-use plastic, meaning no more straws, single-use plastic bags and other Q-tips, the amount of single-use plastic produced should go down, right? Well, not exactly…
After the strange blue spiral, some bright green laser lines shot across night sky in Hawaii… What caused them?
I spoke about that train derailment in Ohio in one of the previous newsletters… The image below is apocalyptic…
Movement of our continents and plates… Scientists detect previously unknown molten rock layer hidden under Earth tectonic plates…
Global tax havens like the Cayman Islands shield the identity and funds of the most powerful people in the world… Who knew that March 2020 was a generational buying opportunity? Follow the money…

Somebody's whole family is getting skinned for this one… Half a billion dollars worth of cocaine found adrift in Pacific Ocean…
Hundreds of farmers and tractors gathered this Wednesday on the Esplanade des Invalides in Paris, causing major traffic jams on the ‘périphérique’ while protesting against the ban on insecticides…
Alien slush? Scientists discover strange new form of ice that could be a clue to life beyond Earth…
I’ve never thought about where she was buried… Princess Diana's Grave is isolated on the island in the middle of an ornamental lake, and not open to the public…

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This is a proposed amendment to a bill that would prohibit anyone under the age of 19 from attending a drag show. The amendment would also prohibit children from attending religiously-themed camps like Bible camps… Nebraska LGBTQ+ state senator proposes ban on religious indoctrination of youth…
Gret guy… Would like to hug him once…
Probably worse than in Ukraine… Roughly 1 million Tibetan children have been separated from their families and forcibly placed into state-run boarding schools…
A song for Gates…
Sabotage? Fire breaks out at US-owned drone factory in Latvia…
Climate theft… The EU thinks about expropriating homeowners if their properties don’t meet the new energy standards…

Notable archaeologist suddenly fired... What was he digging up?
When we started telling our children they could be anything they wanted to be - even when what they wanted was incompatible with reality - instead of saying no! He's crying… because he can't get pregnant... Tragic…
That is truly impressive and terrifying at the same time… 23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, per state test results… They should maybe add air filter installations in those schools… They seem to boost educational performance… LOL…
Robert Stengel State Department: “I’m not against propaganda. Every country does it, they have to do it to their own population, & I don't think it's that awful…"

Total loss! Seafood processing plant destroyed by violent blaze…
This scene is a constant reminder of what we are capable of if we really want to change the way things are going for this world…
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I loved seeing the Bug's Life clip. My wife and I were just talking about it. A true metaphor for what we Americans are dealing with and also the rest of the planet. Some are rebelling. Rightfully so. Americans think their government is a sacred cow, that it will always be benevolent. Nope... One day when it gets much worse, we will see if there are anymore real Americans anymore. I would come back for that... I am half a day away... However, I learned not to charge up the hill by myself when I looked back and I was alone. At least I did not get murdered by the government. Just wrongfully imprisoned. Over those years in the early 2000's at the height of my running for the US Senate for Colorado and all the arrests I endured for actually exercising rights (oh my how could he, let's justr slap him down and make an example of him) and yes they did make an example of me, but having over 300 guns pointed at me all those times, all it would have taken is one itchy fingered cop to pull the trigger. They all would have immediately fired, that is how they work. Put the power to one point and destroy. Well ants, you saw what happened to the grasshoppers when it was many. Perhaps I was the wrong color.
Really enjoyed the "Nobody's Safe" song about Bill Gates of Hell. He probably watched it and laughed.