I loved seeing the Bug's Life clip. My wife and I were just talking about it. A true metaphor for what we Americans are dealing with and also the rest of the planet. Some are rebelling. Rightfully so. Americans think their government is a sacred cow, that it will always be benevolent. Nope... One day when it gets much worse, we wi…
I loved seeing the Bug's Life clip. My wife and I were just talking about it. A true metaphor for what we Americans are dealing with and also the rest of the planet. Some are rebelling. Rightfully so. Americans think their government is a sacred cow, that it will always be benevolent. Nope... One day when it gets much worse, we will see if there are anymore real Americans anymore. I would come back for that... I am half a day away... However, I learned not to charge up the hill by myself when I looked back and I was alone. At least I did not get murdered by the government. Just wrongfully imprisoned. Over those years in the early 2000's at the height of my running for the US Senate for Colorado and all the arrests I endured for actually exercising rights (oh my how could he, let's justr slap him down and make an example of him) and yes they did make an example of me, but having over 300 guns pointed at me all those times, all it would have taken is one itchy fingered cop to pull the trigger. They all would have immediately fired, that is how they work. Put the power to one point and destroy. Well ants, you saw what happened to the grasshoppers when it was many. Perhaps I was the wrong color.
I loved seeing the Bug's Life clip. My wife and I were just talking about it. A true metaphor for what we Americans are dealing with and also the rest of the planet. Some are rebelling. Rightfully so. Americans think their government is a sacred cow, that it will always be benevolent. Nope... One day when it gets much worse, we will see if there are anymore real Americans anymore. I would come back for that... I am half a day away... However, I learned not to charge up the hill by myself when I looked back and I was alone. At least I did not get murdered by the government. Just wrongfully imprisoned. Over those years in the early 2000's at the height of my running for the US Senate for Colorado and all the arrests I endured for actually exercising rights (oh my how could he, let's justr slap him down and make an example of him) and yes they did make an example of me, but having over 300 guns pointed at me all those times, all it would have taken is one itchy fingered cop to pull the trigger. They all would have immediately fired, that is how they work. Put the power to one point and destroy. Well ants, you saw what happened to the grasshoppers when it was many. Perhaps I was the wrong color.