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Feb 1, 2023
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Will have a look at it. Thanks

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Makes me think of Phil Schneider. And yes Jesse's show was great.

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Feb 1, 2023
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Crap, I replied to you. I don't know where it went..

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Feb 3, 2023
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Alex, I just removed your comments from the Strange Sounds site. You are not allowed to shit on a person like you do. If you continue I will remove you... So, don't push it anymore and make peace with Gary! Otherwise goodbye... This is not a place for you!

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Feb 1, 2023
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Feb 3, 2023
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Look I understand that you have a micro pen15, but you can't blame me. I had nothing to do with it. That's great that you're so Elite, just buy a bigger one. You got the quiche. Do it up bruh! Just don't get too crazy with it, it has to look believable. Best O Luck!

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Feb 3, 2023
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I'm talking to you. Be a troll somewhere else.

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AI might think it thinks, but it can only "think" via its programming.

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Yes, i just read about a coffee in Japan where people get served by robots. These robots are remotely managed by handicapped people from their homes or hospitals. It goes in your direction. You need a human to program them and tell them what they have to do.

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Feb 1, 2023Edited
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Ugh...also there's a restaurant in Japan where you can bring an animal or buy what they have there. Have sex with it, then have it prepared and eat it. Disgusting.

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What the hell...

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Feb 2, 2023
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Yeah I replied to Gary on a thread, it showed up, but just as a regular post, not a reply. So like down the line. Yeah, they're onto this site. We're now all being watched probably. Yeah fricking gross bastards.

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will look into that

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Feb 1, 2023
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Actually I don't call it AI, I call it FI, Fake Intelligence. We don't call fake news artificial news.

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good twist

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We heated our house in MO with a wood stove for 6 bitterly cold winters. Cut the trees on our own land and used a hydraulic log splitter that was run by our Troybilt tiller, and we used the tiller to create a huge organic garden every spring and summer, and we canned, froze, and dehydrated vegetables, fruits, and herbs. Made all of my own breads, crackers, salad dressings, tofu, granola - everything from scratch while homeschooling the kids. The good old days - lots of fun living the Mother Earther lifestyle with zero interference from the gov't.

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Wood burning fine is just asinine.

Waiting for Project Veritas to interview, Any, literally Any owner/farmer/ processor that had a plant burn down, any employees, family or friends. I haven't seen an article where it interviews anyone working at any of these. It might be out there, and I just haven't seen it yet. Like almost 200 different places burned..since 2 years ago. Anyone see the TV show Yellowstone, when the 2 Brothers drop from a plane I think alfalfa to his cattle, then they all bloat and die? Seems like a reasonable way to get rid of a bunch of food to the American population. Like the avian flu that keeps popping up, or bovine this or that.

Paul. So true. All of it.

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The other day a friend sent me a list he compiled, it was countries the US has been, in one way or another, active in. He asked me which ones he missed. I started adding to the list when it dawned on me, it would be much quicker to compile a list of countries in which the US has not been active in.

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Very informative. Thank you!!!!

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To see that footage! I watched an interview by David Serada interviewing Dan aykroyd. And Dan had a TV show called I want to say Out There, and I remember the promo commercial for it too, in the early 2000s, and they didn't let him air that, he said he might release dvds, but I'm still waiting for it. I forget exactly, but I guess he had some good stuff.

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Manuel - I received the iolite gemstone that you sent, and it is very nice.

Thanks! Keep up the good work.

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Thanks for the daily update on news that is hard to find. Your a very helpful family!🙏☝️🇺🇸

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Looks like Paul Joseph Watson took your advice about ChatGPT


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cool! Will put it in the newsletter...

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Oh I love double deck pitch. That's fun to deal. My left hand would hurt though. I'd have conworkers rub it on my breaks sometimes. And I've said many times to friends and family the casino was the devil. I didn't realize until I quit. I quit because I was being called names constantly and the floors and pits didn't do anything. Because you know money, which is b.s. because it's not like they were getting a piece of it. The most in tips I made was 29k, the most I've taken was like 112k. The 29k well, I worked at a place that pooled tips, so you're welcome ex co workers, ha. It was so fun at first, then you see the people that have soiled themselves, the eldery that died at a machine. The folks that have been there for days in the same clothes. Investors, that took thier clients money, an accountant for a church that took money. People committed suicide in the parking structure. It's just terrible. I had to go, I could feel it in me that I did not have the personality or morals to continue working there. Plus it was a lot of employees all screwing each other. Pretty gross. Some really cool people I met there, and not so much. Glad you stopped going. I've never been a gambler. Maybe powerball or a scratcher once in a while.

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Feb 2, 2023
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Oh the ponys. My friend Mel loved to bet the horses. She was never good at it though, when she lived in Vegas. I worked at fountain hills ,AZ and in Milwaukee. Mostly the brew city.

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Feb 2, 2023Edited
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The year before when you won 10k, I was working there. I worked 10 pm to 8am then later switched to like a swing 7pm to 5am I think.

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Haha yes the fort, I left in 2008, back to Milwaukee. Ha how funny.

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Feb 2, 2023
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I don't know. A lot of people always never believe I am native or lived on a rez. So I usually would do a little dance and ask if they'd ever heard of the French and Indian War, then they just looked like they were thinking, If they did. Ha. then I threw my arms out and would say ta da. People Phoenix just would say you're lying. Do all natives look like you from you're rez? Ah yeah! We're all French and or Sweed, I don't know what to tell ya. We're light skinned. Haha.

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Feb 2, 2023Edited
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Oh at C.A.? Casino arizona. I tried to get in there. They wanted supervisor experience, I just dealt.

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Insane to make hard drugs legal. The opioid epidemic was a perfect storm in the U.S., as follows:

1. Decide that pain is not being properly addressed and designate pain as the 5th vital sign and ask patients to rate their pain on a scale of 1-10.

2. Meanwhile, Purdue Pharma develops Oxycontin, a time-released opioid, declaring it safe and effective.

3. FDA approves Oxycontin based on one small study.

4. Doctors at every corner Doc-In-A-Box, eager to treat pain and relieve unnecessary suffering, believe Purdue's marketing, and start handing out opioids like candy for every minor ache.

5. Hundreds of thousands of patients become hard-core opioid addicts while taking their prescriptions according to the instructions.

6. Too late we find out that for every 100 patients given a 5-day supply of a narcotic pain medicine, 12 will be hard-core addicts 1 year later. Addiction crosses every socio-economic demographic, no longer an inner-city problem in crime riddled slums. Even the great Rush Limbaugh does not escape its grip.

7. During the Obama administration, the opioid crisis rages unabated, and overdose deaths skyrocket.

8. The gov't cracks down on opioid prescribing practices, severely restricting access to prescription opioids, driving addicts to more easily obtained street heroin and fentanyl, which sends overdose deaths even higher, while simultaneously making it almost impossible for the pain patients who really need opioids to get them.

9. Heroin and fentanyl flow freely across our open southern border and husbands and wives, sons and daughters, sisters and brothers, loved and mourned by their families, keep on dying from overdoses, bacterial infections gone septic, and Hep C.

10. President Trump declares the opioid crisis a National emergency, making funds available for expanded addiction treatment and rehab for Medicaid, Medicare, TriCare recipients, and cash grants for the uninsured, and he builds the wall, making our border more secure.

11. For the first time in many years, overdose deaths begin to decline.

12. Then comes the pandemic, Trump loses the presidency, and we're back to square one.

*No one chooses to be an addict. Opioid addiction doesn't influence the pre-frontal cortex, the thinking reasoning part of the brain. It works on more primitive parts of the brain, wherein lies the basic instincts for survival. It changes the very structure of the brain over time, and on an unconscious level, drives the addict to seek drugs as if their very life and survival depends on it, and as if they would quite literally die without it, when in fact, just the opposite is the tragic truth.

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#7 I read somewhere that Blow Jiden was in on the oxycontin, laundering, bla bla. I forget details, sorry. It's been a while. I'll have to look in my notes.

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It wouldn't surprise me in the least.

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Meh. All I have is Joe Biden isreali Purdue oxycontin scam. Thought I had more.

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Kaore he kanohi kanohi. Ka whakamahi ratou i nga kaikawe hongi ki o ratou antennae ki te kimi kai me te whakamarie i o raatau hoa. I roto i tetahi rangahau hou, i whakangungu nga kaiputaiao 30 nga noke hiraka (Formica fusca) ki te mahi i nga momo mahi ma te whakamahi i nga matū kakara. Te ahua nei kei te mahi...

I pa te awhiowhio ki te hikoi Himalayan i Kashmir i te wa uaua.

Mena he pai ki a koe te hukarere, te hukapapa me te whakairo, haere mai ki Alaska ki te matakitaki i te Ipu o te Ao 2023.

Ka huri nga whakatipuranga kei te heke mai ki te whakamahi i nga kirihou penei i te gorse me te asbestos, kare e whakarongo ki nga kaikorero (katakata).

Rāhoroi harikoa.


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This is Maori? Can you translate? You have a link at the end of the newsletter if you can't see it. Best, MP

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.correct Collen A Phillips

I repost Strange Sounds in my fathers language, Te Reo Maori. What I hear and what is written is different. I am special. The following is my internal dialogue of what Strange Sounds publishes. We both speak English, and use it differently. The clips speak for themselves right? Some clips look innocent and are malicious, intending to bend people to harm others. Very bad.


He has no eyes. They use olfactory receptors on their antennae to find food and comfort their mates. In a new study, scientists trained 30 snakes (Formica fusca) to perform different tasks using scent. seems to be working...

The storm hit the Himalayan trek in Kashmir at a critical time.

If you like snow, ice and sculptures, come to Alaska to watch the 2023 World Cup.

The next generation will start using plastic like gorse and asbestos and won't listen to the naysayers (laughs).

Happy Saturday


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Obviously, Google translate does a much better job with Spanish than Maori! Here's what it came up with:

There is no face-to-face. They use sniffer carriers to their loved-up to find food and comfort your friends. In a new research, the researchers trained 30 silk worms (Formica fusca) to deal with the variety of work using the spices. It looks like it's working...

The tornado hit the artery in Kashmir during a difficult time.

If you like snow, ice and sculpture, come to Rio to watch the 2023 World Cup.

Generations that are coming down to use plastics such as gorse and syrup will turn to listen to the squirrels (pictured).

Happy Saturday.

treasure, possession, property, goods

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Feb 2, 2023
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Well it seems that the occupation of Germany has never really ended: 'When the military occupation of West Germany officially ended, the country regained control of its own defense policy. However, the Occupation Statute was succeeded by another agreement with its NATO partners. This deal, known as the Convention on the Presence of Foreign Forces in the Federal Republic of Germany, was signed in 1954 by West Germany. It allowed eight NATO members, including the US, to have a permanent military presence in Germany. The treaty still regulates the terms and conditions of the NATO troops stationed in Germany today.' https://www.dw.com/en/us-military-in-germany-what-you-need-to-know/a-49998340

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