The 33rd degree Freemason/Illuminati figure Albert Pike was the author of Morals and Dogma, a very interesting read which I attempted to tackle several times; it's available online in Internet Archive;


It lays out the whole agenda of the Luciferians. He was most probably at the genius level, passing the entrance exam for Harvard at age 15 but was not accepted (not enough money). He was also, in his later years encouraged by fellow lodge man Albert Gallatin Mackey in 1855 to write a revision of the ancient Scottish rite and manual for the Southern Jurisdiction which spells out much of what happens within the order. The revision should not be confused with Morals and Dogma; the two are different manuscripts.

It's amazing to me that such an intelligent man would believe that Lucifer was the creator and that Jesus Christ (which he referred to as Adonai) was the destroyer and liar. The Freemasons to this day believe this, that Lucifer is God and actually created God/Jesus Christ/Holy Spirit getting the most critical and truthful dogma, essential for every man to know, completely backwards!.

My old neighbor was getting into Freemasonry and during discussions about the lodge, he revealed to me some of its secrets and practices which I won't get into here. I was successful, through logical and careful discussion, (we spoke often) to point him in the direction of researching the lodge. Before he moved away, I believe that he stopped going to the local "blue lodge" and was seeking the truth of Jesus Christ. I can only hope.

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These news are becoming stranger and stranger, with every day! Thank you!

'ape to ever live went extinct because of climate change…'? ANd I though it was because of the evolution...

The prison story is terrifying, not only because, why are those prisoners dying (were'nt they all 'covid' injected in a MANDATORY way)?? I know of the neighbor who died after the 3-rd Mod-E-RNA, whose body was taken by Kaiser Permanente for 'scientific purposes'.. If these reports about emanating Bluetooth signals out of the corps of the deceased covid injected, are true, then the question is what is behind all of this?

' Jews are 'underrepresented' in Hollywood…' with the picture of those, who signed the petition, first being a comedian, was it all a joke?

Last but not least, your images from the geoengineered skies are TRULY TERRIFYING, implicating we are being entrapped more and more, with Having Military OWNING THE WEATHER by 2025 indicating the END SOON!!!!

There was. a GEoengineering lecture at Davos just recently, an ETH physicist spoke about what many know for decades. But his analysis was extremely good with full scientific foundation. Still, The Swiss seem like 'living on the moon'.. A link to it:


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Disease X? 20X more deaths than Covid 19? Well then, that's not too scary because nobody EVER died of Covid 19. However, the same amount of people DID die of SEASONAL INFLUENZA which, by orders of the government, were all recorded to be CV19 deaths.

Funny, though, there were NO REPORTED DEATHS FROM SEASONAL FLU IN 2020 and 2021, but the same number of predictable deaths from the flu were recorded as Covid deaths. See the record for yourself compiled by one of their own; Scientific American...


ALL other deaths were from one or both of TWO causes: The biggest by far being the clot shot, by which MILLIONS have and continue to die and only second by a small margin, by Remdesivir (given to ALL "Covid Pneumonia" patients)

One striking proof that the agenda was to give Remdesivir to the highest number of patients was the fact that none of the pneumonia patients were ever tested to see what TYPE of pneumonia they all had! Was it bacterial or viral.

There are completely different protocols for treating pneumonia and it is critical to know what kind it is (bacterial or viral) before treatment. ALL were treated by the same (mandated) protocol and nobody with pneumonia was tested. Instead, Remdesivir was immediately given which is a death sentence and moreover was NEVER intended as a treatment for pneumonia! I wonder why they didn't test. No, I don't wonder. It would have exposed that every pneumonia patient had Klebsiella which was intentionally contaminated with the covid tests!

Having had this murderous agenda claim half my family in 2022; first my mom who willingly took the shot and 2 boosters, died of organ failure just three months after receiving the booster. Her Rheumatoid Arthritis which was slowly and predictably progressing suddenly went into hyperdrive and while she could get around by herself prior to the shots, she very suddenly lost ALL mobility.

Shortly after taking a home test, my brother got "Covid pneumonia" which, by connecting all the dots, was infected by a contaminated covid test (Klebsiella was one of the contaminants in the recalled test kits which causes a relatively rare and nasty type of pneumonia)

Truths still available online. Think about how ANY of THESE VERY SPECIFIC bacteria could have possibly made it into these test kits yet alone FOUR of them!!!...


My only brother died a horrible, lingering, painful death as all of his organs shut down following second round of Remdesivir. He passed 5 days before his 62nd birthday.

While we who are awake and mentally stable enough not to fall victim to cognitive dissonance, ignoring the truth of the depopulation of this earth by the wicked elite, the controllers/deceivers have painted a picture through the media that our world is doing just fine. (except for "climate change" which is 100 times worse than they say) And predictably, the population has fallen right back to sleep. Everyone is more interested in the NFL football standings and accumulating more STUFF so that they can appear to be successful at life to their friends and neighbors that they have missed the entire truth of this world.

It's called "The pride of life" in the Bible (1 John 2:16) and it's quite simply the desire to show oneself off, boasting and comparing themselves to others, attempting to appear better than others. "Look at me! I drive a brand new Beamer!" Thinking more highly of themselves than they ought believing "I must be somehow BETTER than you!" Admit it, we all have felt it.

Call it what you will, socioeconomic standing, keeping up with the Joneses, it all comes down to individual PRIDE. It's one of the three worldly lusts which tempt every person in this world; the lust of the flesh (sexual) the lust of the eyes (the all consuming desire for things) and the pride of life (social standing, education and achievements; career importance et al.) NONE of these are from God.

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“This is disgusting… Probably not the first two cases… 2 inmates in Alabama prisons were found to have had their organs removed and in advanced stages of decomposition .” Harvesting Organs for transplants, or in the case of live birth abortions, Is Only done on Live…, living, humans, infants. It Is The Only Way the Organs and Tissues are Viable. I watched an interview on live birth abortions and organ harvesting. That is when they started putting live new born infant tissue’$, In Vaccines. I saw a prices list, brains, kidneys, liver, heart’$! The Rise in autism & transgender, sexual identity is a direct rise in correlation. Disgusting Yes. No visitors at hospitals during Covid. If you were a organ donation designation… No Autopsies Were Done! u$$$$$a

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Please see my comment on this page about my experience with covid and what I have learned since researching the activity of the wicked elite controllers in this age. The media circus goes on and on creating distractions and non truths while we whose eyes are open now know for certain that a program of depopulation exists and is WORKING. It depopulated my 4 member family by 50% in 2022! They are killing millions and making young women (and men) infertile in their efforts to exterminate all but the blind servants who will cater to them when they retreat into their underground cities, leaving the world topside to utter destruction by the wrath of God!

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Solar halos as they're called show the dome over us. Those stars you see, that's not space, it's the firmament done God created over us, separating the water above us from here. As for the third world war in the middle east, that's not a prediction, but a plan.

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Tension gone with Jin Shin Jyutsu!

The body is very clever and has various mechanisms to maintain homeostasis, or balance. When there is stress, the body reacts in many different ways to protect us from harm. One of these responses to stress is that the muscles tense up and because of this, the body can feel rigid or tight. The good news is that you can release muscle and body tension with this simple Jin Shin Jyutsu hold.

Watch the video below to release body tension

Tension and stress over time

It’s amazing how over a period of time, we can get used to the build up of tension in the body. It might be a while before we realise that actually, our body is not feeling comfortable at all. This can cause other stress-related symptoms like anxiety and insomnia, as well as aches and pains. No FUN!

A special energy pathway

Our energetic being is made up of many energy pathways that move through the body on different levels. Some energy pathways are closer to the surface; they are more dense in nature, and therefore they are fabulous at helping the physical body quite quickly. In actual fact, tension and stress on any level can be harmonised with different Jin Shin Jyutsu holds.

In this case, one of those special energies helps the muscle function. This means that we can clear and recharge this energy pathway, relax the muscles and release body tension. You can do this even for extreme muscle tension. The best thing is, it is such a simple self help hold that anyone can do it.

Release body tension with this Jin Shin Jyutsu hold

For the left side (shown)

Place the left fingers on the center back of the left knee and

the right fingers on the center back of the right knee

Relax the hands and hold. There is no need to use any pressure.

Hold for as long as 20 minutes, or until you feel the body relaxing.

For the right side

Cross your arms and

Place the right fingers at the center back of the left knee and

the left fingers on the center back of the right knee.

Start with the side that is most comfortable for you to practice. Most often, I find that just doing one side is enough to help the whole body relax. That is because the circulation of energy on one side moves and affects the circulation of the other side.

You can also do this exercise to alleviate hemorrhoids, and for restless, ‘jumping’ legs.

Do what works for you, but the main thing is: ENJOY!

You might also like:

My 67 page illustrated workbook PDF to Clear Stress and Tension

See also this previous post:

Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help To Relieve Back Tension https://www.flowsforlife.com/release-body-tension-with-jin-shin-jyutsu/

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Robert O. Young ND PhD Bioliogist, author PH Miracle, …, Marine Plasma/Reduced Zeolite and Red Pine Needle Oil Dear Family, Friends and Colleagues,

The following are two of the most effective natural anecdotes for the inactivation and removal of graphene oxide, hydrogel (PEG) and trypanosoma cruzi parasites poisoning found in our water, food, air, pharmaceuticals and personal care products:

1. Marine Peace Nano Colloidal Hexagonal Product of Reduced Zeolite -


Master Peace Reduced Zeolite.png

Marine Peace Nano Colloidal Reduced Zeolite Seen Under STEM - Copyright Dr. Robert O. Young

1nm Reduced Zeolite STEM 011202923.png

2. iJuice Red Pine Needle Oil Containing Terpenes as an Anit-Parasidal - https://phmiracleproducts.com/collections/ijuice/products/red-pine-needle-oil

Please care by sharing these life saving products with the billions of humans and animals around the world that need these anecdotes NOW, that have been shown to reduce and/or eliminate forever chemicals, heavy metals and parasites up to 62 percent in 35 days by just taking a few drops daily under the tongue. These incredible results are based upon our human spectroscopy analysis of the nano technology, heavy metals and forever chemicals found in the blood of the vaxxxed and the unvaxxxed.

We also found the removal of aluminum oxide, PFOS, PEG, and phosgene from vinylidene dichloride (East Palestine disaster (https://www.drrobertyoung.com/post/the-4-horsemen-of-the-apocalypse-have-been-set-loose-upon-east-palestine-ohio), just to name a few forever chemicals. (Refer to attachments for before and after test results)

Kind regards,

Dr. Robert O. Young


Please Help Dr. Young's Research



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"Lady Liberty" is fallen angel (demon/alien) goddess Columbia in disguise. She still receives numerous sacrifices daily and yearly, from millions of "Christian" parents allowing pediatricians/MD priests to inoculate their youth with encephalopathy and violent rage-inducing aluminum adjuvants and graphene oxide, to the countless autistics brutalized, injected with sedatives to psych ward beds, and lives taken in mental hospitals by Columbia's psych ward gods (and her other medical and governmental foot soldiers worldwide).

This economist here, his face looks like a disfigured clown costume or 'human' robot clone, not an actual human. Talking about those fleeing 'evil blue states' into 'utopian red states' (as if Health Impact News' stories about West Virginia's child trafficking, and the Missouri kidnapping of an autistic woman into a psych hospital, because authorities were alerted about the woman being 'abused' by natural autism treatments and herbal supplements) were supposedly fake: https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/one-of-the-biggest-mass-migrations-in-american-history-economist-says-5m-people-have-fled-blue-states-in-the-last-decade-wishes-these-places-would-stop-avoiding-reality-here-s-why/ar-AA1n3sS8

How many "Christian" 'autism warrior moms' have voluntarily called the police/psych ward gods in 'free red states' to let cops abduct their violent, raging autistic (aluminum-damaged) teens, prepubescent kids and autistic adults into 'healing centers', because they trusted and gave into Satan more than Yahweh? How many "Christian" parents kept allowing MDs and pediatricians to inoculate their children and teens, against the minors' consent, with aluminum adjuvants and aborted fetal cell tissue via J.B. Handley's 'safer, smaller, spaced-out' CDC snakebite schedule? My "Christian" mother did both of these horrible things against me and my youngest brother. She has read far more of the Bible (the whole thing in a year) than I ever have, but nonetheless she is a hateful, self-loving, and vile person who laughs at and mocks others' suffering and traumatic experiences, always has been since I was a toddler and she began to spank, earsplittingly scream at and hit me numerous times throughout my childhood. Unsurprisingly, she is a Trump and MAGA supporter (and just like millions of other adults her age) she thinks the worst health crisis in human history, the 'neurodiversity'/autism and adult autism eruption (via antibiotics/pasteurizing and sanitizing everything/the destruction of beneficial probiotic bacteria, psych wards, restraints and psych meds, toxic food, prisonlike public and 'private' schools, pollution, aluminum adjuvants/aluminum cookware/aluminum via aerosol injections, etc) will be 'solved' by the vile one who has recently returned to power, Donald J. Trump.

It is hell on earth living with such a verbally abusive and apathetic mother, even though she stopped spanking and physically abusing me as a teen, her verbal torment/telling me I 'deserved' to be raped in a psych ward for an autistic/sensory-induced meltdown I had as an early teen, never ended. She thinks traumatizing me will 'prevent' me from being hospitalized, when it was trauma (being forced to move from NY to Florida, missing several snowy winters, living with an extremely violent brother who was basically the Hulk or demon in human form with Intermittent Explosive Disorder) that CAUSED MY RAGE. Her profound abuse of me as a child led to me hating Christians, especially Presbyterians (the cult we came from) and hating all Judaism, and demonizing Christians online, calling them 'child abusers', 'st-pid' and whatever else I could think of. Although I was almost completely homeschooled (never went to any highschool outside home, only three short years of public 'school' from late 4th to early 7th grade) her horrendous abuse, victim-blaming, numerous forced vaccinations of me (all the 'safer smaller, spaced-out' J.B. Handley shots gave me uncontrollable rage, eczema, projectile vomiting, intellectual disability and more) etc has completely ruined and destroyed my childhood and my adult life. She mocks me and says I'm unable to live independently because I 'don't listen' as she verbally torments and screams psych ward threats at me. She's disabled too (in a wheelchair-like device) and has to wear hearing aids. She is the evilest and most toxic 'Christian' I've lived with, let alone was birthed from. My older neurotypical siblings need to live with us, and move in with us - before it's too late and she sends me off to a psych ward prison camp for 'peace and safety'.

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Thanks to Yahweh for helping me compile this information regarding Ronald Reagan and his Masonic brothers' activities. Nothing shall be kept secret any longer:

William S. Sessions - Wikipedia

"FBI Director (1987–1993) After a two-month search, Sessions was nominated to succeed William H. Webster as FBI Director by President Ronald Reagan and was sworn in on November 2, 1987."

"Sessions became associated with the phrase "Winners Don't Use Drugs", which appeared in the attract mode of North American–released arcade games from 1989 to 2000."

"Sessions' major contributions to the US criminal justice community include the encouraging of the FBI laboratory to develop a DNA program with a strong legal underpinning and the automation of the national fingerprint process. The latter project, known as the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System (IAFIS), reduced the turnaround time from months to hours for fingerprint searches for both criminal arrest cycles and applicants for sensitive positions such as teachers"

Jesuit Catholic Republican who was a campaign manager of Ronald Reagan (the 'good man who got pressured/tricked' into the most destructive act in American history, the 1986 v--cine liability protections act. I don't think Reagan was 'fooled' nor 'ignorant' at all about the act's ramifications): William J. Casey - Wikipedia

"As campaign manager of Ronald Reagan's successful presidential campaign in 1980, Casey helped to broker Reagan's unlikely alliance with vice presidential nominee George H. W. Bush.[14] He then served on the transition team following the election."

William J. Casey was the director of the CIA, chosen by Ronald Reagan: "After Reagan took office, Reagan named Casey to the post of Director of Central Intelligence (DCI).[16]"

Ronald Reagan's affiliation with the Vatican of Rome and its international foot-soldiers: "Ronald Reagan used prominent Catholics in his government to brief Pope John Paul II of developments in the Cold War. Casey would fly secretly to Rome in a windowless C-141 black jet and "be taken undercover to the Vatican (to create war plans, under the guise of 'fighting war"?).[19]"

"Casey was suspected, by some, of involvement with the controversial Iran-Contra affair, in which Reagan administration personnel secretly traded arms to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and secretly diverted some of the resulting income to aid the rebel Contras in Nicaragua, in violation of U.S. law."

Ronald Reagan is burning in hell. He was NOT a 'good man' nor was he 'for the people' or for 'good, small, limited government'. Reagan was a Masonic master of lies and deceit, deceiving even the very elect into horrible agendas (such as giving arms to terrorists to take out innocents, and of course the 1986 act and the 'autism tsunami' aftermath study by Mark Blaxill).

Loss of Brain Trust, elderly adult edition (the MAGA crowd's delusions growing ever stronger, as foretold by the book of Thessalonians in the Bible): For the Love of Trump | Antichrist 45 (odysee.com)

Originally posted here: https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/post/uk-bolton-new-50-place-autism-school-to-open-400-needed

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In a nutshell, yes, we ARE headed towards a REAL civil war (the 'original' C.W. seems it was fake and staged, no actual war photos, no deceased bloody bodies, just bare clean skeletons, etc). Watch the great YouTube channels Divergent, JonLevi, Geomansee, and My Lunch Break to learn about how all our world's 'his-story' is a lie.

The corporate 'alternative' media refuses to even mention the existence of what I call 'the Age of Aluminum/AluminumKids become Aluminum Adults'. "Autism" was rebranded as 'neurodiversity' in the 2010's and has been heavily rose-tinted by Attorney Woo, the Good Doctor, etc. Part of the upcoming, actual C.W. could be fights and riots over the never-ending 'need' for corporate housing to keep 'autistic' (DSM-5 psych label for Aluminum Encephalopathy/Aluminum Toxicity) adults supposedly 'safe, healthy and protected' in houses run by strangers, psych ward staffers, prone restraints face-down with arse injections, toxic 'foodstuff' and extremely processed foods to feed the inmates, and criminals as staff members to 'protect' aluminum adults from the age of J.B. Handley's 'safer, smaller, spaced out' childhood snakebite schedule. "More! More! More!" like a massive tsunami that never subsides. https://www.lossofbraintrust.com/post/mt-hermon-va

"Mt. Hermon, VA: Ribbon cutting on 96 bed autism residence, school"

I'm so sorry for the millions of parents (now old, aging people with disabilities themselves) who obeyed and trusted J.B. Handley's book and "the Vaccine-Friendly Plan" that has maimed and crippled millions of children nationwide, from Aluminum Kids into Aluminum Adults. Not to mention the aluminum-filled aerosol spraying, no longer a 'conspiracy theory' as Patrick Humphrey talks about in on YouTube (mainstream sites talk about 'dimming out the sun' now).

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