How ‘bout that X-files spoiler alert? Geez. 😒

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That entire X-files series is on my hit list for the next dvd purchase. I have it bookmarked already. Those were so much fun.

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Indeed! A great tv series. I also like twin peaks.

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Because GWBush1 killed Kennedy. Never liked the Bushes

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Yes indeed. A large gang of bastardos.

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Once he took office, the Reagan economy went to hell. I remember very well.

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The Bushes were globalists from hell. Their family crimes are probably worse than Obama's.

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Twitter doesn't play the X-files video. Here is the YouTube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkmRyIz87ew

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Thank you for this broad coverage of so many items that are linked across time and space. But then, I am just a conspiracy theorist;-)

Nice notes of JFK and what he thought of Biden. I like that JFK was a democrat that was murdered by his own "team". But then, the other side is chock full of traitors who work for these same monsters as well. BOTH "sides" at the top are slaughtering the masses, and in particular, they fully support the extermination of the American people.

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Do you have an original source for the X-Files clip? Twitter isn't allowing it to be played there anymore. I would very much like to spread it around if it can be liked via Rumble or similar.

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Thank you! I found it on YouTube pretty quickly before I saw this. That video is SO dead on!!!

Early on in the jab roll out, I watched a UK health official explaining that approximately 15 to 20% of a person's immune function is lost per month after they take the shot. He was explaining this as if it were NO BIG DEAL or even a GOOD thing! Perhaps his intended audience was confined to the cabal members, so to them this was great news.

It was exactly the model for explaining the next wave of deaths, which to some extent would appear to be AIDS. And then I saw the 1st foreshadowing reports that there was a new form of HIV spreading that was as contagious as the common cold. Of course we now know that HIV does NOT cause AIDS, but people believe that it does. And they already have the fake tests ready to tell us we all have HIV, so they can use this to explain why everyone will suddenly be dropping off from AIDS. And of course, the extremely high death rate will justify drastic measures to "stop the spread" MUCH MORE drastic than we saw for covid.

They will need a death rate that's VERY high, (and which they can falsely attribute to a "virus") in order to get the masses to go along with directly FORCED vaccinations.

There is simply no end to their plotting and evil, and they DO plan far in advance. The covid thing was just a beta-test by which they began to build their infrastructure for the REAL shut downs, their much more crazed vaccine mandates (literally forcing them at gun-point).

How many will actually be awake in time and unwilling to go along with this crap? Society will split completely, but the ones on the side of the jabs will die first. We have a chance.

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Dec 17, 2022
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Yeah, that figures. They were confiscated and WARNED to say that to anyone who enquired about them. Every culture in antiquity had stories of giants. That's because they were plentiful at one time. I didn't consider that giants used to be a ubiquitous sight before the Europeans landed in America until I saw some youtube videos on the topic, relatively recently (within the last 20 years) Very soon after being astounded by them I came across them in the Bible. They are commonly spoken of by the ancients and recorded in Holy Writ. The Old Testament is full of the stories of the Emim, the Anakim, the Nephilim and others so large that one account states, "...we were... as grasshoppers in their sight". Numbers 13:33. Whenever these skeletons were found, they would very commonly be turned over to the Smithsonian Museum and when a finder inquired about their discoveries desiring to see them, they were told that they never had them. There are many accounts of this. One employee, (or more) early 20th century blew the whistle and told a reporter that they attended several barge loads (or more) of skeleton bones of giants fully loaded to the middle of the Atlantic and dumped them in the deepest part of the ocean. These giant skeletons were so common and so great in number that the Smithsonian didn't know what else to do with them. (They were all permineralized, [fossilized] so they couldn't easily be burned). They did this no doubt to defend their religion of Darwinism (everything from nothing) and to deny the biblical narrative and the great flood of Noah. The "theory" of evolution was soon taught in the schools as fact. It is still taught in public schools and universities as THE account of our origins and that enrages me so much that I wrote a book about it called "Evolution: Fact or Fallacy" by Jeremiah C Maddox; (my pseudonym) https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Fact-Fallacy-Jeremiah-Maddox/dp/1545650152 If you're interested in such things, you'd be interested in this book. Most aren't aware how much evidence exists against this theory in the modern age. So much that it amazes me that people can still believe that everything, that is all life forms began in a pool of "primordial soup", dividing and multiplying, adding information to the genome on it's way up to more complex life forms (impossible) by genetic MUTATION (also impossible because no NEW information is ever added to the genome by mutation) I wrote and published this book in 2018 and since then, we have been encumbered by many more and dangerous lies from the deep state and they continue doubling down on previous lies - their modus operandi.

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Dec 17, 2022
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Truth divides. Ultimate truth clashes with most people. And this is where many will consider me a fanatic. The biggest cult in the world isn't the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons but the Roman Catholic Church. So is it any wonder that they are also hiding truth? The RCC began when Constantine instituted Rome as the first "Christian" state. And, in the greatest example in history of “if you can’t beat them, join them,” Christianity became THE religion of the civilized world but with an important twist; The addendum to the cliché being hidden to this day was… “join them, but then pervert and control them from within” and become the wealthiest entity on earth while doing it. THIS is how the RCC was born and this is largely the RCC we see practiced today by over 1 billion Catholics the world over. The names of the pagan Roman gods and goddesses were removed and, in their place, went the names associated with the Truth and genuine worship of the 1st century Christians, some of whom saw Jesus Christ ascend into Heaven with their own eyes. Constantine, like the Pope, was never a true Christian, that is born again, changed from within, indwelt by the Holy Spirit, cleansed from sins etc. but he was instrumental in stopping the persecution of Christians in that age. The greater persecution would come later in the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition but the greatest persecution of Christians is yet to come and will happen after all true believers; those who love Jesus Christ and wait for His return with great joy and anticipation, are removed. Many, the Bible says, will become Christian during that time called the Time of Jacob's Trouble or the Great Tribulation. It is then that the worst crimes against Christians ever seen will happen. That's why I tell everyone to get saved NOW and avoid the GT because many will go to the guillotine for their faith! So true Christians don't consider the RCC a church because the Bible describes us as the true church, the born again Christians. Moreover, the RCC is also called "the woman that rides the beast" in Revelation 17.

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Yes this is another great find indeed

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