The anti vax scene rebellion will start soon.

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Feb 10, 2023Edited
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States can fight it though.????

SHUT DOWN CDC NOW, forever! Jail the criminals NOW!

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Feb 10, 2023
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Repubs in Congress are a firestorm devouring liberalism as fast as possible.

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Feb 11, 2023
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God bless!

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F the who, F Titross, F the UN....I am getting really sick of all this crap

On Turkey, I did begin seeing a lot of speculation on possible EMP attack or test....any one know what CERN is doing, they were supposedly firing up to max power

F Treaudoe and his Castro lineage

Can y'all tell I am getting an attitude?

The sun thing....this really grinds my gears..."scientists stunned, baffled, never seen this, don't know how this happened, what could this be???......REALLY, SCIENTISTS???....always amazed aren't they....shove a hot poker in their butt and they would probably say....'scientist has horrible pain in his booty, but cannot explain it'!.....colleagues witnessed something poking him/her but were unable to explain what happened!

Did y'all hear gates of hell the other day in an interview, he was called out on his 4 private jets and he said, I am helping save the earth and the people by spending billions, so my planes don't matter

F Gates of Hell

So I caught a skunk in my live trap today and he is RACIST!....he is BLACK and WHITE....NO ANIMAL SHOULD BE ALLOWED 2 COLORS!

Micoplastics in humans, Dane Wigington reported this about a year ago....scientists stunned!, where could it have come from???....(me) uh, maybe the 150,000 tons of crap y'all have been spraying in the skies for 75+ years

I live in a NO JAB ZONE....and we all know what happened to JABBA the HUT!

just sayin

Oh, and thats a good one.....50 million years ago, what utter BS!....first, everything on earth has Carbon 14, Carbon dating (oh crap, if you date Carbon and they want to eliminate Carbon??)....is only accurate for 50, maybe 75,000 years...these scientists are stunned yet again!.....just make up a number so huge that anyone will think, WOW!

And one last thing before I get banned.....haha

Organ harvesting, China has taught every one a lot huh....so is this where the term 'organ grinder' came from?....scientists baffled!

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Feb 11, 2023
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Hey man, how ya doin....yeah, I agree, heard about that from Steve Quayle about the crematoriums and the smoke

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The amino acid sequence in the single letter code of the UNIVERSAL SARS-CoV-2 Spike gene, injected into BILLIONS of clueless arms contains that particular motif:


which can be seen in the NIH genomic data bank, inside of the line starting with 841 residue:

841 lgdiaardli caqkfngltv lpplltdemi aqyts-allag titsgwtfga gaa-lqipfam



One can divide these residues following way:


Do not know what that has to do with that scene described here, but that 'another coincidence' was my big question for a LONG time ....

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Amazign but alsoe terrifying reporting! THank You!

O'Keefe forced onto paid leave…??? Why is he not firing those who gave that suggestion?? What the heck is wrong with the people???

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Feb 10, 2023
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the info is out there already and nothing will change that... O'Keefe established PV and so he should be in power to change it, if necessary. Otherwise it couldn't be greater corruption as this one, and so OBVIOUS.

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Oh, God, again? Don’t tell me these creepy people didn’t make enough millions killing off so many people...Arrhenius, the nazi quack of climate change would be proud of them. Someone give them an iron cross and shriek sieg heil! His great-great-granddaughter, Thunberg, is rumored to have been abducted by alien space critters. They sucked her into the ship, took a look, and declared the destruction of humanity was a success, then spit her back out.

BTW, the bird flu always seems to come from the Cuban Bird Sanctuary, probably by way of Wuhan.

US chickens already have several vaccine mandates to be shipped over state lines. I can see the USDA demanding yet more…

Why is the reset called Marxism? It’s nazism, elitist communism. Marxism was never about elitism but nazism owns it. Marxism calls for the destruction of wealth and the ruling class, where nazism embraces them. Marx based his for the common good philosophy on the Bible, Acts 2:44 and 4:32-35. Nazism plunders for personal gain, and kills for fun and greed. Both are dingbat ideas for the mentally challenged. Both share a hatred for freedom and especially Christianity, which is love.

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About the anomaly over Turkey which youtube removed; Here is one of my own which Youtube didn't remove because I'm literally a nobody on Youtube. It's about 5 years old now but it shows similar geoengineering patterns showing up on radar. I guess that they now can control and make earthquakes as well as steer the weather creating flooding and droughts. Please pardon the poor quality of my videos, I'm not big on making them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlfayMBWysw

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Feb 10, 2023Edited
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Anderson Cooper interviewed her and she said so what if I do, would it be that big of a deal, while sucking on an ice cube. Ha Anderson Cooper, there's a plant if I ever seen one.

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Feb 10, 2023Edited
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That would not surprise me a bit in this age. It's a pity her name so resembles such pleasant memories for me. But before there ever was a "lady gaga" my boy, my old best friend dog, now past for 11 years already was "renamed" Ga-Ga by my 2 year old toddler daughter. It was her baby talk way of pronouncing "doggie". It was so cute, I allowed it and that became his name for my daughter for at least 4 years, even after she learned to talk. (His real name was Muncy)

Then came Lady Gaga and almost ruined it all but I didn't allow it. Man, whatever happened to those days? Had I known at that time how quickly they would disappear into the forever past, I would have captured so many more moments of them somehow but as it is, I have very few.

My daughter is now a junior in College and the dog of my life now a growing distant memory. I have had three dogs since Muncy, all of whom I have loved dearly, including the one I have now but into every life there comes only one very special animal and I hope we meet again. I had so much love for that dog that I'm tearing up writing this after over a decade since we parted. I always laughed silently when someone would say of their pet that they were "soulmates". I don't laugh anymore.

According to Romans 8:21 it seems that we very well may meet in God's dimension, on His Holy Mountain where there is no pain, suffering or death. Knowing how much of our hearts these special dogs take with them, I believe that our Loving, Heavenly Father, capable of ALL THINGS not only COULD recreate them (as He will recreate all those dead in Christ) but He WILL recreate them into immortal, new animals whose beauty we can't even imagine. And we'll know them as we knew them on earth - even much BETTER.

Everything in my life has become a longing for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to come and take us with Him into the glorious eternity which He had planned since eternity past. Never had I cared less about this world and its attractions and never in my life had I ever had the sense of the very closeness of His coming as I do in this very age right now. I can't keep quiet about it and I wouldn't want to either.

Bible prophecy is leaping from the pages of Holy Writ in a way not seen since His FIRST coming as a baby in a manger. And now seeing the escalating one world government coming so fast and wickedness growing more evil by the day, my excitement that He could come now at any moment grows by the day also. Even so, Come Lord Jesus. Maranatha!

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That would be an odd baby.

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Feb 10, 2023
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His family has some history, never looked into it deeply. There are some pictures of him and his brother as toddlers on a bed with mom, and there's interesting wall art behind them. I tried to copy the link earlier, sorry. I couldn't do it. Well, ha I'm sure it can be done. Just not by me. Not the best with tech.

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Feb 11, 2023
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Yes keep that blood pure. So sickening. You have a good memory. I remember bits and pieces. I really have to view something like a video to remember better, reading, I have to re- read sentences sometimes and try to visualize what the person is saying, I then move on. It's a whole thing I've done forever. My husband js a tool and dye guy, and when he 1st explained to me what it was I'm like wait. ( had to imagine it) got it OK, keep going. So odd. But I guess it works for me.

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Oh I know, just disgusting and I forget all about the Kathy Griffen theory. Ha pooper. Totally.

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There were already some reports about the vomit's green color somewhere else, by an injures on a sport play field in EU.... This is EXTREMELY disturbing.

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Feb 10, 2023
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At a concert once and seen a man puke green, it reminded me of coolant. Now that I'm older, possibly Midori, but I'm not sure why you'd want to drink Midori.

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Feb 11, 2023Edited
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I've bartender too, it isn't as fun as it seems. I was so scared of a fight and overserving. I did use it, one place was a martini bar.

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