Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

On the comment made by China backing Russia, I am not surprised....Russia has given the US and Europe so many chances to come to an agreement. People, Ukraine is not a democracy. It is a Dictatorship. The US helped create that when they sponsored and helped with the Ukrainian government coup in 2014....That was so we could keep using the bio-labs and controlling them and have a place to money launder dirty, filthy crime money. Largest operation on the Planet was in Ukraine.

Ukraine is using Dirty Bombs and they were told that if they did that / It would be the END of them and all who supported THEM. Biden's administration and the Globalists did this to all of us....They are responsible for what is coming. They are Fricken Idiots!!!! They think they are safe in their little bunkers underground. I got news for them. Why do you think China spent 6 months last year using Drones to map all underground facilities/whether they are bases or homes? And Biden allowed this. They will not be safe and they are the cause of ALL... I am so angry at the STUPIDITY of the small minds of men in this situation and especially ones with DEMENTIA!!! Sorry for the Rant but Man oh Man....We are the most hated Country on face of the Planet now....all because these Bastards think they are above the LAW of the LAND and of the PLANET. My Stars. Scotty BEAM ME UP NOW!!!!

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I love rants

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Sørøs HQ, and KM satanists are Pukraine. Ancient Khazaria is Pukraine. They farm adrenochrome from children too. Child prostitution, sex slavery, money laundering, blackmarket organ harvesting.

Putin can annihilate them and I wouldn't shed a tear. If he annihilated DC, I would laugh, and thank him.

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deletedMar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

We both have tyrannical fake governments. I read a report on Poland, and was shocked. Also, many people are working so hard they have no time for political study. So, they are easily manipulated like cattle to slaughter.

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deletedMar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023
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I used to work 14-17 hours a day. I had that much business. However, I had little time for news issues. Working is good for people so they have purpose and earn a living. Some people are, like you say, workaholics. I prefer those people to lazy welfare bums. They sit and rot, and do not build anything for a future. We have welfare bums out here, and I despise them. They lay about, do nothing productive, and sponge off my tax dollars. They take drugs and drink all day and night. Useless.

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deletedMar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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deletedMar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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What is a " garlic nation?" I tried to look it up, but all I found were garlic websites. I remember we were told garlic and onions grew out of satan's footsteps in the Garden of Eden. We were kids, and so adults would tell us stories. I remember one story. This old guy told us if you wipe chickenshit on your upper lip a moustache would grow. Lol.

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deletedMar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

I was guessing that, but didn't want to say. Lol

Hey, I looked up drowning of marzanna.


Hahhaha, burning and drowning the Slavic goddess of Winter. So, it is like burning witches and drowning them. So, the leftist don't like that for teaching aggression to kids. Hahaahaha, yet it is ok to inject vax poison in the kids, and teach them sexual perversions. Lol

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deletedMar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023
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Old European cultures had many pagan customs. I enjoy reading about them. I always thought the Polish and Hungarian were very Christian Nations from reading news. Now, from your reports, I can see they are falling away same as like in America. Embracing perversions is asinine. It confuses children, and hurts them.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

comment on the smallpox bio-weapon virus: This is another emptying of Fauci's vault...they stated it would happen with many of those still in the "Vault"....Get ready is right. This is a virus and you need to start taking Quercetin/Bromelain.....it is what I recommended for the Death Jab along with zinc and D3. It kills the nucleus of any virus whether man made or natural. Smallpox was another virus from a rat and one has to wonder how many years it took them to perfect it in the beginning.

Have you noticed that all virus based diseases are coming back that we thought were gone and they just happen to have a vaccine ready for us....Death Shots by the millions people....Protect yourself now as it takes about 2 weeks to get your body ready... 1000 mg daily to start and if you start feeling a bit sickly for some reason after being outside, up it to 2000 mg daily for a couple of days and then go back down to 1000 mg a day. You can actually take 1500 mg consistently if you want.

I get all of my stuff on Swansonvitamins.com as they are excellent quality and best prices on the web. Shipping is only $1.99. You can't beat that. I get the 250 capsule size as it is the best price and lasts a person for 4 months at 1000 mg a day.

Enjoy! and get ready for others to follow. Their deadline is passing and they will not wait any longer especially after the announcement of China With Russia. Their statement actually hit the Truth right on the head of the Nail going into the coffins of those responsible for this disaster called Ukraine which the US created.....

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

PEOPLE, here is a head's up on what is coming soon for the next attack via bio-weapons:

FYI, QUERCETIN/BROMELAIN was tested by the government before the original HIV1 was released and cured it 100%. This is part of my research.... Now what is listed below is a total immune buster if you are not taking something to kill it when it enters your body. Caveat: You will still feel the effects of it for about 12 to 36 hours depending on how healthy your immune system is but then it will be flushed out of your system....drink good water / not bottled. This will come via airborne aerosol bombs. I had a personnel experience with this when I was targeted in 2021 so I have first hand experience with this. Buckle up and read below:

I conducted two bombshell interviews for today, with Dr. Paul Cottrell and Steve Quayle. The Quayle interview is a special "Economic Meltdown" edition, which covers the failing bank fiasco and why this means the end of the western financial system (in time).

Dr. Cottrell offered a jaw-dropping analysis of the next bioweapon to be deployed, confirming that the US DoD is working on this bioweapon right now, and they will release it soon. The CDC's head, Dr. Redfield, confirmed this just today, saying the next plague will be far worse than covid.

Dr. Cottrell says it's going to be a chimeria: HIV + SARS + H5N1. This triple threat combo is essentially "aerosolized HIV," meaning it destroys the immune system and can spread through the air.

It's a devastating depopulation weapon and it will also be used to destroy the remaining food supply by shutting down nearly all animal farms that produce meat.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

The part where it says "I conducted two bomshell interviews" is Mike Adams talking - not me.:-)

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Absolutely! These components were already made when SARS-Cv2 was established and now they have added H5N1, which is the bird flu which also was already in place. They have just compiled them into one nasty death bomB!!!!!!

People here in Montana are getting sick and have been for about 1 month now.....I noticed with myself that if I went out when the radiation reading was hitting the red that I became sick. Radiation levels don't just rise from what comes from the Sun.

I am up most of the night and can see when they start chem-trailing and dropping the aerosol bombs. That also increases the Radiation levels. I have 2 autoimmune disorders so this really messes with my body; but thankfully I take a lot of supplements to boost my immune system.

You probably know already that there were a few comments in uncensored news over a month ago where the H5N1 (bird flu) was jumping from birds to humans.....They were doing the preliminary testing then.

Get what you need to stay healthy as the full blown effect of dropping these bombs will be kept silent. You can tell, however, by noticing small clouds that appear out of no where and then appear to spread and have a mist like element coming down from them. I have seen this in mass over the past month in the Montana area. Be Safe!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Yes there is NO Amount of Words to be used expressing the Evil we are being subjected to. All we can do as a People is to use the knowledge we have to the best of our abilities to survive. Growing your own Food is mandatory unless you have stockpiled at least 2 years of supplies. I personally am now looking for a Gas Mask as nothing else can keep this out of our systems except the possibility that our admin and the world that agrees with it are taken out first!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Russia and RedChineseys:

The last thing we need is two superpowers aligned against America. You can thank that pedoterrorist pipeline bomber, bozobiden. What a piece of crap dirtbag! I want reparations for having to endure his stupidity and fleecing of America!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

"Few studies can be found regarding metal spring mattresses and EMF radiation; however, the most popular study regarding EMF radiation and innerspring mattresses entitled, “Sleep on the right side-Get cancer on the left?” by Hallberg and Johansson found that innerspring mattresses may actually reduce the amount of EMF radiation that you are exposed to rather than magnify it.

The study found that innerspring mattresses may actually have a field-attenuating influence on EMF radiation which means that the electromagnetic field directly above the mattress is actually reduced and not amplified."

***Dang - maybe I should get a mattress with metal coils to protect from EMF's, but my memory foam amttress is so much more comfortable!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I also use a memory foam and love it!!!! Metal coils are not good for you. I think that the wiring in the walls (that is why I have my little European EMF shield running 24/7 with 2 Tesla coils in it) and the EMF from all outside influences are a lot more dangerous!

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Well, Mr. DeSantis may be a great governor, but he should keep his remarks to himself concerning President Trump. His stock went down in my book. I thought perhaps he would unite with President Trump to be VP, and keep the Conservative vote from being split. Not gonna happen. Probably won't matter as voter and election fraud has not been resolved. Glad I have been preparing for disaster for 18 years now. Every year since Reagan has been exponentially worse for America. Our country is too corrupt. As the kids say, FUBAR.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thank you Manuel.

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Hey Mellie, how you been doing?

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Sorry to hear my friend. Just seen it now.

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It's mud season here, aka spring. Probably half way done by you hey? One of the Carolinas right? I really don't know. Sandhills and Robin's have been back for a bit, but it isn't really here until the Orioles come in.

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All is well hiw bout you?

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55mph gusts and rain today. Cold too. Watching metals online. Market appears manipulated. Prices should be much higher. Supply is low, and demand is high.

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Wheelchair Abuser:

He seems drunko retardo. Probably stupid enough to be vaxxed/boostered too. 😁

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This guy is a freaking junior hockey star and believes to be above everybody's law...

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Mar 21, 2023·edited Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Back in the day, kids were taught sportsmanship and code of conduct. Unfortunately, things are different. Chairs are not inexpensive. If he were a real man, he would apologize, buy the amputee a new chair, and deliver it to her. If I were a judge, that is exactly what I would make him do.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

A wonderful Rant and well done!!!!! Bravo!!!!

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Mar 21, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Thanks 🙏❤️🇺🇸🇲🇽🐸

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loooool what ARE they talking about???

I’m so glad I subbed to this stack - thank you!!!

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Though not widely discussed, all gov't entities should be considered the highest form of terrorism and tyranny. Money, power, weapons, brainwashed agents, mercenaries, chemical weapons, bioweapons, lasers, direct energy arsenal, etc even the antigravity ships, drugs, child trafficking, - you name the poison or perversion and they either do it, sell it, make it or lie about it.

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deletedMar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

I have a rainbow jacket purchased for me by my mother for a fundraiser or support or whatever for animals for some organization. Years ago in a Facebook ad. I love it. I love animals. I think it's cool. One lady thought it was a gay support one day and I said it was for animals and basically everything I just said. She said it was still a nice jacket and I said thank you. She was gay. Looked like it anyway. Nobody lost their mind. Smiles were had. Nice gestures. And lived my life and the world kept turning. Some people might lose their mind from an exchange like that now.

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deletedMar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds

Roy G Biv belongs to everyone. Ha.

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deletedMar 22, 2023Liked by Strange Sounds
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Will have a look thanks

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