Milton is already cat 5.

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strengthening like crazy!

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

And look what they're doing to prepare for it!


Look at all of that non-cloud activity. Doppler radar is supposed to show us CLOUD COVER and the depth and density of those clouds. That's ALL. What is the crazy colored lines, (near Mississippi and Alabama) pinwheel patterns and flashing circular interference in that doppler image? It's weather modification by stratospheric aerosol injection and frequency generation management designed to control the weather. We saw the same thing with Helene.


They create theses monsters, pump them up with deadly, destructive energy, aim them at populated regions (instead of harmlessly out to sea) for the PURPOSE of incurring maximum death and destruction. They have patents for this and they've been doing it for many decades. While the people sleep.


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Mayorkas (the SEVENTH FEMA director in three years!) said after Helene, in remarking about FEMA being out of money, "and there is another one coming" meaning another catastrophic hurricane. We know this because he said this when Milton was yet a tropical storm! He knew this because he knows the scheduled weather. The weather is not "forecast" it's FOMENTED. It's hard to know what Milton will do because everyone is expecting it to crush Tampa and area however, they might decrease its strength before it makes landfall just to throw confusion on the subject that everyone seems to be talking about right now - the reality that they do control the weather.

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Oct 7Liked by Strange Sounds

Al Pacino confirms "there's nothing there" after we die— "You're gone"…

Confirm? Did he die and come back to tell us this? How does he know?

He doesn't. "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment." Hebrews 9:27

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I just said that same thing only using many more words. I never read the comments before I post my own, I just post and go back to the next story. I'm glad there are some people that still have the ability to think, seeing through their nonsense and drivel.

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Oct 7Liked by Strange Sounds

I look forward to your Stack the MOST! Love it and thank you. As soon as my guy gets into office and my finances improve I will absolutely support your work. I feel like a schmuck for not financially supporting your work right now, but a gal's gotta buy her eggs and bacon and those are expensive these days!

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"Weather manipulation IS real" -- TikTok and the World Health Organization (WHO) are openly INDOCTRINATING people -- the "demoncrats'' are openly declaring totalitarianism through suppressing TRUTH, it's an absolute travesty that the sheeple masses are so BLIND to it all. The American gun-owners are "ungovernable" according to the "left" and WE'D DAMN SURE BETTER STAY THAT WAY if we want to make it past 2030 and beyond without living under MARTIAL LAW. BUY AMMO. GET PREPARED.

A SHIT-STORM is coming PATRIOTS. BE READY. ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ ✟ Oh yeah, and "Al Pacino" is a demonic MORON.

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I'm very glad to see that people are now really waking up to the fact that the governments put in place to protect and serve the people are in reality nothing of the kind but are a cabal of trillionaire (may as well be, right?) selfish, evil men and women, i.e. the "leaders of the darkness of this world" and they take their orders from "spiritual wickedness in high places" who take their orders from satan himself. See Ephesians 6:12 They've been controlling this world for a very long time, undercover and in compartmentalized secrecy since the time of Nimrod shortly after the flood of Noah. Waiting for that "torches and pitchforks" moment. It's sure to be coming soon, that is, IF something else doesn't happen very soon - the Rapture of the church. The Rapture would have the ability to halt EVERYTHING immediately taking the attention off of the murderers that wield hurricanes and tornadoes, and massive flood waters, hurling them directly at the people they swore an oath under God to protect!!!

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Thank You Manuel! Here the link to Carlson's page:


Seems like luckily he is still alive and thriving;)

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Bill Cooper: “Israel was created as the instrument to bring about the battle of Armageddon and the fulfillment of prophecy. It will destroy the sovereignty of all nations and result in a One World Government.”

He doesn't know his bible...Israel existed since Jacob had 12 sons. They were exiled by the Assyrians, Babylonians, and Romans. But they survived. They were allowed to return to the Middle East by the UN after the Holocaust. The battle of Armageddon will be Satan's attempt to destroy Jesus when He returns to set up His kingdom. Satan will be defeated and the beast/antichrist and false prophet will be thrown into the lake of fire. A one world government will then be set up by Jesus with his angels assisting. the one world goverment will be benevolent. The king or one world ruler: "And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace. Israel was created to be God's people, not for a final war.

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Knowing full well now, the powerful weather control machinery the Apex Predator has had since the 1940’s, they’ve proven now, in spades, the damage they can do. They could also use that tech easily to end or steer dangerous storms AWAY from populations! They are serial killers! Mass murderers! That’s their intent! That’s what they do 😡

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"If “misinformation” was all “misinformation” they wouldn’t give a dime about it on platforms…"

Simple but genius!

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So, Al Pacino allegedly died and saw something and came back to tell us that there is NOTHING beyond death? Let's break this down. Al Pacino is a person with a consciousness which he knows as himself or in psychological terms, his EGO. We all have one and deep down, we all KNOW that we will ALWAYS have one but Al just provided us with the proof.

If Al Pacino actually flatlined and died, and if his claim that there is nothing beyond is to be believed, how was he aware enough (or at all) to know that he saw nothingness? If we become nothing, how can we perceive nothingness? Furthermore, if we all float around in nothingness with our consciousnesses and lifetime memories (which ARE something) forever after we die, what is the meaning of that?

In this realm, we see PURPOSE in everything we ponder; the life around us, the things man makes; his 5 senses which give him the ability to perceive his world - even his ability to imagine his own existence and consciousness - all have definite purpose. It makes no sense to assume it all comes to nothing and to believe such a thing is contrary to our own logic which we all have within us. We must become fools to believe such nothingness.

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That was a most interesting find in India!! Thanks, Manuel!! Regarding our "weather events"......How can there be a "selection" if so many people are unable to even vote???

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