Happy New Year Manuel and all the regulars here. Let's hope for a much better one!

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May you and your beautiful family have a blessed New Year. I believe my friend, this year will be remembered for centuries to come. 🙏❤️

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• Anti-Drone Rifle:

Wonder what type of ammo that contraption uses?

• Kill Switches in Vehicles:

Bad idea. It does fit in with the digital currency control aspect. If you dissent, then your vehicle is disabled, and your bank funds are frozen. Control. Governe + mentis = Government. To control the mind.

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Jan 2, 2023
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One objective is to make America not worth fighting to keep soverign. Cultural marxism tears down traditions and heroic figures, and replaces them with cultural marxist figures. We see this when they replace statues and monuments. If you dissent, then you are the problem. Only a full scale revolt will save America in my opinion. As the kids say, FUBAR.

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Jan 2, 2023
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Depopulation goal helps the overall control aspect. Less revolt with less people. Whether it is a pole shift or Nibiru, less people competing for resources seems a logical goal for the satanic kabal. Madrid fault cataclysm would cause chaos as would a left coast major earthquake.

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Texas liquor....well, that is nothing new, they always close the day after Christmas and New Year and those fell on Sunday in 2022

Alzheimer's....directly related to aluminum, which is NOT a naturally occurring metal...and it just so happens, the majority of CEO's and heads of Alzheimer's foundations are also holders of large amounts of stocks in the Aluminum Industry (also found to cause Autism and Downs!

If that is Putin's squeeze, she is a pretty thing!

2020 election caused depression and anxiety???....that's rich.....how about the forced jab, the wuhan phoney scare, and the gummint handing out crap so people don't have to work, closing family businesses so the fat cats get fatter...

That Jacques Attali looks awful old to be talkin smack about offing old people!

Major Info........Orwell wrote 1984 in 1948, exactly 100 years after the formation of the Fabian Society, which after they formed in 1848 wrote several papers on how the worlds population should be taken over by double speak, controlled and propagandized media, dumbing down people in schools and the very actions portrayed by Big Brother!...therefore creating a 'controlled population'...where your thoughts would be criminalized

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Anthony Loffredo has issues. So 😥 sad. It's hard not to feel sorry for that guy.

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small issues... LOL! exactly

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Oikophobia does that.

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"Today Joseph and Mary would have to pass through 15 checkpoints to get from Nazareth to Bethlehem…"

But Israel didn't have to deal with muslim terrorists or fake world opinion back then.

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Jan 1, 2023
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Yes, the volcanic videos from this Youtube channel are great... The ring of fire is indeed releasing a lot of energy right now... Hope this isn't a sign of a very big one anywhere around the Ring... Cascadia or New Madrid.... Which one is going to blow first?... Yesterday we had another shallow M5.4 quake in NoCal... It's closing in...

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