DEW weapons are old news. Where do you think they got them? Israel got them from us. Many of our aircraft have microwave Directed Energy Weapons lasers on them. Fried Spain, Canada, Maui, paradise, Cali, etc. Thousands have been vaporized.

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Yes we are already there. This earth is a prison. And people think they are free in the USA? I guess they are absolutely blind.

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It's been awhile since I've written here, but I profoundly moved by a video shared in this news letter. Around 7am EST, I started watching the video about David Adair. After 40 minutes of listening to this guy, I was completely blown away. Is he telling the truth? There was something about the way he told it, that makes you believe. I'll be sure to mention this video, on other sites, and look for him elsewhere.

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The liars build their lies one upon another like an upside down pyramid. The base stone of the pyramid is their BIG AGENDA. The biggest lies are found near the bottom and all subsequent lies are built upon the ones below them. If we begin from the bottom of the pyramid and we have identified the agenda, we can progress upward through the lies by recognizing the motivation for them.

Their agenda is, for all intents and purposes in this age, a one world government for the a global leader called the antichrist. The lies must be told in logical order supporting the motivation for each. If we imagine that the very bottom stone, the agenda of a global government, is holding up the two biggest lies upon which all others will be supported, a glimpse through the history of the present age indicates that those two lies are atheism and Darwinism.

This first level does away with God AND the need for a Supernatural Creator AND allows for the physical world to have created itself. Without venturing into how money affects the pyramid let's continue to build up from there. The pyramid is not two-dimensional but branches out into three dimensions.

The next level of lies depends upon Darwinism, more specifically abiogenesis or spontaneous generation which simply means that life arose from nothing in a pool of primordial soup. Everything else first came into being from a fictional big bang and against all laws of thermodynamics and physics, increased in complexity to produce all of the "natural" order that we see today including we, ourselves.

In a subcategory of the Darwinism lie is the billions of years age of the earth and the millions of years of evolution which built everything. From this point, it is easy to imagine that if our earth was able to produce the life that we see and in fact are, then the natural processes that did this MUST have done it somewhere else in the vast reaches of space, among the trillions and trillions of potential, life-giving suns. In fact, it must have happened all over the universe and the galaxies must be TEEMING with all sorts of life, some of which must be billions of years more advanced in technology than we are. It would actually be necessary that they have been "watching" us and have also visited us.

This sets the groundwork for the alien agenda which is necessary for the people to believe and will be used in another lie to explain an earth-shattering, soon-coming event called the Rapture of the church. Millions of people will suddenly disappear from this earth without any indication of where they had gone (to the greatest part of the population, that is) and the logical explanation would be a lie that these who disappeared had be taken by aliens in a mass alien abduction.

The truth is that we had been taken by our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ as is explained in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 in the New Testament of the Bible. Since God has been replaced by literally nothing but vast periods of time and CHANCE, the Bible also has now become a book of fables and fairy tales. (a subcategory of the lie of atheism)

These lies depend upon each other yet are most crucial for the people to believe so defensive psychological measures have been used to marginalize those who disbelieve their lies and these have been highly effective keeping the lies in the realm of the truth for those believing them and the biggest of these defenses is SCORN and ridicule. We who question their lies are ALWAYS placed in a lower caste of society never to be taken seriously, often accused of having mental disorders or being a "tin foil hat" wearing fool.

David Adair, although apparently a brilliant man is still just a man and just as vulnerable as most who succumb to huge rewards for supporting the lies of the deep state. I'm not saying that everything he said in this fascinating video are false, I believe that there is much truth surrounding every lie and I believe also that he was taken somewhere in Groom Lake when he was 17 years old. I also believe that he was at genius level even having collaborated with Stephen Hawking.

I believe he saw something of such high technology that it APPEARED to be from some alien origins but I don't believe that it was in any way some technology from an intelligent life form from another galaxy. I do not believe in UFOs in the sense that they are other, more highly evolved life forms from another galaxy because I don't believe the foundational lie of spontaneous generation that's necessary to support the lie of alien life in other galaxies. (or even the Milky Way)

One way to spot someone who is lying to support an agenda is to determine if he is party to any other big lies that have remained secret over the years. Does he mention anything about the truth regarding geoengineering for example? Certainly someone of that level of intelligence would have undoubtedly mentioned something about some of the bigger lies and deceptions at some point in the discussion.

We are at the climax of this modern society, very near thermonuclear war. We have arrived at this point by believing the lies of the lap dog for the deep state - the media in all of its forms -for years and years. At this point in history, the lies are so deep and piled on top of one another that MOST of what we hear from any media source (including and some times ESPECIALLY YouTube) are deceptive lies protecting a nefarious agenda.

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the military installation on Maui had already announced that they had successfully developed a laser weapon earlier this year. It's a fact.

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I was born on 1948, and have grown along with all the dystopian development, and yes, it’s horrifying.

DEWs - of course they have them - not just the country mentioned in the vignette, either.

Laughing hilariously that the cartels - at least re fentanyl - seem to have a better grasp on a sort of morality by speaking against it. The early mafia also refused to deal in drugs. Oh, my! Could the guv possibly be more corrupt than the early mafia !?

Nigeria and diptheria - hhhmmm. Well, if it shows up here, I should be okay. Got vaxxed for it about 15 years ago. Was vax injured from the Dtap or Tdap whatever diabolical thing it is. All vaccines cause injury a la Dr. Andrew Moulden. Someone mentioned some gates guy doing his (dirty work) -that could very well be.

East Palestine Ohio - disgusting.

Prozac use. Why? Because it can be worse than what they’re trying to treat. They luuuv that - misery, you know.

Great subjects in - well, they’re always great subjects - this newsletter. Sobering.

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We don't even realize we are already there.

That was one of the best sentences you have ever posted.

That big hole? A fountain of the deep.

Why would they treat long Covid with Prozac? Ivermecting works better.

Pumping oil like crazy means we are in for some tough times.

Outbreat of diptheria in Nigeria? Maybe they just administered one of Bill Gates Jabs? That would be my suspicion.

Who is Tuberville?

Yellen knows we cannot support 2 wars...get ready for the end of money in Nov/Dec.

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Nigeria, jabs? I think you nailed it. Besides, Nigeria's the next to throw out the Westerners.

Dollars days are numbered.. But then what?

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I read 15 seconds of the Africa news story on Diphtheria killing 600 children and saw an exact replication of American media promoting vaccines, even "contact tracing"!

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Thank you. The earth changes due to the upcoming poleshift, known by our government and hidden from the people is disguised as climate change to make money. Also, the whole Israel, Hamas thing is a false flag ignited to start WW3, which has been the elite's plan all along.

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Manuel, I changed cr. cards, let me know if you received the recurring donation!! Appreciate your work!!

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Think about this. The deep fake porn issue is just the tip of the iceberg. The deep state can produce fake "proof" of any person in this world saying or doing ANYTHING they want to accuse them of!!!! If ever there were a reason to fear, it should be NOW. Just a quick example, any one of us (who would NEVER do such a thing) could be "exposed" committing a MURDER, even of a CHILD or many children for that matter, even our fake, talking heads, complete with every nuance of our personalities shown afterward bragging and talking and LAUGHING about it! Think of it. Each of our personal identities have been wiped out! The crazier it gets, the more reason to trust in Jesus Christ who Created us!

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This channel appears to be strongly antisemetic pushing anti-Jewish propagnda along with completely altered photos. Great Job - Let's see how that works out for you. Ending my subscription NOW

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Hi Manuel, Very nice post. I agree with you. Before we all get wiped out could somebody please tell us:

What was in the envelopes at Bush's funeral

Who shot JFK.

What hit the pentagon. (It wasn't a plane)

What took down the 3 towers (It wasn't airplanes)

Why was Hillary shoved in the van with her hands behind her back.

What's with all these politicians (In Power?) wearing masks?

Why is it when Trump travels it looks more like a president entourage than Biden?

Why does Trump still use the Presidential Seal?

Why is there a Football guy near Trump but not near Biden?

I really don't get it.

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