actually took a picture of the 12/23 AM chem trails and emailed friend/family. and have noticed the dimmer daylight since. horrifying.

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Strontium, Barium, Aluminum, Graphene, Nano Polymers, Manganese, Surfactant that we know of!

Many heavy metal particles also interact with HAARP and 5G, not to mention all the weather warfare and hurricane steering..........Project Cirrus, 1947, Operation Popeye during Viet Nam killing field

First patent issued 1913 for weather mod, first attempt, 1895...until 1905 NO word 'virus' was ever heard of....later that year, Rothchild/Rockefeller bought up big pharma, 1917, the word 'flu' was unheard of....big world wide rollout of high voltage lines, telephone and telegraph caused a 'mysterious' sickness to 'influence' others in the areas of high levels of EMF....and thern.....1918!

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The true sign of superior intelligence is spraying sulfur dioxide, I think I read in a UN document, in the atmosphere to reflect sunlight, supposedly to slow global warming, and at the same time counting on solar power to provide electricity. Brilliant!!!

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Gates even admitted global warming was a hoax. Depopulation is the real objective. Gonna be hell on earth.

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I'm not worried. We can always eat cricket soufflés. I don't know why people get grossed out at the thought of eating crickets. After all, fish eat crickets, and people eat fish. Just think of it as cutting out the middleman, errr I mean fish .... 🐠🐟🐡

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Have to watch out for chitin. Read the stuff is in insects, and isn't good for humans. I am up for people jerky though. /sarc.

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That sunset/mountaintop video does look like a head with beardo on fire. Like wind is blowing from under his chin.


Unfortunately, the chemicals sprayed are to shorten our lifespan by hurting our immune systems. Same as fake vaxx suicide shots. My brother's ×-wife's cancer came back. Report I read, stated fake vaxx hurts immune system. It also hurts human T-cells. The satanic elitists are thinning the herd. Why? Less people to manage, less competition for resources, and they enjoy misery. Why? Most are sadists.

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Dec 26, 2022
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Yep, and since they are married to pharma-sorcery, they have all the cures. That and blackmarket slave organs, and children's blood. That is their fountain of youth. Look at how many degenerate and dissipated satanists live well into their 90's.

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This mass psychosis is Issiah 5:20. Also, people seeking out answers from people unqualified to give truthful answers. The Constitution is what matters. First Ammendment Rights. If you can't question (false) authority, you are enslaved.

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