"Majority of US dog owners now skeptical of vaccines" ~ We stopped using the "Veterinarian" 20 years
ago, and our pets, (dogs & cats) have never been healthier. Including a 15 year old Groenendael and a 25 year old tabby cat. If you want anything to be healthy and it has a 'heartbeat' - keep it away from all forms of ''healthcare industry'' - be in complete control of your own diet and their diet and they the (pets) and you will live longer, healthier more productive and happier lives.
I don't care how healthy your pets are or what you may feed them. If they aren't vaccinated against rabies and get bitten by a rabid raccoon or other rabid wild animal, they will get rabies too and they will die. And if they bite you and you don't want to avail yourself of treatment at the hands of the "healthcare industry," you will also die. Inconvenient TRUTH.
That's a load of B.S. You want to buy into that, go right ahead.
I choose NOT to. An inconvenient FACT. Fact is, there aren't a bunch of "RABID" animals running around the place, at least not here. Maybe where YOU live. It's funny how EVERYTHING got along just FINE without our interference for thousands of years, suddenly everything needs "VACCINES" What a load of succotash !
Actually, rabies is very common in wild animals in the U.S., but rare in dogs due to animal control and rabies vaccines. Elsewhere in the world, where rabies vaccines aren't widely used, dogs cause 99% of human rabies cases and rabies kills 25,000-54,000 people worldwide, mostly in Asia and Africa.
"EVERYTHING" was not fine for thousands of years. Obviously, you don't know much about history. Smallpox used to kill hundreds of millions until it was eradicated with a vaccine by the 1970's. My dad spoke of the scourge of polio from his childhood - were it not for the polio vaccine, we'd still have warehouse-sized hospital wards full of paralyzed children trapped in iron lungs for life. Vaccines have saved more lives and prevented more suffering and disability than any other medical advancement in human history, including antibiotics.
You can believe whatever you like; I prefer to base my opinions on reality. Your pets are healthy because they ride on the coattails of and benefit from the herd immunity provided by all the pet owners who get their pets rabies shots.
There is NO RABIES where I live, do you know why? Because there aren't a MILLION people with 10 million rats, and 50 million tons of garbage all living together. Everything WAS FINE thousands of years ago, and it STILL is ! Even WITHOUT everyone running to BIG PHARMA to SHORTEN their PETS lives with PHARMAKEIA. No cares about your OPINION. MY animals are HEALTHY. They have been for 20 plus years, and they'll remain that way, without big animal pharma intervening. Please don't come to the OZARKS. You'll upset the HEALTHY BALANCE of NATURE. STAY in your 15 minute city where "YOU" belong. Thanks "KAREN". Tell "GRETTA" I said "bug-off" !
LOL - looks like you need to calm down, Mr. Exclamation Mark/ALLCAPS. Rabies is not a big city problem and rats and other rodents don't carry rabies, plus rabies has nothing to do with garbage. I live in a rural area with 120 acres of woods right behind my house, and those woods are full of wildlife the species of which are common carriers of rabies, which is exactly why I vaccinate my pets against this legitimate risk. If I lived in a concrete jungle, risk of rabies would be much lower. Apparently you are confusing opinions with facts - everything I've stated regarding rabies is entirely factual and irrefutable, which seems to have triggered you bigly. I get it, facts can be painful and upsetting - reality bites, and so do rabid animals. Let's just hope they never get a chance at your unprotected pets.
Feel like we live in the Twilight Zone? It’s been that way for quite some time. Most people just haven’t seen it, or refuse to admit it. And I don’t blame them - it’s very uncomfortable and disconcerting.
I'd be willing to bet the reason the authorities won't let people into the burned-out areas of Lahaina is because with hundreds of people still missing and unaccounted for, there may well be badly charred bodies and bones all over the place still being discovered. That wouldn't be a good look for elected officials and others who helped create this tragedy.
I read something that says Bill Gates is taken out of context, so they supplied the question he answered, and the answer. If the reader is capable of critical thought, Gates is better off being taken out of context.
In his answer he said people, I assume fully jabbed types, "People don't feel like going to the stadium when they might get infected. You know, it's not the government who's saying OK, just ignore this disease, and people are deeply affected by seeing these deaths, by knowing they could be part of the transmission chain, and old people, their parents, their grandparents could be affected by this."
So fully jabbed people are worried about getting infected? Then why get jabbed in the first place? Is it because of the unprovable claim that the jab makes symptoms less severe?
If UNC students were allowed to protect themselves, the situation could have been halted much sooner and there wouldn't have been such an anti-Second Amendment kneejerk reaction. Why is the proper reaction to violence as demonstrated by Elisjsha Dicken not mentioned in any stories of public shootings?
this is VERY strange. So the entire area of Hawaiian living peacefully in their houses, with items probably similar to the ones in houses of OHIO (where the trains with DIOXINE WERE BURNED DOWN BY THE GOV, releasing the rest of the CHEMICALS IN GROUND AND WATER) with the only difference, burned down Lahaina in 'NATURAL' disaster, along the beach, and now it is highly dangerous zone, including the ASHES of the VICTIMS, which normally many families of the deceased, scatter in the ocean anyway.. How long Ohio was locked down?? When you watch this one and listen to what 'they say' at :
it is just mindblowing...Look how fast the teams are working, they are literally SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING. Just wonder WHAT from the 3000F fires is left?? A fertilizer, ammunition, Li-batteries?? EPA removes the hazard materials (asbestos), applies biodegradable CHEMICALS to the ashes in order not to discharge them to the ocean.. Disaster mortary from HHS, US army and Department of defense forensic anthropologists(?), FBI and many other experts.. All because of natural fires, which left the real victims, the people, sleeping on streets and along the beach, with 700$..
Listen to the Police chef, the coroner (who closed the streets and left the people on them burn), who got only 120 DNA samples from families, and he needs MORE DNA!!! Because of the matches
for differemnt family members...??? They need LIVING DNA from survivors, for apparent check up of ashes which burned at 3000deg??? Mr police chef, at 3000F THERE IS NO DNA LEFT, to my knowledge... Leave the Lahaina people in peace amd STOP the DNA harvesting program.
The universe IS a complete quantum computer, yes. In fact our reality is mostly EMPTY space. The distance between the electron and the nucleus of an atom is said to be, scaled up of course, equivalent to a ping pong ball in the center of a modern sports stadium with the outer wall of the stadium being the orbital path of the electrons! THAT's that's a lot of empty space!
So, our world is mostly (relatively) empty space. The micro world of physics, particle physics, is even more mind bending than the macro; the vast reaches of space. Physicists used to believe that "smallness" had no limit, that is, if you cut a one inch line in half and take one of those halves and cut it in half again and on and on, it would go on to infinity. However, physicist Max Planck discovered that this isn't true. When such a thing is repeated, it eventually reaches a point in which it loses "locality", that is, it becomes EVERYWHERE. Try to sink your teeth into that one!
The mathematics used to arrive at this is far above my paygrade. I tried to wrap my brain around this idea once but fell flat on my proverbial face. Modern "String theory" physics claims that there are a total of 11 dimensions in addition to our own (M-Theory); 5 are knowable but the rest are curled in less that 10 to the -35 meters. All of this and the math that explains it are completely out of my 'dimension' but it all works together to spell out the fact that there are higher dimensions.
The apostle Paul even described a higher dimension: "That ye may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;" Ephesians 3:18 It's all so fascinating to me, I wish I were able to understand it on a deeper level like those studying String Theory and modern particle physics but I'm only able to comprehend to the ability that God has equipped me.
I haven't been wired for such things and I should say that I am happy the way God designed me because I trust in Him. I truly believe that these secrets will be revealed to us, we who love Him and will share in His Glorious Kingdom in NEW bodies with minds that CAN comprehend so much more than our present minds comprehend. I also believe that this will be happening VERY VERY soon!
The lat paper of the shot Yan, an associate professor in the department of applied physical sciences is important.
In his research, he used laser beams as ‘optical tweezers’ to control and manipulate nanoparticles with precision. The work had potential applications in various fields, including photochemistry and nanomedicine. Last month, Yan and Qi co-authored a paper exploring the use of light to bind metal nanoparticles1.
Looks like their research could apply even to Lahaina "fires" in which the light driven nanoassembly in free space (sprayed materials from geoengineering) can couple to photonic-plasminc resonances from lasers in all frequency ranges, including THz , 5G.
"Majority of US dog owners now skeptical of vaccines" ~ We stopped using the "Veterinarian" 20 years
ago, and our pets, (dogs & cats) have never been healthier. Including a 15 year old Groenendael and a 25 year old tabby cat. If you want anything to be healthy and it has a 'heartbeat' - keep it away from all forms of ''healthcare industry'' - be in complete control of your own diet and their diet and they the (pets) and you will live longer, healthier more productive and happier lives.
I don't care how healthy your pets are or what you may feed them. If they aren't vaccinated against rabies and get bitten by a rabid raccoon or other rabid wild animal, they will get rabies too and they will die. And if they bite you and you don't want to avail yourself of treatment at the hands of the "healthcare industry," you will also die. Inconvenient TRUTH.
That's a load of B.S. You want to buy into that, go right ahead.
I choose NOT to. An inconvenient FACT. Fact is, there aren't a bunch of "RABID" animals running around the place, at least not here. Maybe where YOU live. It's funny how EVERYTHING got along just FINE without our interference for thousands of years, suddenly everything needs "VACCINES" What a load of succotash !
Actually, rabies is very common in wild animals in the U.S., but rare in dogs due to animal control and rabies vaccines. Elsewhere in the world, where rabies vaccines aren't widely used, dogs cause 99% of human rabies cases and rabies kills 25,000-54,000 people worldwide, mostly in Asia and Africa.
"EVERYTHING" was not fine for thousands of years. Obviously, you don't know much about history. Smallpox used to kill hundreds of millions until it was eradicated with a vaccine by the 1970's. My dad spoke of the scourge of polio from his childhood - were it not for the polio vaccine, we'd still have warehouse-sized hospital wards full of paralyzed children trapped in iron lungs for life. Vaccines have saved more lives and prevented more suffering and disability than any other medical advancement in human history, including antibiotics.
You can believe whatever you like; I prefer to base my opinions on reality. Your pets are healthy because they ride on the coattails of and benefit from the herd immunity provided by all the pet owners who get their pets rabies shots.
OMG "KAREN", calm down about rabies !
There is NO RABIES where I live, do you know why? Because there aren't a MILLION people with 10 million rats, and 50 million tons of garbage all living together. Everything WAS FINE thousands of years ago, and it STILL is ! Even WITHOUT everyone running to BIG PHARMA to SHORTEN their PETS lives with PHARMAKEIA. No cares about your OPINION. MY animals are HEALTHY. They have been for 20 plus years, and they'll remain that way, without big animal pharma intervening. Please don't come to the OZARKS. You'll upset the HEALTHY BALANCE of NATURE. STAY in your 15 minute city where "YOU" belong. Thanks "KAREN". Tell "GRETTA" I said "bug-off" !
LOL - looks like you need to calm down, Mr. Exclamation Mark/ALLCAPS. Rabies is not a big city problem and rats and other rodents don't carry rabies, plus rabies has nothing to do with garbage. I live in a rural area with 120 acres of woods right behind my house, and those woods are full of wildlife the species of which are common carriers of rabies, which is exactly why I vaccinate my pets against this legitimate risk. If I lived in a concrete jungle, risk of rabies would be much lower. Apparently you are confusing opinions with facts - everything I've stated regarding rabies is entirely factual and irrefutable, which seems to have triggered you bigly. I get it, facts can be painful and upsetting - reality bites, and so do rabid animals. Let's just hope they never get a chance at your unprotected pets.
Feel like we live in the Twilight Zone? It’s been that way for quite some time. Most people just haven’t seen it, or refuse to admit it. And I don’t blame them - it’s very uncomfortable and disconcerting.
Take care.
Oh my, Lahaina. And how much more money did Obiden send Ukraine today?
I'd be willing to bet the reason the authorities won't let people into the burned-out areas of Lahaina is because with hundreds of people still missing and unaccounted for, there may well be badly charred bodies and bones all over the place still being discovered. That wouldn't be a good look for elected officials and others who helped create this tragedy.
He needs to be in care. He is done. Get him off the stage and out of Congress.
I read something that says Bill Gates is taken out of context, so they supplied the question he answered, and the answer. If the reader is capable of critical thought, Gates is better off being taken out of context.
In his answer he said people, I assume fully jabbed types, "People don't feel like going to the stadium when they might get infected. You know, it's not the government who's saying OK, just ignore this disease, and people are deeply affected by seeing these deaths, by knowing they could be part of the transmission chain, and old people, their parents, their grandparents could be affected by this."
So fully jabbed people are worried about getting infected? Then why get jabbed in the first place? Is it because of the unprovable claim that the jab makes symptoms less severe?
It's still a scam and he's still a joke!
I always liked watching The Twilight Zone. I don't like living in it though.
If UNC students were allowed to protect themselves, the situation could have been halted much sooner and there wouldn't have been such an anti-Second Amendment kneejerk reaction. Why is the proper reaction to violence as demonstrated by Elisjsha Dicken not mentioned in any stories of public shootings?
Because an armed society is a FREE society. They don't want that. And it's becoming more obvious to more people every single day.
this is VERY strange. So the entire area of Hawaiian living peacefully in their houses, with items probably similar to the ones in houses of OHIO (where the trains with DIOXINE WERE BURNED DOWN BY THE GOV, releasing the rest of the CHEMICALS IN GROUND AND WATER) with the only difference, burned down Lahaina in 'NATURAL' disaster, along the beach, and now it is highly dangerous zone, including the ASHES of the VICTIMS, which normally many families of the deceased, scatter in the ocean anyway.. How long Ohio was locked down?? When you watch this one and listen to what 'they say' at :
it is just mindblowing...Look how fast the teams are working, they are literally SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING. Just wonder WHAT from the 3000F fires is left?? A fertilizer, ammunition, Li-batteries?? EPA removes the hazard materials (asbestos), applies biodegradable CHEMICALS to the ashes in order not to discharge them to the ocean.. Disaster mortary from HHS, US army and Department of defense forensic anthropologists(?), FBI and many other experts.. All because of natural fires, which left the real victims, the people, sleeping on streets and along the beach, with 700$..
Listen to the Police chef, the coroner (who closed the streets and left the people on them burn), who got only 120 DNA samples from families, and he needs MORE DNA!!! Because of the matches
for differemnt family members...??? They need LIVING DNA from survivors, for apparent check up of ashes which burned at 3000deg??? Mr police chef, at 3000F THERE IS NO DNA LEFT, to my knowledge... Leave the Lahaina people in peace amd STOP the DNA harvesting program.
Anything to protect “THE CHILDREN” .... oops!! excuse me little Susie wants to be a boy now and be called little Joey 🤦♀️
The universe IS a complete quantum computer, yes. In fact our reality is mostly EMPTY space. The distance between the electron and the nucleus of an atom is said to be, scaled up of course, equivalent to a ping pong ball in the center of a modern sports stadium with the outer wall of the stadium being the orbital path of the electrons! THAT's that's a lot of empty space!
So, our world is mostly (relatively) empty space. The micro world of physics, particle physics, is even more mind bending than the macro; the vast reaches of space. Physicists used to believe that "smallness" had no limit, that is, if you cut a one inch line in half and take one of those halves and cut it in half again and on and on, it would go on to infinity. However, physicist Max Planck discovered that this isn't true. When such a thing is repeated, it eventually reaches a point in which it loses "locality", that is, it becomes EVERYWHERE. Try to sink your teeth into that one!
The mathematics used to arrive at this is far above my paygrade. I tried to wrap my brain around this idea once but fell flat on my proverbial face. Modern "String theory" physics claims that there are a total of 11 dimensions in addition to our own (M-Theory); 5 are knowable but the rest are curled in less that 10 to the -35 meters. All of this and the math that explains it are completely out of my 'dimension' but it all works together to spell out the fact that there are higher dimensions.
The apostle Paul even described a higher dimension: "That ye may be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height;" Ephesians 3:18 It's all so fascinating to me, I wish I were able to understand it on a deeper level like those studying String Theory and modern particle physics but I'm only able to comprehend to the ability that God has equipped me.
I haven't been wired for such things and I should say that I am happy the way God designed me because I trust in Him. I truly believe that these secrets will be revealed to us, we who love Him and will share in His Glorious Kingdom in NEW bodies with minds that CAN comprehend so much more than our present minds comprehend. I also believe that this will be happening VERY VERY soon!
everything SO IMPORTANT! Thanks!
The lat paper of the shot Yan, an associate professor in the department of applied physical sciences is important.
In his research, he used laser beams as ‘optical tweezers’ to control and manipulate nanoparticles with precision. The work had potential applications in various fields, including photochemistry and nanomedicine. Last month, Yan and Qi co-authored a paper exploring the use of light to bind metal nanoparticles1.
Looks like their research could apply even to Lahaina "fires" in which the light driven nanoassembly in free space (sprayed materials from geoengineering) can couple to photonic-plasminc resonances from lasers in all frequency ranges, including THz , 5G.