As we move headlong into the future, the plans of the wicked smack us in the face. Ending the support for Windows 10 is just another of the amazing and evil plans they made for this world's demise decades ago.

They want us to think we are cared for by them but none of what we see them doing is conducive to LIFE but every bit of it is brings us closer to DEATH, e.g. geoengineering our skies with toxic heavy metals including any pathogens they desire to infect this world with, destroying agriculture (banning fertilizers) and food processing plants to create global famine. They continue pushing the lie that "sustainable development" is possible.

They're fomenting wars and profiting from the enormous money of weapons sales from BOTH SIDES, bioengineering diseases and turning pathogens against us then murdering us in the hospitals, lying through the media puppets, destroying the economy of the world, the list is practically endless. And all of it is done under the false pretense of "climate change". THEY are the ones responsible for climate change by geoengineering and Solar Radiation Management.

Go to geoengineeringwatch.org to learn everything about the topic.

And while they were/are destroying this world (insect extinctions are completely off the charts; they die, we die) they have made a massive hidden world for themselves UNDER OUR FEET using TRILLIONS of dollars of our hard earned money, digging underground cities and buildings of luxurious opulence and mansions in which to live all the while distracting us with all forms of media.

They dumbed us down in the schools, pumped our kids minds with psychoactive drugs and a perverted view of sex, gender and sodomy. They taught us the lies of Darwinism and spontaneous generation (life from non-life which is non-sense of the highest order and without which UFO and intelligent life outside our galaxy would be impossible). The ETs will play a very important role in their lies very soon.

They've been involved in a never-ending program of dividing (divide and conquer) us in every way possible, creating hatred, distrust and unrest among us. They've turned us into zombies, fluoridating the water supplies all over the world and rotting our teeth and bones, (research this; fluoride DESTROYS the teeth!) They have lied to us, stolen from us, murdered us, tortured us, given us cancer, made us sick, sent us to die in their wars, made us slaves to the economic Ponzi scheme of the stock market, they have inflated the dollar to the point of worthlessness, they've rigged every election (all over the world) created global alphabet agencies like the WEF and WHO giving them the overreach of power to dictate our lives and they are now readying the world to usher in their leader, the most wicked "man" that ever lived, the antichrist.

When millions of people suddenly disappear from this earth (could happen now at any time) they, the lying media (or perhaps the antichrist himself) will tell the world we had been abducted by aliens from another galaxy. Do NOT believe this lie. We were taken by Jesus Christ in the long anticipated Rapture.

I continue to sound the alarm and I will do so until I am no longer able. GET SAVED from your sins by simply admitting that you need a Savior! Call on His Mighty Name, He created you and everyone else in this or any other world. He is GOD. Why do I do this? What motivates me to want people to be saved from their sins? I'm either crazy or I'm filled with the Holy Spirit of God Almighty as the Bible teaches. Before considering that I'm the former, why not look at what I'm saying for yourself?

It's still not too late! Learn about His Plan for the salvation from sins that every person has available to them by His Shed Blood (without the shedding of blood, there is no remission; Hebrews 0:22) Ye must be saved (and you'll KNOW it when you are) to ever see our Perfect Creator and He has done all the work for you! John 3:3 See also Romans 10:13; read the entire book of Romans calling on Him to help you understand, expressing your desire to know Him. If you're sincere in your heart you WILL be saved. What are you waiting for?

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Yes; I also love the work of Dane Wigington

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Thank you for continuing to report on Lahaina tragedies, corruption, updates - HUGELY IMPORTANT!

Keep Lahaina in the news - upfront - and maybe if enough noise is made, someone (s) will push this issue to unbiased investigations!?!

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The topic of climate change has been spun so far out to left field, that real facts have become muddled. At first I thought, yeah, this is all about human pollution.... Wrong, and there's plenty of obfuscated proof out there. Here's an example, when the plandemic hit, pretty much all of the world stopped (maybe excluding places like China and India) and all that pollution cleared the skies, I saw video of it. Did you know at that point, the global temp increased. I'd say 90% of scientific reports that come out, never include the one major reason for Earths current and past climate changes, our Sun. We are but a pebble next to our star so when all that solar radiation hits us, where do you think it goes? A lot deflects, but the Earth absorbs a bunch as well, thus heating the core, You can't blame humans for the core heating up. Whenever I hear/see someone putting blame on humans for this problem, I take umbrage to it, because there's so much proof of past occurrences. There's so much scientific evidence out there and it's not included into these studies, either by ignorance or by money and people have the right to know the whole truth. Things like this remind me of the Brookings report.

Good, honest discussion is needed, and soon. All the best and Merry Christmas all

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Has anyone noticed?! Cliff High is on an 'elohim' tear!!! We can all sense, SOMETHING, is going on in this bizarre realm we live in!!

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Thank You for so many terrifying news...

How many women participated in that 'artificial womb' project?? It is a laugh into the face of the real Creator by the clowns who came up with this.. Just my opinion.

And is there any other version of the Cowthorn story then just CNN...???

In regard to watches... Just wrote this one, involving most recent 'smart watches':


with this newest video, incredible:


this should be seen by every citizen of this planet....

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The Kroger assault. I may be way off in this thinking, but many of these violent assaults and other violence seem to be perpetrated by people with names - well, imagine having some of these names we see assigned to them. From fantasyland, or is it sci-fi, I wonder if these assigned names affect their opinions and thoughts of themselves. I know if some of those names had been given to me, I’d change it. Even so, no excuse for such animalistic actions and treatment of others.

I am just full of wondering, lately. 🤔

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The Maui directed Energy Weapons fire was tragic. For those who know, blue tarps are the way to go🟦

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They will identify themselves with the deep state every single time if you watch closely. The young man "explaining" (lying) about how traffic was directed shows his allegiance to extreme top of the food chain at 1:20-22 in the video about the Lahaina fire by making THE sign of the Illuminati, the ROC, joining his fingertips and thumbs together. please look at it.

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