The very most difficult command of the Bible is to "love thy enemy and do good to those that hate and persecute you". Because, when I look at the brightest, most powerful examples of the elite like Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, I feel such hideous rage for them. I can't even look at Bill Gates without cringing.

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Manuel, have I said something on your substack that offended you? I haven't seen that you have liked any of my comments for quite some time. In the past, I could expect at least ONE like to all of my comments and that was yours. Sorry if I offended you, I wish you would discuss it with me. I like your newsletter very much and visit every day.

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No sorry, we have a virus in the family. First my wife, then my son, now my daughetr... I still resist :-)... I just have not a lot of time to read the comments right now! Sorry for that. Manuel

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Ok. I just wanted to be sure that I didn't offend you. As I said, if it's not obvious already, this is my favorite newsletter on the web! Thanks. I hope you and your family get well soon.

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