3 different Prayers were offered during the inauguration. Rev. Lorenzo Sewell is the only 1 of the 3 that mentioned JESUS CHRIST.

Philippians 2:10-11

“That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;”

“And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.”

The REPUBLIC of the United States of America, has been given a reprieve of sorts, prior to heading into the 2030 deadline of the N.W.O. Lets see how "We the People" handle these next 4 years.

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One more curious thing I noticed about the "change in command", other than the dems being "pardoned" for their crimes against humanity, (there will be no such pardon when they are judged according to their wicked actions and denial of God and Jesus Christ their Creator at the Great White Throne Judgment) but isn't it peculiar how QUIET it has been on the liberal whacko front? I've heard practically NOTHING from their spokesfools like Ellen Degenerate (I always wondered about her name being so fitting; was that on purpose?) and the gang. However, they are probably making a lot of crazy noise on "The View" but I have never watched 10 seconds of that conglomeration of insanity on purpose. I have seen clips of their especially illogical and Godless rhetoric on Youtube and that was enough for me. I guess they're all stunned (also by design).

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"They (the wolves) obviously won’t assimilate well with the local packs because they’re gonna have accents…" FUNNY!!!!

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Let's examine all that is happening on the political landscape in light of them all being PUPPETS who dance and sing before live cameras doing exactly what their puppeteers make them do and say. It will doubtless be a very interesting script played out for the people (we) and everyone should be very discerning about what they do and say. Are they distracting us from their agenda or are the fulfilling their agenda? With the clever leader and god of the calibre they worship, and from who they take their orders, it's probably both. So don't be distracted from their ultimate goal...a one world government for their leader, the antichrist. It's about to get CRAZY.

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He's high on adrenochrome.

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Of course the bird flu is dangerous and life-threatening; there is a man back in the White House, a REAL actual alpha male, so Deep State/NWO must plant a new fake pandemic. Hopefully, dumb people and/or power mad people don't force it on us again.

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Thanks for the great News Roundup, Manuel!! ;-) Let's see......which Club are we talking about now?!

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Thank you for all of the updates!!!

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Order 21 and 31 are about protection against INVASION... By whom???

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😂❤️ Spot On!

Project Blue Beam incoming…when? Not sure but it’s “their” final move in “their” playbook. IMHO

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More bird flu cases found in Japan; 1.44 million birds to be culled

A reminder: they are testing flocks with PCR tests which produce 99% false positives for a flu caused by EMF radiation poisoning. All they had to do was turn of the cell towers and WIFI on the farm at night.


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From my heart to yours. If you took time to watch video

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I found this very interesting…


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