Amateur OK storm chaser here. The storm-chaser restrictions might be because of the unnatural weather events happening EVERYWHERE. Last month, we had a lot of atypical storm activity, to be sure. My friends and I really thought we might get DEWed.

Reduce the Oklahoma storm chasers, and reduce the possibility of more people than ever figuring out it’s not natural. People may not believe what storm chasers they don’t know post on YouTube, but if enough of a population of people are chasing, and their friends believe them, then the popular be reached with the evidence.

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This. Thank you!

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Seems we're all on the same page here with knowing about the controlled weather and their paranoia over sudden mass awareness of their secret destruction of entire and selected communities. Do they fear the "torches and pitchforks" moment? They better because if they're ever found out beyond the fringes, it's going to be game over for them...NOT. They'll just retreat to their underground cities they've been building with our stolen tax dollars and then shut themselves in.

For any who have placed their hope in Trump, do you now see what is going on in the world (harken the billionaire's quotes)

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Not a storm chaser myself, but that was exactly what I was thinking. Can't have people filming the oddities going on with these weather events. Fires bursting up out of the ground, microwave and directed energy weapons, lasers etc....I'm going to guess that you've been chasing plenty of man made or at least man enhanced storms for decades.

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"Reducing the possibility of more people than ever figuring out these events are NOT normal or natural", is exactly what I was thinking.

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PLEASE, listen to Ellison, just one minute,after ~1:00 at


'they' are sure there won't be any need to passwords mid summer 2025...!!!! That strange remark about 'being pretty sure somebody is NOT synthetically created'!!! WHAT???

we got not quite half a year of human life left, doesn't it look like?

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I believe it means that software will be available that will be able to distinguish between a live voice and an AI produced one. I see the statement as hype, no system is perfect and every system evolves.

Only one system exists today that can clearly distinguish between identical twins, and given the large number of companies in the AI deep fake voice space creating new applications every day, he is whistling past the graveyard as Grandmother used to say :)

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this came in TODAY: 2/19/2025, from NPR (https://www.npr.org/2025/02/18/nx-s1-5296947/human-gene-variant-alters-the-voices-of-mice),


"Putting the uniquely human version of a certain gene into mice changed the way that those animals vocalized to each other, suggesting that this gene may play a role in speech and language.

Mice make a lot of calls in the ultrasonic range that humans can't hear, and the high-frequency vocalizations made by the genetically altered mice were more complex and showed more variation than those made by normal mice, according to a new study in the journal Nature Communications.

The fact that the genetic change produced differences in vocal behavior was "really exciting," says Erich Jarvis, a scientist at Rockefeller University in New York who worked on this research."

THAT SCARES me, quite a bit! Need to find out which gene it is and if possibly the universally injected Spike has something to do with it, to indeed justify what Ellison is talking about.... And the genes in question are FOXP2 and NOVA1, NOT found in extinct human species, the Neanderthals and Denisovans, only in the modern man.. Hm..., post- Noha flood???

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interesting! Yes I could see that gene being a target for future harm.

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Regarding getting people off of mood, stabilizers, etc., etc.

I think it’s definitely a GOOD idea. But to implement this may be a much greater undertaking than he realizes. Just read the article that you posted and I call bullshit on a lot of of that article. Especially the part that claims it’s non-addictive.

I have experienced many of my friends on these antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications. First of all I feel as if most of my friends have very flat lined emotions and it’s disturbing to save the least. To have an entire culture that is very Stepford like isn’t the way God intended us to live our lives. When you can’t feel Your grief, pain, and heartache… You also cannot experience immense, JOY and all the nuances of love, beauty and so much more. In other words, these medication’s really strip a lot of of the color from life. Instead of a spectrum of 100 colors you might be seeing 10 or 15.

That’s my first issue with them. My second issue is there is research out there that a lot of these medications actually make depression and suicidal thoughts worse. You won’t hear much of that on the news and I’m sure Google will suppress a lot of that information. But speaking from firsthand knowledge. My dad almost committed suicide when he was placed on them For a few months. When he went to his doctor and told him that he was feeling like he should drive his car off a cliff and had never had thought thoughts this violent before… The doctor said to him “oh you must be part of the 2%. About 2% of the population Has worsening depression, and suicidal thoughts when they’re on these medication’s” I also know of two other people that experience this from being placed on antidepressants and or anti-anxiety medications. One person literally sobbed every single day for a year, and felt suicidal until they finally realized this was one of the “side effects“ of that medication. Got off of it ASAP and felt 100 times better. What started out as some anxiety at night and a need to sleep, turned into a living hell nightmare. And they almost ended their life.

But thirdly, yes, I agree with you that suddenly taking people off medications would be a disaster. I have another friend that this happened to completely by accident, as her doctor was out of town for several days and she ran out of a script. What happened next was frightening. She almost went into a complete psychosis within 2 to 3 days. (And she did not suffer from hallucinations, etc., prior to this. )

Only anxiety and depression.

It scared her and her entire family. Thank God, someone finally reached her doctor by day four and was able to get her an emergency Prescription.

So yes, it’s a very valid point. These prescription drugs that they hand out like candy, even starting in grade school is sickening.

JFK was right about a lot of things. We should be focusing more on the food- industry and getting healthier food, we are missing tons of essential minerals in our everyday diet. Not to mention the need for fresh air, sunshine, clean, pure water and so many other things that are being blocked and tampered with by the powers that be..

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I agree. When I was 50, I was diagnosed with Bipolar and began a regiment of antidepressant medications. I can't even begin to tell you how many different ones they had me taking, but it was a lot, and never the same prescriptions. I did that for about 4 or 6 months. I HATE pills. I always have, so taking all of that s**t never sat well with me to begin with, Fast forward, I DUMPED ALL of those pills and NEVER went back for more. They are, or can be, VERY dangerous and I believe far too many people depend on them (and other meds), far too often. Focusing on my FAITH does more for me than any of those pharmaceuticals ever did. I HATED the way they made me feel and that feeling never improved. They ARE DANGEROUS. TRUST ALMIGHTY GOD, not "big pharma".

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Yes, it makes me angry… They numb people’s emotions. I can be sharing a super heartwarming and touching emotional story with someone and they just nod their head and smile…I always feel as if I’m not completely reaching them and it’s so damn frustrating. Not to mention the whole can of worms that a lot of of these drugs can lead to taking street drugs… and we really don’t know everything that they are doing to us, long term. I feel there are some exceptions. For example, if someone is extremely violent and terrorizing their community or family… or trying to harm themselves, Then yes, there is a time and a place to use medications. There are some people in situations that are so extreme that they may need to be on medication‘s for the rest of their lives. I know of one personally. But I do pray for him that one day God will heal him, or that there will be some kind of miracle that will help him to be the whole person that God meant him to be.

I don’t even like the over-the-counter medications and wish I had not listened to my doctor 30 years ago when I started taking Prilosec… we really don’t know what the long-term results are of so many of these DRUGS. Not even the doctors know. There’s not a doctor on earth who can tell you what all of these drugs do and how they will interact with one another..

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Re: Mexican President. I'm sure that the cartels use a lot of American weapons. Now that Ukraine is selling them to the cartels, it is even more. The cartels are a big problem for the US (drugs, etc). We should work with Mexico to fight them. Does Mexican President really not want help?

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"The billionaire plan to end America" -- Daniel 7:24; Revelation 17:12. Not saying these ARE the "10 kings" (some may be), but we are seeing the slow and steady continued formation or building towards this prophetic plan. (Daniel 7:19-28), The fourth beast of the revived Roman Empire will eventually dominate the entire earth, and it is out of this kingdom that ten kings will arise in the final world order. Something to keep a focused eye on.

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Your inclusion of "The Billionaire Plan to End America" was outstanding! So fortunate to have your posting in these times of upheaval and unprecedented change. Thank you Manuel.

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Excellent info

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She is the cartel and was installed by her masters Zionist Jews !!

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It's time some of us do some self help- Reprogram yourself: By changing the word "news" to "story" every time you see it, no matter the source.

The news cycle isn't a news cycle. It's a story cycle meant to alternatively provoke or guide the Collective Mind.

Understanding this allows one to map the story's direction. Discernment is a MUST in this day. Much love to Manuel and all others.

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"The USPS new fleet of Next Generation Delivery Vehicles designed by Oshkosh Defense…"

Looks like some kind of square headed pinniped.

"Shark bites off tourist’s hands"

Could you imagine? On a nice tropical getaway where the plan is to make lasting good memories then your life takes an incredible turn. How fragile are we??? I hope that their marriage was based on love because if it was based on lust (I'm guilty myself) it won't last much longer. Poor woman. Who wants a NEW body that CAN'T be harmed in any way by anything? I do and I'm awaiting mine right now because according to Bible prophecy and world events, it's going to happen much sooner than much later!

If the gubment wants to ban storm storm chasing it must be to keep secret their storm generating technology. They manipulate deadly weather and then blame it on "mother" nature.

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Thanks, Manuel, for the news updates!! It is interesting to see how all the tugging & pulling on our planet by the Planets of our Twin Solar System is playing out!! Since most people don't really look up, they are missing a LOT of things going on up there!! These planets have been hanging so low in our view that we thought it WAS our sky, but it was not!! For almost 15 years now SAMUEL HOFMAN & his group have been following the progress of these planets, moons & asteroids. They are an excellent explanation for all the weird weather & odd lightning going on around our planet! People seem to recognize it's not "normal", but are not aware of what is causing it!!! There are also other objects that have been photographed which seem to be traveling along with the group! Maybe we are in for a Big Surprise??? Check out Sam's interviews on Radio Wasteland for a quick summary on what has been playing in plain sight, but not known about by us Normies!!!

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So you asked about Canada being the 51st state, well that's a tough question to answer. Pretty sure we're in for so turmoil, in the very near future, like nothing we've seen before. It won't be a riot, it'll be a secede of counties and states from the union. In Revelations, Israel is encompassed by it's enemies and lose half of Jerusalem, in all that time, where is the USA, why haven't they come to their aid?? It's quite possible that we're dealing with a war of our own. A civil war, and Canada just might be included in this one. Should Canada become a 51st states by today's standards? No, there's 10 provinces. What I see is, people have become so blinded by hated towards Trump, that they can't stand back and see the bigger picture, because the media has done it this way on purpose. Trudeau has run our great nation into the ground and no other politician is gonna get us out of it. We're at the start of another depression and Trump has given us a way out. Maybe there are different avenues that could be explored, but the upheaval coming, spurred on by the MSM, will change the landscape of Canada, and that's just the way the WEF and China want it. Trump sure has stirred the pot up and I think it's a really good thing, especially for all the children. If you're a parent and you've allowed or encouraged your child to get this surgery, then I'd say you should be locked up. Our medical system has been destroyed, from the deadly covid shots to this child mutilation. The psyches in the system need to be removed and locked up, put in a prison and then those inmates can show them the fruits of their labour. Well I've got a little off topic so I'll say this, I don't always agree with you Manuel but I like the way your head is on a swivel.

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I wouldn't cite MOther Jones, it was a scam resource in the past and I do not think anything changed in that regard.. Also these overlapping interests at:


are not quite reflecting the current situation. What if there is this situation:


I trust more Dr. Horowitz than whoever put out that billionare to trillionare network, while seeing in fact a huge danger coming from Palantir, Oracle and OpenAI.. Since it too early to judge one can also listen to:

https://usawatchdog.com/greatest-immediate-danger-is-digital-id-catherine-austin-fitts/ which more or less aligns with the first version..

Anyway, keep the eyes open! Thank You!

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Islamic deflection on display

Cairo Cafe Anti-Semitism Incident

The owner of Cairo Takeaway, Hesham El Masry, has been vocal about his support for Palestine and has previously expressed negative sentiments towards Jewish individuals. In a social media post, El Masry told "narcissistic Zionist pigs" to stay away from his business, which indicates his stance on Jewish patrons.

Cairo Takeaway staff also reported that a man wearing a Star of David cap entered the restaurant and attempted to provoke an antisemitic response from the staff, which El Masry alleged was part of a planned operation by The Daily Telegraph.

Please note that the last name that he shares with half of Gaza means the Egyptian.

The Jewish Australian customer being aware that synagogues have been burned with worshipers inside by the islamists running amok in Australia went into a store that supports actions such as that and asks if it was okay for him to be there, the Arab gets provoked because they are a triggerable provocable easily angered shame and Honor society therefore who made a stunt of what?

The Aussie Jew went into see what would happen, looks like they escalated his innocent question with his knowledge of what they've said previously which you did not report making it out to be a hoax.

Did you do reports of the hundreds of thousands of islamists in Australia shouting gas the Jews or of police telling Jews to stay away from endless Street protests ruining life for everyday Australians?

Lamentable the level of Islamic deflection that people will go to and remember Lebanon used to be a Christian country

Brigitte Gabriel



Lebanon was the only Christian-majority nation in the Middle East.

It's where I was born.

We prided ourselves on inclusivity. Always welcoming Arab Muslim refugees from all over the Middle East.

We had the best economy despite having no natural oil. The best universities.

They called Beirut the "Paris of the Middle East" and the Mountains of Lebanon was a tourist destination.

My early childhood was idyllic, my father was a prosperous businessman in town and my mother was at home with me, an only child.

Slowly, the Arab Muslims began to become the majority in Lebanon and our rights began to wither away.

Soon, we would find ourselves unable to leave our small Christian town without fear of being stopped and killed by Arabs. In Lebanon your religion is on your government issued ID.

As the war intensified and the radical Islamists made their way south, my home was hit by an errant rocket and my life was forever changed.

We spent the next almost decade in a bomb shelter, scraping together pennies and eating dandelions and roots just to survive.

If it was not for Israel coming in and surrounding our town, I do not know If I would be here today.

Lebanon is now a country 100% controlled and run by Hezbollah. I lost my country of birth.

I thank God every single day I was able to immigrate to America and live out the dream that BILLIONS of people only dream of having.

Now here in America, my adopted country that I have come to love so much, I see the same threats and warning signs happening now that took place in Lebanon when I was a child.

This is my warning to you, America, reverse course now while you still can.

It's not too late to save our freedom and preserve it for the next generation.

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Should Canada become the 51st state?

TDS was high in Canada before the election... when you ask them why, they spout the propaganda the paid by Trudeau media says. Lot of ignorant Cannucks up here as they continue to get the deadly Covid-19 shot.

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It sounds like Canadians have changed their minds, and embraced Justin Castro’s tyranny. I know he resigned last month, but he was just kidding, I guess.

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Being a Canadian for 66yrs, born here when the world seemed right. Fuck was I wrong...Lol I'm not sure where you're getting your information from, but the Canadians that I know would rather see him dangling from a rope. And then the list starts, from Freeland, then Tam, I think you get the point. I'm not convinced that Poilievre is the right choice either, I've got a gut feeling that he's a wolf in sheep's clothing.

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recently spoke with people from Alberta and Manitoba while in AZ. They loved the 51st state offer and despise turdo

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