You know that Mass Formation Psychosis is rampant in Canada 🇨🇦 when people believe that Mark Carney who is a high level raving WEF'er is here to help Canada. We got rid of two WEF puppets in Trudeau and Freeland and add a bigger one. WTF is wrong with that picture. I've been voting liberal since 1970 as a university student caught up in Trudeaumania and since then have seen the Conservatives elected twice. First time with Mulroney who gave us GST and ended up in a bribery scandal that left the Conservatives with a party of two that needed to be resurrected as the Preston Manning Reform party and then the second time with Stephen Harper (another raving WEF'er) who gave the Federal election the robo-call scandal and shut down the Coast Guard in Canada's largest port city-Vancouver. On top of that he gave us HST and set the stage for Justin Trudeau to step up. Ex liberals like me have a natural reluctance to vote for Polievre but probably will.
Meet the new boss same as the old boss
I'll get down on my knees and pray that I won't get fooled againnnnnn!
"No vaccine exemption for Amish children"? PISS ON THAT. Piss on the shitty vaccines. ALL of them. I used to be part of the manufacturing processes and the batching of many of those vaccines. DON'T Trust ANY OF THEM. FACT. There is all kinds of un-declared CRAP in them. Far more than "Graphene Oxide" and elevated percentages of "Aluminum". Don't let or allow ANYONE to inject you with any of that SHIT. EVER.
Time to move Amish. Come to Missouri and homestead with us and the Mennonites.
"Ex-central banker Mark Carney to become Canada's next prime minister" ~
Sorry Canada. You're better off with "Justin"! Not much of a trade off. They're pretty much all from the same cess-pool. "United Nations special envoy for climate action.." BRAWHAHAHA !
A GLOBAL-GREEN-TAX-CHASER. A very REAL tax to fend off FAKE climate chaos. They never give up. They've been barking out the b.s. since the early 1900's. ENOUGH !
So on tariffs for Canada-have you looked into what tarriffs Canada already has on many American products? It's pretty outrageous. Time to stop banging on this subject.
You know that Mass Formation Psychosis is rampant in Canada 🇨🇦 when people believe that Mark Carney who is a high level raving WEF'er is here to help Canada. We got rid of two WEF puppets in Trudeau and Freeland and add a bigger one. WTF is wrong with that picture. I've been voting liberal since 1970 as a university student caught up in Trudeaumania and since then have seen the Conservatives elected twice. First time with Mulroney who gave us GST and ended up in a bribery scandal that left the Conservatives with a party of two that needed to be resurrected as the Preston Manning Reform party and then the second time with Stephen Harper (another raving WEF'er) who gave the Federal election the robo-call scandal and shut down the Coast Guard in Canada's largest port city-Vancouver. On top of that he gave us HST and set the stage for Justin Trudeau to step up. Ex liberals like me have a natural reluctance to vote for Polievre but probably will.
Meet the new boss same as the old boss
I'll get down on my knees and pray that I won't get fooled againnnnnn!
Yes i think that Carney is even worse than Trudeau… but also think Poilievre is not the guy… we are in a dead-end… and it feels really bad!
To vote or not to vote,that is the question. Controlled opposition or not ?
"No vaccine exemption for Amish children"? PISS ON THAT. Piss on the shitty vaccines. ALL of them. I used to be part of the manufacturing processes and the batching of many of those vaccines. DON'T Trust ANY OF THEM. FACT. There is all kinds of un-declared CRAP in them. Far more than "Graphene Oxide" and elevated percentages of "Aluminum". Don't let or allow ANYONE to inject you with any of that SHIT. EVER.
Time to move Amish. Come to Missouri and homestead with us and the Mennonites.
We won't play that B.S. here.
"Ex-central banker Mark Carney to become Canada's next prime minister" ~
Sorry Canada. You're better off with "Justin"! Not much of a trade off. They're pretty much all from the same cess-pool. "United Nations special envoy for climate action.." BRAWHAHAHA !
A GLOBAL-GREEN-TAX-CHASER. A very REAL tax to fend off FAKE climate chaos. They never give up. They've been barking out the b.s. since the early 1900's. ENOUGH !
Carney. Sounds about right.
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome in the new European totalitarian dictatorship!
So on tariffs for Canada-have you looked into what tarriffs Canada already has on many American products? It's pretty outrageous. Time to stop banging on this subject.