"You'll own NOTHING and be happy..." This increasingly becomes a 'surprise' to everyone, over and over again. WHY? People damn well better wake-up to what is happening around them. The criminal, global AGENDA-2030 continues as planned. Everyone needs to wonder how democracy will work FOR them.
I can tell you how. . It ISN'T. And, it WON'T. And neither will "socialism" or "Communism". The United States for example, is a "REPUBLIC". Does anyone even realize what that even means? It means that a state, (in this case "united states), meaning more than 1, in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. "BY THE PEOPLE". The PEOPLE hold the power, NOT the elected representatives. Those "representatives" hold office to be OUR collective voice. ARE THEY DOING THEIR JOBS? NO. NO THEY ARE NOT. It is then up to "US", the people, to REMOVE "them". Yet no one hardly, steps up, much less cares. This Nation, like many, is being RUINED ON PURPOSE. DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND THIS??? RUINED, ON, PURPOSE. Why? Why ruin a Nation or all Nations on purpose? The KEY factor to that answer, which is not opinion, but fact, is based on what the WORD of GOD has told us, ALL ALONG. And its the part the majority shines-on as some crazy, Bible-thumper conspiracy. These Nations, systematically being dismantled, are GOING TO BE, rebuilt as: "the 4th and final kingdom of man", (Daniel chapter 7). They are paving the way for the WORLD, BEAST SYSTEM, for the "BEAST, FALSE PROPHET, and the ANTICHRIST." The SATANIC TRINITY. But no one hardly, seems to want to believe this. And they are dismissing it, to their own ruin. People damn well better WAKE0UP, because this ISN'T GOING AWAY. Not until CHRIST RETURNS. That IS a fact. Deny it if you like. Its your choice. But ignoring and denying these facts, don't change the TRUTH of the matter.
Galatians 4:16
“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”
Well said, brother. I might add that we didn't arrive here overnight. The plans of the principalities and powers; the rulers of the darkness of this world have been very busy for DECADES with a systematic PLAN for the one-world gov't headed up by antichrist.
The people slept while they dug, miles underneath them. They built elaborate underground cities using our tax dollars as time after time TRILLIONS came up missing from the coffers of the alleged "Federal Reserve" bank which is neither federal, nor is there any reserve in it. It's a PRIVATE bank owned by this world's elite, need I name names?
While we celebrated our sports teams and partied at tailgates, they planned. While we watched all of their distractions, they sprayed our skies in a program of geoengineering which is absolutely destroying our earth. While our kids learned Darwinism, they expanded their wicked programs, defended by the lying, lapdog media, all of whom they had purchased many decades ago.
The TV and movies elaborated on their lies and the people believed them. While our kids played violent video games and bought the vile and disgusting music they generated creating subcultures of gangs, drugs, violence and murder, they sprayed our skies and dug their tunnels.
They dumbed down our kids with fluoridated water, psychoactive drugs, and "vaccinations" to the tune of a newborn now receiving 72 shots before the age of 18! (how is this even possible to get away with?) They ridiculed every person who asked any questions about anything that was the slightest bit against their agenda.
They created a false "pandemic" out of the seasonal flu, locked down the world (to see if it would work-practice for later) and stuck every person in the world (or tried to; still trying) with a very toxic, lethal shot which info packet in each box containing the the bottle WAS BLANK!
While the people were being divided by race, politics, gender, even surgically destroying young lives promoting a gender identity insanity and every other imaginable difference, they installed world leaders who would go along with the agenda.
They continued the appearance of "elections" while they had already planned for the "elected" person to hold office (votes don't count in the least, having for a very long time). They began burning the world down beginning with our life-giving forests - still in progress. They burned down critical food storage and production facilities for the future global famine all the while driving inflation and printing fiat currency for themselves.
Even before all of this, when things were still "normal", while the sleepers slept, they built massive FEMA detainment centers to house everyone that resisted their agenda, to be used at a later date. That date is SOON. Don't believe any of this without checking the facts for yourself. THAT is the very thing the controllers do not want you to do, dig for info. They're working toward total censorship of all information classifying all information against their agenda as MIS information. Hint: if the MSM says it's false news or fake info, STUDY all you can about it.
The very best news in all of this is that our Creator is COMING for those who love Him, for those who have understood His Eternal Plan for the redemption of mankind. The time of great tribulation described in the Bible and those events which will occur are beginning to OVERLAP our current age, the age of Grace.
We will not endure this tribulation. Who won't? They who have SOUGHT to know the Truth and have found it in the One that calls Himself "The Truth" (John 14:6) Time is up, folks. There is a pre tribulation Rapture of all of us who love Him and believe in His Shed Blood for our redemption from sin and death.
He will take us out of here at ANY MINUTE now and the longer He tarries, the more ridiculed this truth is, even by those claiming to be Christians. There is still time to go. All you must do is BELIEVE by seeking to know Him. Forget everything you have been taught wherever you have learned it and open the Bible (KJV highly preferred) to the book of Romans in the New Testament.
Begin to read and make an HONEST investigation into this before it's too late and you MISS this Glorious catching away into eternal, glorious bodies like that of Jesus Himself. You do not want to be here for what is coming. Call, seek, pray, get on your knees before it's too late! (although with Jesus, it's never too late) If you find that millions have disappeared, do NOT believe what they say happened, probably that we were abducted by UFOs or something. We were taken by our Lord Jesus Christ in the long awaited RAPTURE of His bride.
Finally... someone who can see what's actually happening, including the installation of DUMBs. While we fret about all the theater presented to us aboveground, those underground are preparing to welcome all the useful idiots who kept everyone uneducated, divided and distracted. Anyone who discovers the TRUTH and shares that truth is immediately erased along with their TRUE information. For anyone who denies this, just look at Manuel's videos being stopped at YouTube!
Thank you for writing your comment, as your words have hit me very hard. I was becoming tired of all the commotion happening and began questioning OurLord today. Your words gave me the confirmation that there are others out there who believe in the Bible and know what's to come.
The rapture you speak of will take place before Jesus returns, not at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation. All are subject to tribulation and in my opinion, we are less than a year away from the Antichrist being revealed (God isn’t going to give satan double the time Jesus was given). We are in the 7 year tribulation about 2 and 1/2 years into it, in my opinion. Don’t believe what I say, take it to the Lord in prayer, see what he tells you. You can read all the news articles in the world, the only way to determine the truth is by praying and asking Him for wisdom.
There are clearly TWO separate "comings" of the Lord to this earth, one in which He comes in the clouds of Heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:17) and His feet do NOT touch the earth and the one in which He DOES set His feet on the earth, (Zechariah 14:4)
I have been taking everything to the Lord increasingly so as the years roll on. I have studied this topic in the Bible for many years not willing to be unsure of anything regarding the Rapture or any other doctrine. I used to be unsure, like most people I knew, but I wasn't content with that so I set out to study the matter intently and the truth is, that before the 7 year tribulation (and the revealing of antichrist see 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8) we who love the Lord Jesus Christ will be removed from this earth before He pours out His wrath upon it.
No person who has been washed by His Shed Blood and believes and has had their sins removed by faith will ever see the wrath of God. As far as tribulation...yes, we are all suffering, RIGHT NOW in fact; even the creation itself suffers tribulation but God promises that we who love Him will not suffer His WRATH which is what Daniel's 70th week is about (see Daniel 9:27)
It's about the JEWS. He is going to pour out His WRATH on this world for their rejection of Him but He will most assuredly, no matter what the Darby or MacDonald crowd says or whatever anyone else says He will NOT pour out His Wrath upon His Bride. We fly soon! See 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 and always RIGHTLY divide Scripture.
I just tell people Que Sera Sera, when it comes, it comes. There is absolutely NO sense in arguing or fighting over when the rapture occurs. It will occur when the Father says it is time! We endure until we are called home, one way or another, if through the rapture, FANTASTIC! If through death, oh well, still fantastic as in both accounts, we get to go home to the Lord! As far as which bible, referenced by someone above that KJV is preferable, ALL God's word is divinely inspired, just as long as the asshats over these last few decades didn't change them, KJV, NKJV, NSB, etc... They all come from the manuscripts, which come from God's Word. You choose which one works for you, better to understand what you are reading than not and not get saved, ya know? Like my pastor said, a ruler is a ruler, doesn't matter what type of wood it came from, it still came from the tree and it's purpose is still the same! God will not let one Bible's word not come back void, unless, like I said, the asshats changed God to a female and this that or the other blasphemous stuff.
Hello, Susan. Please read this comment carefully. I mean zero disrespect. We cannot "choose" which "word of God" we study and understand as coming from Him because there is only ONE. It's your prerogative whether or not you investigate the Bible version issue but I can verify, through much study of the topic that what you have stated is not accurate. Moreover, the new versions are a very big part of the falling away of the church in these last days.
All Bible versions do NOT come from manuscripts that are 'from God's word" as you said. Only The KJV comes from the Masoretic Texts in the Hebrew (OT) and the Textus Receptus in the Greek (NT). All "modern" versions, beginning with Westcott and Hort, which gave rise to the Douay Rheims, Catholic Bible came from the ALEXANDRIAN TEXTS which were Gnostic in origin. I encourage you to study this topic at length.
The new versions, by definition of GOD'S OWN WORD cannot be His Preserved written word which He has promised to preserve for us. There is only ONE of those and by a little study on the part of every person that loves Jesus Christ and seeks the pure TRUTH, this fact can be easily discovered.
The Doris Day, que sera sera attitude may be acceptable in worldly matters but it should be repulsed by the Christian - i.e. the born again, saved and sanctified child of The Living God who has been cleansed by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ. The one who is MOTIVATED by the TRUTH in all matters. The "whatever will be" attitude is not what the Bible teaches us to adopt. We are to WAIT for His coming with BLESSED HOPE and JOY, anticipating His very soon arrival every single day.
I used an NIV for much of my adult Christian life but switched at the encouragement of the Holy Spirit when I prayed with my whole heart for TRUTH in all matters. The floodgates of Truth washed over me and in the following 18 years, to this very day, I have acquired more knowledge about this topic (and many others) that I can scarcely speak of them without going into great detail however, for the sake of time, I'll try.
The church is in a state of apostasy in this age and it is at its peak. Your pastor and those like him are the reason for this apostasy. They promote worldly things including the world's versions of the Bible. Many have promoted the jab and continue to do so. They are LUKEWARM at best. Revelation 3:16
Scripture has been changed so much and in so many ways (any new version must change by at least 10% from the original just to be awarded a copyright; the KJV has no copyright, never has and never will. It doesn't need one)
I will leave you with the most recent evidence I have found in my studies; another proof of the errancy of new versions and one which I had never heard in any of the talks, books and literature pointing out the flaws of the new versions which seek to decimate the deity of Christ. I find discrepancies like these all the time.
Tell me the difference between these two phrases. 1.) "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; and 2.) "and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father". Revelation 1:6 KJV and NIV respectively.
Look carefully; the NIV REMOVES THE DEITY OF CHRIST! Both verses speak of Jesus Christ but the KJV says, "unto GOD (Jesus) and His (Jesus') Father. NIV says, "to HIS God and Father", thus removing the direct Name of God which describes Jesus Christ in this verse of Scripture. There are literally thousands more of these which clearly delineate the KJV from the modern versions. I write this only to encourage you to adopt the attitude of TRUTH in all matters. It's a VERY rare commodity these days.
Finally, and I say this to ANY and all who name the Name which is above every name; PLEASE, if you are NOT anxious for Jesus Christ to come in the Rapture of the Bride of Christ (the saved) and remove us from this increasingly wicked and fallen world, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; 2 Corinthians 13:5
First, where in the Bible does it say the KJV is THE ONLY VERSION? Granted, like you said, there are many bibles out there that are being re-written, that is why I said ''most". My pastor has his PhD in New Testament Textual Criticism (ancient biblical manuscripts). He has read scholarly papers at the National and Regional meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (had to go to the website for Dr. Shah.) But anyways, letters after a name at times don't mean a thing biblically, but he teaches from the bible, he did NOT shut down during the scamdemic, does not promote the jabs etc. Look him up, Dr. Abidan Shah, Clearview Baptist Church in Henderson, NC. He knows about the different versions and such, so I will go by his authority on this, KJV is not the sole authority from the ancient texts as those who transcribe bibles go by the ancient texts and are very diligent on how they are transcribed, just because you say so, that is YOUR truth, not God's. I use the NKJV and just bought an amplified for some clarity and like it. My Que sera attitude doesn't mean I am not watching and waiting as an unwise virgin, I said it to mean it doesn't matter when the rapture occurs, we are to be ready, working, and watching/doing. I don't need to prove myself to you, but I do the Lord's work where I work, doing what I can to be the Lord's light in the prison system. as for your Revelation 1:6, here is another version from the Hebrew bible: "and he made us to be a kingdom, Kohanim to his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amein." We are His saints, made in His image to do His work, spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth, by our works (cannot be saved by works) and our testimony, we are known by our fruit. This world is but our training ground for the next phase in life, eternity with our Lord and Savior.
Anyhow, I have to get to work, blessings! and I truly cannot wait until the Lord returns, I am ready to go and leave this mess of a world behind.
Forgot to mention: it is not something that "I speak of" as you said. The BIBLE speaks of it and its types and shadows are a continuous thread throughout the Old and New Testaments of Scripture.
Oh my dear sweet lord...44%?!? I knew it was happening but 44% indicates a full on hostile corporate takeover of our neighborhoods. Gonna have to join or start a locals only home buyers club and invent the term Real Estate Activism!
This hurts my soul. These possessed people no longer hide. It is WRONG and these evil people simply don't care that they fly right in the face of JesusChrist. It is very difficult to pray for them that they find OurLord and get on the right path.
Interesting that while writing this comment, for some odd reason I was stopped!. My GuardianAngel brought me back!
I was only able to read the entire title, could not continue reading, every word hurts! Just posted it because people need to know what is going on without gettting into the verbal details.
But of course, inflation is not their fault, it’s your fault!" => EXACTLY! STop buying ANYTHING from CIA backed company called AM-A-ZON!!!!! NOW, STOP THE CRIME OF THE RICHEST NOW!
Im afraid that the real estate crimes go much farther. Poorer families who used to have homes for generations sell the falling apart homes for pennies to private companies (Black Rock..?) which or renovate the homes with smart technologies and sell it for 6x the original price, with the consequences that TAXES for the new buyer grow proportionally, making everything even less affordable!!! Or the companies buy out acres and acres of land squeezing the people in their new build homes, again with 'smart' background, owing the homes only, not the land, and paying the HOA fees, a complete criminal SCAM! The presumable 'security' + comfort (swimming pools, golf places, etc.etc.) is what locks so many brainwashed citizens, who agree to the conditions living in those GETTOs while being FORCED to use any of these great facilitites under 'community conditions'. Example? In covid times people were required to be masked, 'vaccinated', keep distance, etc, etc. You can't plant what you want, you can't paint your house any way YOU WANT, you have to spray GLYPHOSATE in order to keep nice and clean GMO's exnvironment, and that while 'owning a home! That's why GETTO!
What happens to all these houses that are being bought up by investment firms? If they flood the market with rental houses, rents will have to come down, which won't profit them. If they leave them sit empty, they control the part of the supply of both potential rental and sale properties, but those houses still have to be maintained at some expense while they aren't generating any revenue for investors. Maybe they're planning to resell them at a profit at some point? Wish I knew what the end game was. At least there are still plenty of existing homes available for individuals who can afford them, fortunately.
Where I live a developer (less than a year ago) bought about 100 wooded acres behind my house that borders the river on one side and they are selling lots that range from $450,000 - $790,000. Not houses, mind you, just empty lots. Most of them are sold, and there's already a house under construction on one of them. Naturally, my property taxes are going up, up, up.
I would suspect that the ones buying up these houses have literally unlimited funds and could burn them all down if they wanted to and it wouldn't affect their fortunes in the least. And even if it did, they'd just print up more money to cover their losses. That's the state of the world economy right now. They're getting ready to pull the plug on all currency now being used and whether it happens sooner or later, WE will be the ones to pay for it.
"You'll own NOTHING and be happy..." This increasingly becomes a 'surprise' to everyone, over and over again. WHY? People damn well better wake-up to what is happening around them. The criminal, global AGENDA-2030 continues as planned. Everyone needs to wonder how democracy will work FOR them.
I can tell you how. . It ISN'T. And, it WON'T. And neither will "socialism" or "Communism". The United States for example, is a "REPUBLIC". Does anyone even realize what that even means? It means that a state, (in this case "united states), meaning more than 1, in which supreme power is held by the people and their elected representatives. "BY THE PEOPLE". The PEOPLE hold the power, NOT the elected representatives. Those "representatives" hold office to be OUR collective voice. ARE THEY DOING THEIR JOBS? NO. NO THEY ARE NOT. It is then up to "US", the people, to REMOVE "them". Yet no one hardly, steps up, much less cares. This Nation, like many, is being RUINED ON PURPOSE. DOES ANYONE UNDERSTAND THIS??? RUINED, ON, PURPOSE. Why? Why ruin a Nation or all Nations on purpose? The KEY factor to that answer, which is not opinion, but fact, is based on what the WORD of GOD has told us, ALL ALONG. And its the part the majority shines-on as some crazy, Bible-thumper conspiracy. These Nations, systematically being dismantled, are GOING TO BE, rebuilt as: "the 4th and final kingdom of man", (Daniel chapter 7). They are paving the way for the WORLD, BEAST SYSTEM, for the "BEAST, FALSE PROPHET, and the ANTICHRIST." The SATANIC TRINITY. But no one hardly, seems to want to believe this. And they are dismissing it, to their own ruin. People damn well better WAKE0UP, because this ISN'T GOING AWAY. Not until CHRIST RETURNS. That IS a fact. Deny it if you like. Its your choice. But ignoring and denying these facts, don't change the TRUTH of the matter.
Galatians 4:16
“Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”
Well said, brother. I might add that we didn't arrive here overnight. The plans of the principalities and powers; the rulers of the darkness of this world have been very busy for DECADES with a systematic PLAN for the one-world gov't headed up by antichrist.
The people slept while they dug, miles underneath them. They built elaborate underground cities using our tax dollars as time after time TRILLIONS came up missing from the coffers of the alleged "Federal Reserve" bank which is neither federal, nor is there any reserve in it. It's a PRIVATE bank owned by this world's elite, need I name names?
While we celebrated our sports teams and partied at tailgates, they planned. While we watched all of their distractions, they sprayed our skies in a program of geoengineering which is absolutely destroying our earth. While our kids learned Darwinism, they expanded their wicked programs, defended by the lying, lapdog media, all of whom they had purchased many decades ago.
The TV and movies elaborated on their lies and the people believed them. While our kids played violent video games and bought the vile and disgusting music they generated creating subcultures of gangs, drugs, violence and murder, they sprayed our skies and dug their tunnels.
They dumbed down our kids with fluoridated water, psychoactive drugs, and "vaccinations" to the tune of a newborn now receiving 72 shots before the age of 18! (how is this even possible to get away with?) They ridiculed every person who asked any questions about anything that was the slightest bit against their agenda.
They created a false "pandemic" out of the seasonal flu, locked down the world (to see if it would work-practice for later) and stuck every person in the world (or tried to; still trying) with a very toxic, lethal shot which info packet in each box containing the the bottle WAS BLANK!
While the people were being divided by race, politics, gender, even surgically destroying young lives promoting a gender identity insanity and every other imaginable difference, they installed world leaders who would go along with the agenda.
They continued the appearance of "elections" while they had already planned for the "elected" person to hold office (votes don't count in the least, having for a very long time). They began burning the world down beginning with our life-giving forests - still in progress. They burned down critical food storage and production facilities for the future global famine all the while driving inflation and printing fiat currency for themselves.
Even before all of this, when things were still "normal", while the sleepers slept, they built massive FEMA detainment centers to house everyone that resisted their agenda, to be used at a later date. That date is SOON. Don't believe any of this without checking the facts for yourself. THAT is the very thing the controllers do not want you to do, dig for info. They're working toward total censorship of all information classifying all information against their agenda as MIS information. Hint: if the MSM says it's false news or fake info, STUDY all you can about it.
The very best news in all of this is that our Creator is COMING for those who love Him, for those who have understood His Eternal Plan for the redemption of mankind. The time of great tribulation described in the Bible and those events which will occur are beginning to OVERLAP our current age, the age of Grace.
We will not endure this tribulation. Who won't? They who have SOUGHT to know the Truth and have found it in the One that calls Himself "The Truth" (John 14:6) Time is up, folks. There is a pre tribulation Rapture of all of us who love Him and believe in His Shed Blood for our redemption from sin and death.
He will take us out of here at ANY MINUTE now and the longer He tarries, the more ridiculed this truth is, even by those claiming to be Christians. There is still time to go. All you must do is BELIEVE by seeking to know Him. Forget everything you have been taught wherever you have learned it and open the Bible (KJV highly preferred) to the book of Romans in the New Testament.
Begin to read and make an HONEST investigation into this before it's too late and you MISS this Glorious catching away into eternal, glorious bodies like that of Jesus Himself. You do not want to be here for what is coming. Call, seek, pray, get on your knees before it's too late! (although with Jesus, it's never too late) If you find that millions have disappeared, do NOT believe what they say happened, probably that we were abducted by UFOs or something. We were taken by our Lord Jesus Christ in the long awaited RAPTURE of His bride.
Finally... someone who can see what's actually happening, including the installation of DUMBs. While we fret about all the theater presented to us aboveground, those underground are preparing to welcome all the useful idiots who kept everyone uneducated, divided and distracted. Anyone who discovers the TRUTH and shares that truth is immediately erased along with their TRUE information. For anyone who denies this, just look at Manuel's videos being stopped at YouTube!
Thank you for writing your comment, as your words have hit me very hard. I was becoming tired of all the commotion happening and began questioning OurLord today. Your words gave me the confirmation that there are others out there who believe in the Bible and know what's to come.
The rapture you speak of will take place before Jesus returns, not at the beginning of the 7 year tribulation. All are subject to tribulation and in my opinion, we are less than a year away from the Antichrist being revealed (God isn’t going to give satan double the time Jesus was given). We are in the 7 year tribulation about 2 and 1/2 years into it, in my opinion. Don’t believe what I say, take it to the Lord in prayer, see what he tells you. You can read all the news articles in the world, the only way to determine the truth is by praying and asking Him for wisdom.
There are clearly TWO separate "comings" of the Lord to this earth, one in which He comes in the clouds of Heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:17) and His feet do NOT touch the earth and the one in which He DOES set His feet on the earth, (Zechariah 14:4)
I have been taking everything to the Lord increasingly so as the years roll on. I have studied this topic in the Bible for many years not willing to be unsure of anything regarding the Rapture or any other doctrine. I used to be unsure, like most people I knew, but I wasn't content with that so I set out to study the matter intently and the truth is, that before the 7 year tribulation (and the revealing of antichrist see 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8) we who love the Lord Jesus Christ will be removed from this earth before He pours out His wrath upon it.
No person who has been washed by His Shed Blood and believes and has had their sins removed by faith will ever see the wrath of God. As far as tribulation...yes, we are all suffering, RIGHT NOW in fact; even the creation itself suffers tribulation but God promises that we who love Him will not suffer His WRATH which is what Daniel's 70th week is about (see Daniel 9:27)
It's about the JEWS. He is going to pour out His WRATH on this world for their rejection of Him but He will most assuredly, no matter what the Darby or MacDonald crowd says or whatever anyone else says He will NOT pour out His Wrath upon His Bride. We fly soon! See 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 and 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 and always RIGHTLY divide Scripture.
I just tell people Que Sera Sera, when it comes, it comes. There is absolutely NO sense in arguing or fighting over when the rapture occurs. It will occur when the Father says it is time! We endure until we are called home, one way or another, if through the rapture, FANTASTIC! If through death, oh well, still fantastic as in both accounts, we get to go home to the Lord! As far as which bible, referenced by someone above that KJV is preferable, ALL God's word is divinely inspired, just as long as the asshats over these last few decades didn't change them, KJV, NKJV, NSB, etc... They all come from the manuscripts, which come from God's Word. You choose which one works for you, better to understand what you are reading than not and not get saved, ya know? Like my pastor said, a ruler is a ruler, doesn't matter what type of wood it came from, it still came from the tree and it's purpose is still the same! God will not let one Bible's word not come back void, unless, like I said, the asshats changed God to a female and this that or the other blasphemous stuff.
Hello, Susan. Please read this comment carefully. I mean zero disrespect. We cannot "choose" which "word of God" we study and understand as coming from Him because there is only ONE. It's your prerogative whether or not you investigate the Bible version issue but I can verify, through much study of the topic that what you have stated is not accurate. Moreover, the new versions are a very big part of the falling away of the church in these last days.
All Bible versions do NOT come from manuscripts that are 'from God's word" as you said. Only The KJV comes from the Masoretic Texts in the Hebrew (OT) and the Textus Receptus in the Greek (NT). All "modern" versions, beginning with Westcott and Hort, which gave rise to the Douay Rheims, Catholic Bible came from the ALEXANDRIAN TEXTS which were Gnostic in origin. I encourage you to study this topic at length.
The new versions, by definition of GOD'S OWN WORD cannot be His Preserved written word which He has promised to preserve for us. There is only ONE of those and by a little study on the part of every person that loves Jesus Christ and seeks the pure TRUTH, this fact can be easily discovered.
The Doris Day, que sera sera attitude may be acceptable in worldly matters but it should be repulsed by the Christian - i.e. the born again, saved and sanctified child of The Living God who has been cleansed by the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ. The one who is MOTIVATED by the TRUTH in all matters. The "whatever will be" attitude is not what the Bible teaches us to adopt. We are to WAIT for His coming with BLESSED HOPE and JOY, anticipating His very soon arrival every single day.
I used an NIV for much of my adult Christian life but switched at the encouragement of the Holy Spirit when I prayed with my whole heart for TRUTH in all matters. The floodgates of Truth washed over me and in the following 18 years, to this very day, I have acquired more knowledge about this topic (and many others) that I can scarcely speak of them without going into great detail however, for the sake of time, I'll try.
The church is in a state of apostasy in this age and it is at its peak. Your pastor and those like him are the reason for this apostasy. They promote worldly things including the world's versions of the Bible. Many have promoted the jab and continue to do so. They are LUKEWARM at best. Revelation 3:16
Scripture has been changed so much and in so many ways (any new version must change by at least 10% from the original just to be awarded a copyright; the KJV has no copyright, never has and never will. It doesn't need one)
I will leave you with the most recent evidence I have found in my studies; another proof of the errancy of new versions and one which I had never heard in any of the talks, books and literature pointing out the flaws of the new versions which seek to decimate the deity of Christ. I find discrepancies like these all the time.
Tell me the difference between these two phrases. 1.) "And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; and 2.) "and has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father". Revelation 1:6 KJV and NIV respectively.
Look carefully; the NIV REMOVES THE DEITY OF CHRIST! Both verses speak of Jesus Christ but the KJV says, "unto GOD (Jesus) and His (Jesus') Father. NIV says, "to HIS God and Father", thus removing the direct Name of God which describes Jesus Christ in this verse of Scripture. There are literally thousands more of these which clearly delineate the KJV from the modern versions. I write this only to encourage you to adopt the attitude of TRUTH in all matters. It's a VERY rare commodity these days.
Finally, and I say this to ANY and all who name the Name which is above every name; PLEASE, if you are NOT anxious for Jesus Christ to come in the Rapture of the Bride of Christ (the saved) and remove us from this increasingly wicked and fallen world, Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; 2 Corinthians 13:5
First, where in the Bible does it say the KJV is THE ONLY VERSION? Granted, like you said, there are many bibles out there that are being re-written, that is why I said ''most". My pastor has his PhD in New Testament Textual Criticism (ancient biblical manuscripts). He has read scholarly papers at the National and Regional meetings of the Evangelical Theological Society (had to go to the website for Dr. Shah.) But anyways, letters after a name at times don't mean a thing biblically, but he teaches from the bible, he did NOT shut down during the scamdemic, does not promote the jabs etc. Look him up, Dr. Abidan Shah, Clearview Baptist Church in Henderson, NC. He knows about the different versions and such, so I will go by his authority on this, KJV is not the sole authority from the ancient texts as those who transcribe bibles go by the ancient texts and are very diligent on how they are transcribed, just because you say so, that is YOUR truth, not God's. I use the NKJV and just bought an amplified for some clarity and like it. My Que sera attitude doesn't mean I am not watching and waiting as an unwise virgin, I said it to mean it doesn't matter when the rapture occurs, we are to be ready, working, and watching/doing. I don't need to prove myself to you, but I do the Lord's work where I work, doing what I can to be the Lord's light in the prison system. as for your Revelation 1:6, here is another version from the Hebrew bible: "and he made us to be a kingdom, Kohanim to his God and Father; to him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amein." We are His saints, made in His image to do His work, spreading the gospel to the ends of the earth, by our works (cannot be saved by works) and our testimony, we are known by our fruit. This world is but our training ground for the next phase in life, eternity with our Lord and Savior.
Anyhow, I have to get to work, blessings! and I truly cannot wait until the Lord returns, I am ready to go and leave this mess of a world behind.
Forgot to mention: it is not something that "I speak of" as you said. The BIBLE speaks of it and its types and shadows are a continuous thread throughout the Old and New Testaments of Scripture.
People will never ever wake up.
Oh my dear sweet lord...44%?!? I knew it was happening but 44% indicates a full on hostile corporate takeover of our neighborhoods. Gonna have to join or start a locals only home buyers club and invent the term Real Estate Activism!
Good idea!
Manuel, this one fits into many of your shocking news:
it is in German, but many of the sources are in english: “Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Clinic”
about abortions with satanic rituals...
Yep! Itis in the second newsletter of today. Thank you!
This hurts my soul. These possessed people no longer hide. It is WRONG and these evil people simply don't care that they fly right in the face of JesusChrist. It is very difficult to pray for them that they find OurLord and get on the right path.
Interesting that while writing this comment, for some odd reason I was stopped!. My GuardianAngel brought me back!
I was only able to read the entire title, could not continue reading, every word hurts! Just posted it because people need to know what is going on without gettting into the verbal details.
But of course, inflation is not their fault, it’s your fault!" => EXACTLY! STop buying ANYTHING from CIA backed company called AM-A-ZON!!!!! NOW, STOP THE CRIME OF THE RICHEST NOW!
Im afraid that the real estate crimes go much farther. Poorer families who used to have homes for generations sell the falling apart homes for pennies to private companies (Black Rock..?) which or renovate the homes with smart technologies and sell it for 6x the original price, with the consequences that TAXES for the new buyer grow proportionally, making everything even less affordable!!! Or the companies buy out acres and acres of land squeezing the people in their new build homes, again with 'smart' background, owing the homes only, not the land, and paying the HOA fees, a complete criminal SCAM! The presumable 'security' + comfort (swimming pools, golf places, etc.etc.) is what locks so many brainwashed citizens, who agree to the conditions living in those GETTOs while being FORCED to use any of these great facilitites under 'community conditions'. Example? In covid times people were required to be masked, 'vaccinated', keep distance, etc, etc. You can't plant what you want, you can't paint your house any way YOU WANT, you have to spray GLYPHOSATE in order to keep nice and clean GMO's exnvironment, and that while 'owning a home! That's why GETTO!
You will own nothing and be happy for the opportunity...
What happens to all these houses that are being bought up by investment firms? If they flood the market with rental houses, rents will have to come down, which won't profit them. If they leave them sit empty, they control the part of the supply of both potential rental and sale properties, but those houses still have to be maintained at some expense while they aren't generating any revenue for investors. Maybe they're planning to resell them at a profit at some point? Wish I knew what the end game was. At least there are still plenty of existing homes available for individuals who can afford them, fortunately.
Where I live a developer (less than a year ago) bought about 100 wooded acres behind my house that borders the river on one side and they are selling lots that range from $450,000 - $790,000. Not houses, mind you, just empty lots. Most of them are sold, and there's already a house under construction on one of them. Naturally, my property taxes are going up, up, up.
How does anyone afford these prices!?!? For just lots!
I would suspect that the ones buying up these houses have literally unlimited funds and could burn them all down if they wanted to and it wouldn't affect their fortunes in the least. And even if it did, they'd just print up more money to cover their losses. That's the state of the world economy right now. They're getting ready to pull the plug on all currency now being used and whether it happens sooner or later, WE will be the ones to pay for it.
I know - crazy, right? Apparently, there are people in my area with a lot of money - unfortunately, I am not one of them - LOL!