Jan 4Liked by Strange Sounds

I remember that ARt Bell segment...listening to it now I am missing great gaps of words..interdimensional (i.e the old gods I think)...moving populations into cities (smart cities) to make them more controllable...Gee I would really like to hear every word...anyone?

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Four days into the year, and already the tone/predictive programming has been set. Expect disease, war, and attacks on infrastructure.

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Jan 5Liked by Strange Sounds

"Who the hell is Joseph Luiz Gonzaga III?" THAT was the first thing to cross my mind. He's just another puppet from nowhere, just like Rama-bama-slammi-swami (who, by the way, talks a good game ala 2016 Trump message) and as soon as Luiz' lips start moving, some people will either gravitate toward him, criticize him or reject him, all according to the plan and what the dividers and conquerors say (lie) about him and condition the minds of the sleepers to think of him.

And, isn't it fitting that directly after these "competitors" for POTUS names (puppet of the US) there are dollar signs showing how much money they spent getting their name and "message" out to us instead of any type of real popularity count? Can you say 1 Timothy 6:10?

It's getting harder to keep a straight face and make any kind of serious comment about any part of this charade and the funniest (saddest) part is that we know most people in the world believe this massive theatrical puppet performance is the world's reality!

I might just stop wasting the letters on my keyboard (many letters and numbers on my old keyboard are completely worn away and a BLACK, replaced by little, fingertip-shaped divots instead of uppercase, white letters) and perhaps make a generic message which says something like...


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Jan 5Liked by Strange Sounds

When you can say that you saw 8 track tapes go away (and actually had a collection) THEN you can say, "I'm getting really old". My dad saw the 78s and the Victrola go away!

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Jan 5Liked by Strange Sounds

If you want the truth about "climate change" you must visit geoengineeringwatch.org. The controllers are under a contract with we the people, one that forces them to expose the truth but carefully and mostly hidden within the media. There are rare exceptions where the truth of very relevant matters are allowed on the MSM and some social media being plainly seen.

I have searched for evidence of or a reason for their necessity of giving away their plans through entities like Disney, cartoons like the Simpsons and many other places within the msm to no real discovery. Much of their disguised messages have been uncovered and go back many decades, since the dawn of the television generation. They have been following a script for a very long time.

Dane Wigington, site manager/designer of geoengineeringwatch.org gives a weekly update on the global weather disaster that it is and he is the ONLY person who is telling the shocking truth using the scientific method (not the one "modern" science uses but REAL science which has been hijacked as well) about how our weather has been taken over and is no longer natural but controlled in every way by the elite MIC (military industrial complex). This technology has been used to turn the weather against us in an ongoing system of daily weather WARFARE!

The piece about the UK being underwater by 2050 is just more lies because this earth, at the rate of the stunning weather demise around the world and the decreasing Ozone layer, (look into that) we will never see 2050. At this point if any human eyes ever see 2035 it will be long beyond what our current path is now leading us to regarding the decline of our earth's amazing life support system. Listen to Dane's most recent Global Geoengineering Report. (if you dare)


The BIGGEST threat to our survival on this planet isn't the highly publicized, natural "climate change" but the intentional spraying of our skies with nanoparticles of metals, polyester fibers, pathogens and whatever else they choose to contaminate this world with. And this activity indeed DOES cause "climate change" however the "change" is MOSTLY due to the secret program of geoengineering our planet by SRM (dusting the stratosphere with reflective, aerosolized metal particles) and the massive FREQUENCY GENERATING stations. Search HAARP

They bombard the sprayed metals with millions of watts of directed microwave radiation from satellite and ground based stations thus heating up these particles to the plasma state, causing air to quickly rise. This creates climatic low pressure (and subsequently high) pressure zones wherever and for however long they wish, inundating entire cities with massive flood deluge, causing desertification, cutting off rainwater completely to entire countries, destroying crops, the Ozone and the entire biosphere. All you need to do is LOOK UP.

See those long, thin, white lines criss crossing each other that linger and spread out over hours, hazing out the sun? Turn on any device, tune to any MSM broadcast on ANY type of media source and believe what you are told - that these lines are CON trails of water vapor from jet aircraft! Most of the world believes them ...STILL, after all the lies that have been exposed recently regarding this and every other issue which affects every living man, woman and child at this very moment. You want proof? Here it is, and there is much more of this and other proof at Dane's YouTube channel.


It's a harsh reality, isn't it? However, it's the TRUTH and can NO LONGER BE HIDDEN. The powers are becoming desperate and will soon be unable to cover up the truth. If all of this is true, what does this spell out for the future; for our children and grandchildren? Could there be any more pressing of an issue than this?

We are in the very last days of this age and our Creator will very soon intervene. I have said it all before, and I will continue to shout it as long as I have a voice, but the time is coming when my comments will suddenly stop. If I had to summarize in one sentence about any or all of this world in this age it would be this: seek the TRUTH as hard and for as long as you can until you find the Truth. You will know when you find the Truth. The Truth is a Person. He is The Sovereign Source, GOD of ALL THINGS seen and unseen. He is our Creator and His Name is Jesus Christ. John 14:6

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Jan 4·edited Jan 4Liked by Strange Sounds

Who is that millionaire who lives in an apartment on Table Rock Rd in Medford, Oregon? That's not exactly the best part of town. I just moved away from that city after 16 1/2 years. ....You're pretty newsy today Manuel. Blessings to you and yours in the New Year. ♡

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Jan 4Liked by Strange Sounds

I have a feeling it has been decided to sacrifice Bill, for Hillary’s sake. No one is talking about her.

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Where are Darling Nikki’s Neocon numbers?

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For anyone who thinks that our government stopped experimenting on us and it only happened in the uncivilised past, is living in delusion land. They do these horrific things, apologize, pay a little which is gladly accepted due to most of the victims being poor and then they do it again. Wonder what they'll apologize for tomorrow?

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I read numerous pages from the Epstein files and (since it was 'savior' Ron Desantis who allowed these to be leaked online) there were blanked-out names. I think Desantis was a Jeffrey Epstein client (but Desantis' name was blanked out multiple times). The MAGA delusion isn't subsiding, but growing stronger by the day since Ronald Reagan signed the 1986 liability protection act (as he was supposedly 'fooled/pressured' or whatever excuse MAGA gives.)


"A U.S. District Judge in “Red State” Texas who was originally appointed to his position by former President Ronald Reagan in 1985, has ruled against 117 Houston Methodist hospital employees who were suspended without pay for refusing to take an experimental, non-FDA approved COVID-19 shot as a condition for employment."

"At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets (politicians and televangelists) will appear and deceive many people. (Matthew 24:10-11)"



The incredibly ugly side of 'neurodiversity' via aluminum adjuvants and aluminum aerosol spraying, EVERYONE who censors and oppresses such information (in the name of 'autism rights') is actually suppressing autistic adults' rights, and assisting in the collapse of the autism 'healthcare' industry worldwide: https://healthimpactnews.com/2019/witnessing-the-vaccine-injury-epidemic-we-will-not-be-silent-we-will-not-give-up/

"But for many children, the natural order of life will never be completed. Some have already died. Some will one day join the ranks of the working disabled. And others will grow old and die in state homes with the bodies of adults and the brains of babies (those with profound/severe adult autism with extreme G.I. issues/aluminum levels, not mildly affected 'socially awkward' highschool or college students who are getting PHDs)."

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