Six years ago there was news about a Chinese scientist editing genes of 2 human embryos in his lab to be resistant to HIV.
The test resulted in the birth of twins. There could have been a third baby but was not confirmed.
What happened to them as of 2025 ? are they still alive and healthy ? in school or a govt lab ?
This is the latest I'd heard about them:
And Jiankui He is the scientist who got arrested for the gene editing.
Now, he wants to raise money for them, although I don’t know why they need money…
“I am planning to set up a charity foundation “Lulu & Nana Foundation” in Singapore, to raise money to cover the future medical expense of Lulu and Nana, the world first gene edited twins.”
There's a rumor in the science community that there's definitely more of those kids running around than China is letting off…
And it’s probably not just in China…
There are pyramid-like objects on Mars that almost perfectly align with the Egyptian pyramids…
This is cydonia, near the “face on Mars.” It’s been speculated about since the 1970s. Subsequent images show that the face is not an artificial construct, but of course one could dispute the accuracy of the newer pictures if they believe that NASA is engaging in a cover up…
Why didn't we get updated high res photos of the pyramids in the same site?
Why did they just release them for the face?
You might like this video on the matter…
Btw, do you think that we have been more advanced before and then “wiped” to start again?
I do not trust BlackRock… BlackRock owns the USA…
No homes, crypto ponzi schemes, CBDC, electronic IDs…
You will own nothing and be happy…
Meanwhile, a new fire is going out-of-control in the wealthy Hamptons, Long Islands, NY…
State of emergency declared…
Maui, Malibu, and now the Hamptons? What is the common factor? They are all prime beach front land and tourist hotspots. Blackrock is loosely tied to all 3 locations through heavy investments. Land clearing for future possible developments? Any other theories?
The cover of the German Focus magazine...
And reads: ‘The fraternal kiss… Donald Trump makes Wladimir Putin to the most powerful dictator of the century. What has to be done?’
The fraternal kiss, at least the iconic one stylized here, originally happened between Brezhnev (USSR) and Honecker (East Germany) during the GDR‘s 30th anniveriary. It stood for the ideological and political unity between udssr leaders with their subject states representatives and basically meant no good for the citizens…
US wants you to eat invasive species of giant rats, wild pigs…
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of Mississippi is encouraging people to eat more invasive species in an effort to protect native animals and ecosystems…
France VS USA on Tesla…

Protest and boycott all you want but if you think violence and vandalism is the answer then you are no better than the corporations they are protecting…
Meanwhile, Trump Turnberry Golf Course in Scotland…
This is completely dumb… Not the way…
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An atomic blast, captured 1 millisecond after detonation…
"Atomic bomb explosion photographed by Edgerton and his colleagues at EG&G, likely at the Nevada Proving Grounds, on commission for the Atomic Energy Commission; circa 1952.
Revealing the incredible anatomy of the first microseconds of an atomic explosion, the fireball was documented in a 1/100,000,000-of-a-second exposure, taken from seven miles away with a lens ten feet long. In another few microseconds the Joshua trees, silhouetted at the base of the rapidly expanding explosion, will be engulfed by the shock and heat waves and incinerated.
See "Stopping TIme" (1987), p, 145). (CC)"
As Europe wants to rebuild its armies… What about our sons who refuse conscription?
Do you think they would go as fas as former UK PM suggested last year:
Starve you? Cut off your bank accounts/rights?
That’s okay, I’ll support my boy myself… He isn’t cannon fodder for bankers’ ideals…
An elephant never forgets…
Elephant kills woman and returns to her funeral to attack her corpse…
But wtf did she do to piss it that much off?
The article says she might have been part of a poacher group…
Pesticides and lack of habitat and food…
Scientists brought to tears by huge loss of U.S. butterflies…
Who would have thought, deforestation, putting up strip malls, parking lots, having grass lawns, pesticides, all types of electromagnetic signals and frequencies going through the air, pollutants, would do this?
Volcanic update…
This week, the tallest lava fountains at Hawaii's Kilauea volcano in nearly 40 years were generated, peaking at nearly 750 feet high. Meanwhile, in Japan, the alert level was raised at the Yakedake volcano due to an increase in earthquakes and the occurrence of new ground deformation. And, in Costa Rica, while a new eruption of the Turrialba volcano occurred, the Poas volcano has been undergoing a heightened phase of activity, on some days producing more than 100 small phreatic eruptions…
Sudden stratospheric warming event…
A major disruption of the polar vortex appears to be underway as the Arctic stratosphere suddenly warms…
Researchers call this a "sudden stratospheric warming event."
It's caused by planetary atmospheric waves crashing into the vortex and breaking it up. Cold air spilling out of the weakened vortex could plunge the USA, Canada, and parts of Europe into bitter cold little more than a week before the arrival of Spring…
Keep your winter clothes around, you might need them soon…
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A fun read as always. I do believe human society has risen and fallen several times. Why this is suppressed, I do not know. It's rather like the giant skeletons that always disappear.
Any other theories? There must be something in the oceans we do not know about.. Btw. add Japan to this too...
On those genetically 'enhanced' chinese girls. MIT review writes more on it:
not many details there about them either, except that mouse with that CCR5 gene DELETION became 'smart'... Where is that mouse, can it talk, dance and cry??
BUT, the fact that the CCR5 gene is 'necessary' for HIV, which btw. has that gp140 connection with covid Spike, begs more questions..
On MArch 12th there will be a judicial process prosecuting Dr. Shankara Chetty in SA, who among only few MD's discussed the white clots after covid injections and was the only one who noticed that special '8th day rule' in covid severity., when his patients worsened a lot on that day.
One needs to add lung alveoli has a regeneration time of 8 days. What happens in a new developing embryo in women's womb? The 8th day is VERY SPECIAL, here a quote:
"The 8th day of pregnancy is an important stage in the development of the embryo. During this time, the placenta forms, the embryonic disc develops, gastrulation occurs, and organogenesis begins. These physical changes lay the foundation for the baby's growth and development throughout the rest of the pregnancy." That development must include the umbilical cord, carrying blood vessels, within that white, elastic, twisted cord, looking SO SIMILAR to the white clots WITHIN human blood vessels taken out of MANY deceased AFTER The covid GENE THERAPIES, falsely called 'vaccines'.
Are we dealing with some kind of a new organogenesis in the entire world population across the globe caused by the forced covid injections..? Just speculating a LOT, as always..
His interview is there: