A fun read as always. I do believe human society has risen and fallen several times. Why this is suppressed, I do not know. It's rather like the giant skeletons that always disappear.
not many details there about them either, except that mouse with that CCR5 gene DELETION became 'smart'... Where is that mouse, can it talk, dance and cry??
BUT, the fact that the CCR5 gene is 'necessary' for HIV, which btw. has that gp140 connection with covid Spike, begs more questions..
On MArch 12th there will be a judicial process prosecuting Dr. Shankara Chetty in SA, who among only few MD's discussed the white clots after covid injections and was the only one who noticed that special '8th day rule' in covid severity., when his patients worsened a lot on that day.
One needs to add lung alveoli has a regeneration time of 8 days. What happens in a new developing embryo in women's womb? The 8th day is VERY SPECIAL, here a quote:
"The 8th day of pregnancy is an important stage in the development of the embryo. During this time, the placenta forms, the embryonic disc develops, gastrulation occurs, and organogenesis begins. These physical changes lay the foundation for the baby's growth and development throughout the rest of the pregnancy." That development must include the umbilical cord, carrying blood vessels, within that white, elastic, twisted cord, looking SO SIMILAR to the white clots WITHIN human blood vessels taken out of MANY deceased AFTER The covid GENE THERAPIES, falsely called 'vaccines'.
Are we dealing with some kind of a new organogenesis in the entire world population across the globe caused by the forced covid injections..? Just speculating a LOT, as always..
I absolutely believe there's been plenty of world's before us and there others now in other universes. God (Yahweh) is a BIG God. There is no other, ONLY Him!!! I also believe the Angels are from another planet/universe and those that were saved when the planet died/exploded are in heaven w/Jesus and helping Jesus rule thru God. Similar to Noah and the Ark. God warned the billions living that if they didn't change they'd all die. Noah and his family were the ONLY ones left. They escaped by listening to God who told them specifically how to build the Ark and fill it w/2 of every animal.
There are paintings/drawings inside/outside of caves all over earth that show they weren't dumb people. They show pictures of flying machines and so much more. There's several really amazing series of pictoral & written books of these amazing discoveries. Also there was a series on The History channel abt this. Itbwas well done. I dont believe everything they said but if not anything it makes you think. One of the series was abt the advanced weapons they had way back as well. They're real pictures/writings not something someone drew on paper or made up.
I believe God has given people so many chances to do as He asks but we don't listen. So He has in a sense started over to a degree.
FYI: Mars is a star, not a planet and if NASAty shows you anything from Mars and it looks familiar; it's cause it is. Man! They can put out some great well, descent CGI photos. Anyway, Mars, name of star, also name of a continent over the ice wall.
A fun read as always. I do believe human society has risen and fallen several times. Why this is suppressed, I do not know. It's rather like the giant skeletons that always disappear.
Any other theories? There must be something in the oceans we do not know about.. Btw. add Japan to this too...
On those genetically 'enhanced' chinese girls. MIT review writes more on it:
not many details there about them either, except that mouse with that CCR5 gene DELETION became 'smart'... Where is that mouse, can it talk, dance and cry??
BUT, the fact that the CCR5 gene is 'necessary' for HIV, which btw. has that gp140 connection with covid Spike, begs more questions..
On MArch 12th there will be a judicial process prosecuting Dr. Shankara Chetty in SA, who among only few MD's discussed the white clots after covid injections and was the only one who noticed that special '8th day rule' in covid severity., when his patients worsened a lot on that day.
One needs to add lung alveoli has a regeneration time of 8 days. What happens in a new developing embryo in women's womb? The 8th day is VERY SPECIAL, here a quote:
"The 8th day of pregnancy is an important stage in the development of the embryo. During this time, the placenta forms, the embryonic disc develops, gastrulation occurs, and organogenesis begins. These physical changes lay the foundation for the baby's growth and development throughout the rest of the pregnancy." That development must include the umbilical cord, carrying blood vessels, within that white, elastic, twisted cord, looking SO SIMILAR to the white clots WITHIN human blood vessels taken out of MANY deceased AFTER The covid GENE THERAPIES, falsely called 'vaccines'.
Are we dealing with some kind of a new organogenesis in the entire world population across the globe caused by the forced covid injections..? Just speculating a LOT, as always..
His interview is there:
I've been wondering how the first human to be implanted with Neuralink is faring?
Or so it's SAID a man was implanted with the device. I wonder....
Thanks for the update on the twins. I've wondered about them as well. Though who really knows?
Well, someone does..
Thanks for your article, M. God Bless.
I think we get wiped and start over again. Wouldn't want anyone to realize how close we are to the next event.
If an Elephant behaves like that, she probably deserved it.
I absolutely believe there's been plenty of world's before us and there others now in other universes. God (Yahweh) is a BIG God. There is no other, ONLY Him!!! I also believe the Angels are from another planet/universe and those that were saved when the planet died/exploded are in heaven w/Jesus and helping Jesus rule thru God. Similar to Noah and the Ark. God warned the billions living that if they didn't change they'd all die. Noah and his family were the ONLY ones left. They escaped by listening to God who told them specifically how to build the Ark and fill it w/2 of every animal.
There are paintings/drawings inside/outside of caves all over earth that show they weren't dumb people. They show pictures of flying machines and so much more. There's several really amazing series of pictoral & written books of these amazing discoveries. Also there was a series on The History channel abt this. Itbwas well done. I dont believe everything they said but if not anything it makes you think. One of the series was abt the advanced weapons they had way back as well. They're real pictures/writings not something someone drew on paper or made up.
I believe God has given people so many chances to do as He asks but we don't listen. So He has in a sense started over to a degree.
FYI: Mars is a star, not a planet and if NASAty shows you anything from Mars and it looks familiar; it's cause it is. Man! They can put out some great well, descent CGI photos. Anyway, Mars, name of star, also name of a continent over the ice wall.
I did a video about the face on Mars... It's less than 3 minutes.