What if that 'Hawk Tuah' girl was a code name for that secret government technology called 'Hawk-2A'?
Hence her sudden disappearance…
Hawk Tuah girl (Hailey Welsh) was really trying to tell us secret government technology Hawk-2A…
What if… Yes just imagine…
What if Hawk Tuah girl (Hailey Welsh) wasn’t talking about what we thought, but was instead referring to a classified space-based intelligence satellite, Hawk 2A, engaging in SIGINT (Signal Intelligence) operations. When she said, “Hawk 2A SIGINT on that thang,” she cryptically revealing a next-generation RF surveillance platform, one capable of tracking global transportation networks, monitoring illicit activity, and assisting in disaster response.
A constellation of small satellites using advanced signal interception to map the movement of aircraft, ships, and vehicles in real time; effectively a civilian SIGINT initiative hiding in plain sight...
Maybe what seemed like a viral joke was actually the slip of an insider, a moment of disclosure disguised as absurdity.
Hence her sudden disappearance…
A fire next to "America's Salad Bowl" is intentionally not being covered by the news…
Because learning a huge portion of America's crops are dangerously tainted (which farmers in the area are admitting they probably are) would be ruinous…
The Moss Landing lithium battery factory caught fire and burned for days. People for miles in every direction showed symptoms of being poisoned. This is in an area which grows "more than 30% of all lettuce in America and 50% of its strawberries, cauliflower, and broccoli", among other crops.
Wait, what?
Accused cannibal and sexual predator Armie Hammer says he tried hooking up with a man because "women are the worst"…
He has a well known fetish for fantasizing about cannibalizing people… His other hobbies include tying his girlfriends up so that they can't move an inch, then carving his initials into their skin.
But this would never happen with the world’s largest crypto reserve, believe him…
US Marshals Service cannot account for billions of dollars’ worth of crypto…
Probably stolen…
Meanwhile, at least 12 Chinese nationals have been charged with hacking U.S. Treasury and others…
Is that art?
A controversial Chilean artist who planned to allow three piglets to starve as part of an exhibition in Denmark to raise awareness of the mass meat production processes has had to close the show after the the animals were stolen…
The Chilean a**hole should be put in a cage and starved to death to raise awareness of torture…
In the 80s patient “George” with severe OCD shot himself in the head attempting suicide…
Rather than killing him, the bullet destroyed the part of his brain responsible for OCD…
This act apparently cured him as well. He not only graduated high school, but went on to college…
So, you're telling me that's all I need? A bullet to the head…
This is how ancient Chinese people used to send secret messages…
I know how to solve that…
Meanwhile, America is looking for all of its allies...
For this:
But it seems you are ready… LOL!
Good luck fighting this one with all the allies you've just lost and the woke ‘army’ you are trying to rebuild…
Btw, I am not scared anymore…
Research finds tardigrade protein shields mouse cells from radiation…
Bring us the nuclear war… I have already had my protein shot…
Are people actually holding these “measles parties”?
Or is this another divide and conquer strategy…
Meanwhile, Mexico has issued a warning to its citizens asking them not to travel to Texas and seven other states in the U.S. due to the measles outbreak…
Now I understand the tactic… Soon will Mexico build a wall and pay for it!
Follow the Silenced…
A documentary about everyday Americans who suffered serious injuries immediately following their COVID-19 vaccinations. Abandoned by their doctors, the U.S. government, and pharmaceutical companies, they form a community to heal one another and give voice to the voiceless…
The Paleopocalypse, a pole reversal 42,000 years ago that decimated life on the planet may be happening again…
The event occurred 42,000 years ago and lasted for 800 years. Earth's magnetic field dropped to only 0-6 percent strength and, during this time, our cosmic radiation shield was almost nonexistent allowing immense magnitudes of solar radiation to permeate the atmosphere and destroy the Ozone layer…
Kilauea Volcano on Hawaii erupts for the 12th time since December…
Always amazing to look at…
Don’t miss the Sexy Moon tonight…
Have you seen the Lunar X?
Once a month, when the sun rises over Crater Werner in the Moon's southern hemisphere, sunlight grazes the region's high terrain and makes a criss-cross shape 50 miles wide. It's the Moon's own alpenglow. The "X" is due to appear today, Thursday, March 6th, around 18:25 CST…
Sexy isn’t it?
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In the 1960's we didn't freakout over measles or Chicken Pox. We got it, stayed home from school for a couple of days to get well and that was it. We didn't even get participation trophies. Go figure.....
i think she is from Israel and her dad works for the cia, he got her a publicist for that whole viral thing so your thoughts seem on target... now no longer relevant...
that creepy starve the piglets satanic ritual is evil... that museum or gallery officials allowed it shows they do satanic ritual... which maybe the artist was trying to disclose?
Agent131711 did an exhaustive study on the topic:
"The lobster, dying from lack of water, was placed on a table and tortured in front of a class of young, female students. The little girls watched in horror as the teacher hacked off the lobster’s claws and let it die in pain in front of them. The dead rabbit was then experimented on. Only one child was brave enough to tell her parents what was happening in class which she claimed was now occurring on a regular basis. When the Royal Society confronted the school, the principal was “extremely anxious that no further inquiry should take place…”
newspapers.com/image/39… were given in which a professor would experiment on a monkey, slicing through it’s skull and into it’s brain, causing it severe suffering and retardation. The Royal Society infiltrated one of his lectures and watched the professor brag about the intense suffering he caused to the animal and joke about the injured creature’s “stupidity” after the surgery. The professor found it to be hilarious that the monkey could no longer function normally and it’s movements were now involuntary. One of the members of the Society found the lecture so repulsive that he had to exit the room before it ended.
Alive dogs were covered with turpentine and lit on fire to be burnt to ash - the same fate suffered by the birds of the Pharmacopaeia Universal. Living animals were boiled, frozen, choked, poisoned, starved, blinded, drowned and resuscitated to be drowned again, disemboweled, had their nerves removed while awake, kidneys and livers were ripped out, skulls drilled into, brains injected with blood, feces and poisons, pregnant animals were forcefully squeezed so hard the fetus would come out… all in the name of studying science and medicine - all done under the guise of finding a cure, but as the Royal Society members pointed out, these ghastly experiments had been taking place for hundreds of years and no such cure had ever been found because there was no cure to find in these horrific experiments. Despite never finding a cure, science continued to repeat the exact same unfathomably cruel “studies” on animals as outlined in their scientific-medicine bibles; rituals. And this was not just a European thing. As the Society noted, in the United States of America, the laws which protect animals do not apply to vivisection and in America these rituals were every bit as active and widespread.”