In the 1960's we didn't freakout over measles or Chicken Pox. We got it, stayed home from school for a couple of days to get well and that was it. We didn't even get participation trophies. Go figure.....

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Exactly. It was an annoying and itchy time, but not a big deal.

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I had them but I don't recall an itch.

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Oh, every bump itched! And I was told not to scratch or I’d leave a scar.

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I was just a child when I got them so I must have forgotten how they itched. I do remember how the Mumps hurt my jaw and neck. That pain was unforgettable. I got Mumps as a young child too but a bit older, maybe 11 or 12.

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FYI: Speaking of C👁️A, every news anchor male or female and some meteorologists are either C-IA or an asset. They obey a program. Journalism isn't what it use to be and never really was much when it was. The elites control news, and create opinions and put spin to go with video and pics to manipulate and control your thinking. Rise above; resistance is mandatory

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i think she is from Israel and her dad works for the cia, he got her a publicist for that whole viral thing so your thoughts seem on target... now, of course, she is no longer relevant... and was and is and will be in the top ten things of cringeworthy, up there with the australian lady that pretended to break dance at the olympics, add the satanic lord's supper the olypmics did was diabolical, an orgy like scene complete with a child present ((it is art if obscenity is public and official").

that creepy starve the piglets satanic ritual is evil... that museum or gallery officials allowed it shows they do satanic ritual... which maybe the artist was trying to disclose?

Agent131711 did an exhaustive study on the topic:

"The lobster, dying from lack of water, was placed on a table and tortured in front of a class of young, female students. The little girls watched in horror as the teacher hacked off the lobster’s claws and let it die in pain in front of them. The dead rabbit was then experimented on. Only one child was brave enough to tell her parents what was happening in class which she claimed was now occurring on a regular basis. When the Royal Society confronted the school, the principal was “extremely anxious that no further inquiry should take place…”

newspapers.com/image/39… were given in which a professor would experiment on a monkey, slicing through it’s skull and into it’s brain, causing it severe suffering and retardation. The Royal Society infiltrated one of his lectures and watched the professor brag about the intense suffering he caused to the animal and joke about the injured creature’s “stupidity” after the surgery. The professor found it to be hilarious that the monkey could no longer function normally and it’s movements were now involuntary. One of the members of the Society found the lecture so repulsive that he had to exit the room before it ended.

Alive dogs were covered with turpentine and lit on fire to be burnt to ash - the same fate suffered by the birds of the Pharmacopaeia Universal. Living animals were boiled, frozen, choked, poisoned, starved, blinded, drowned and resuscitated to be drowned again, disemboweled, had their nerves removed while awake, kidneys and livers were ripped out, skulls drilled into, brains injected with blood, feces and poisons, pregnant animals were forcefully squeezed so hard the fetus would come out… all in the name of studying science and medicine - all done under the guise of finding a cure, but as the Royal Society members pointed out, these ghastly experiments had been taking place for hundreds of years and no such cure had ever been found because there was no cure to find in these horrific experiments. Despite never finding a cure, science continued to repeat the exact same unfathomably cruel “studies” on animals as outlined in their scientific-medicine bibles; rituals. And this was not just a European thing. As the Society noted, in the United States of America, the laws which protect animals do not apply to vivisection and in America these rituals were every bit as active and widespread.”


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So many people have Jew or Israel derangement syndrome.

The easily disprovable falsehoods constantly proclaimed out of context completely nonsensical spewed everywhere small-scale big scale, completely ruining any further reading which holy fuck that was some disturbing reading you spewed at us out of nowhere after you got over disqualifying any further reading with your baseless speculation to be followed up with revolting disturbing nightmare fuel that if someone searched for it would probably close the book if they chose to look at it and you throw it at randoms😵‍💫

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what I said, is "the starving the piglets was satanic"

and that

"maybe the artist was trying to disclose the art gallery was doing satanic rituals"

...? Galleries are a likely place for such things... evil is often disguised as art.

For a fact ritual satanic abuse happens to animals, children and adults all the time. Satanic rituals is why the ASPCA will not allow black cats to be adopted during Halloween and Saturnalia (Christmas) as those are major satanic holidays that require a human sacrifice and a cat is the substitute when a human victim is not kidnapped. Look it up.

Yes, the facts of the matter are disgusting.

That report by Agent131711 was about how medicine acquires vaccine ingredients, so called medicine is based on sadistically torturing animals, making them sick and passing along the infected blood to children and adults by way of injections.

Do we ignore this therefore enable more ritual abuse of vulnerable animals, children and adults because it is too horrible to believe?

To your allusion about me having derangement syndrome. If you look at my substack I am often defending genuine jews of which there are a variety: the bible believing old testement jews, the oblivious atheists not practicing anything, and the genetic semites, who are arabs in Gaza. I think innocent jewish people should be able to walk to class in Columbia or whereever rather than trump deranged satanists obstructing the way of innocent people.

What I do call out are the fake jews, the kazarian mafia, that fail to be semetic and fail to practice old testament judiasm, that historically use the authentic jews as a shield to hide behind.

If calling out the Kazarian mafia death-cult satanists are a problem to you, that is something you need to face, because you protecting satanists is the most disgusting thing even more than the horrors they perpetuate.

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Funny you should post this, funny for me that is because I'm reading and listening to Foxes Book of Martyrs right now. There is a complete version on youtube and I'm reading that. Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YsKaklPwOrs&t=29501s

This book is CHANGING me. To know what tortures that these satanic catholics thought up to perpetrate on innocent people, women and young children included, is beyond the scope of the imagination. They had the demon of the RCC which still exists today with over one billion catholics who don't even know the horrific history of their "church". They used their false religion to legitimize any kind of human torture imaginable and the book goes into much detail about it. They believed, at the lie of satan, they were doing the will of God exterminating heretics. The fact that many of these martyrs EMBRACED the torture and flames of death was actually converting some of those catholics which saw their suffering and their noble and Godly way of welcoming the end of their lives in the flesh and meeting Jesus at the other end. It would seem that many of them, before expiring at whatever torturous means their executioners could devise literally SAW Jesus Christ who was with them at their time of death ready to give them their martyr's crown as they spoke from the flames, sang hymns and begged Jesus to have mercy on their executioners, that they know not what they do. Any born again Christian that reads this book and understands that this was reality for so many of their brothers and sisters before them cannot possibly come away unchanged. I must never complain about my circumstances ever again. When I think about how I used to complain about many things in my life, the guilt in me mounts up with wings like an eagle and shadows my spirit with grief. Never again will I complain but I will be thankful instead - thankful to Him FOR all things, IN all things and THROUGH all things.

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Only one leader outlawed vivisection in his country.

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did his last name begin with an H?

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Do you know of any other?

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wow, I was just guessing.

I have been trying to figure out if he was against evisceration why did Mengele do his sex change operations and other ghoulish experiments on children? IT seems like there were two parallel german militaries.

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There is SO, SO much to know about that whole situation, and many things said that aren’t so. Along with that, individuals within the same group can have very different ways of thinking, values, and psyche, and behavior. That time in history seems to have been one of the most convoluted. A lot about it is not as it appears to be, nor what’s been told. As with so many things we’re discovering, lots-o-lies. It’s a fascinating study, though, even of its basics.

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yes, i can see that there is confusion... even with current events there are multiple directions anyone or anything is going.

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I don't even know where to start today.

"Fire reignites at Moss Landing lithium battery storage facility; residents told to close windows"

Ha, ha, ha, ha!!!! Close windows. What a joke. How stupid is a statement like that? All the air inside your house recirculates every 12 hours to the outside/inside unless your home is 100% insulated which none actually are. The sad thing is people will believe whatever they say. They'd even open all their windows if the media told them to like to equalize the pressure in your house or something thus keeping lithium smoke from entering.

You know what I don't understand, since they have the technology to spray anything they want down on us, covering the entire western and eastern hemispheres, why would they burn lithium battery plants to poison us? There are 3 burning right now. Is it just a slow-kill as in a game of some kind? Is this entertainment to them?

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Psychologically speaking, it makes sense the slow kill… Or even the “perceived “threat to everyone. It’s a common predatory tactic. If you narrow it down to its smallest point. Say a psychopath abducts a young woman and keeps her and enslaved somewhere. Some days he threatens to do terrible things to her and other days he actually does. Other times he may bring her her favorite meal and a blanket and comforting words… it causes a split in our brain.

Similar to Stockholm syndrome. “Hey my abductor is being kind to me and making me feel comfortable.” Or “OMG this is a nightmare. When will this ever end? How do I get out of here?”

The brain has a very hard time deciphering, that something or someone is evil to us, and then within moments or days, being kind and loving and even generous. Bitter and sweet water out of the same fountain. It traumatizes us and can cause us to shut down, or go into denial and disassociation. Making us more pliable and consenting to future enslavement.

What’s happening in our nation

is not dissimilar to an abused spouse who has been married to her abuser for years and can no longer find the strength or the courage to stand up for herself.

It’s a common war tactic as well used to throw the enemy off guard. Bomb the hell out of someone and then retreat and leave them to peace and silence wondering when the next attack may occur. Psychological warfare weakens, the strongest soldier. And the saddest part of what’s happening to all of us today is most dont realize they are in an actual war.

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To most, I am considered a "Bible nut". A "Jesus freak", a zealot and even, sadly, a bigot. The older I get, the more I realize how little this world has to offer and how MUCH God has to offer us. I try to spread my knowledge about this truth as far and as wide as I can. If more people would realize that we are in an actual war, a SPIRITUAL war, I suppose the better off we'd be as a people but we know that isn't going to happen. We see the trend AWAY from the Creator and His written word to us but we will soon see a very huge REVIVAL but this will be a SECRET revival. Millions upon millions of people will be saved AFTER the Rapture of we believers, the saved who have been washed in His own Blood, (Revelation 1:5) the Shed Blood of Jesus Christ. He washed us but it also says that there are those who will wash their OWN sins; Revelation 7:14. Right now, our salvation is free but after the age of Grace, which we are right now in (for a few more moments until the Rapture) but after the Rapture it will COST the believer if they do not take the mark of the beast and they may even pay with the loss of their heads. Millions will lose their heads rather than worship the beast. (I realize you know all about this, April; I write for the sake of those who will read this, perhaps AFTER the Rapture) We are on the precipice of this event which will change this world and shake it to its core. I wish I could make people understand this. I want EVERYONE to be saved! And it's so easy! Just INVESTIGATE those things which we were all told are FALSE, even fairy tales, i.e. the Bible. IN it are all the answers. I tell people to read the book of Romans which explains how it is that God has made a Way for us to Him and to those who answer His Call, an eternity of glorious peace in bodies which cannot be harmed and never die. I'll take it!

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Whether economic - corporate - medical - cultural…

It’s all terrorism that is intended to destroy, demoralise and/or degrade.

(Yes they get off on it. It’s the Chaos before the ‘Order’.)

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Measles parties are the right thing to do. It seems not the whole world is brain dead yet. They who make the vaccines for measles don't like it hence the deep state doesn't like measles parties either. You can sense the warning tone in the reporter's voice, spreading fear and causing trepidation. Just like the tone they portrayed when it was found that Ivermectin was effective against Covid. I can barely watch any "news" reporter anymore. As soon as they put on that fake voice that they all use my walls go up and my truth meter alerts me to LIES.

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Little Season of Satan is here - IMHO

Idk. 🤷‍♀️WasJesus lying when he said as documented in Mark 13:30 “Truly I say to you, this generation will not pass away until all these things take place.”

Was he lying????

Or have we/humans been deceived by the twisting and covering up of TRUTH?

I mean - Jesus can’t be telling the TRUTH about one thing and then lying about another and then there be a 2000+ year pause on what he said.

Little Season of Satan makes perfect sense to me with all the CRAZY UPSIDE DOWN, BACKWARD & BEYOND CORRUPT world we live in:

Revelation 20:3 KJV

“And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.“

HECK - if one takes an honest look at the glorious buildings and artwork from the what we are told was “the dark ages” it is so apparent that ithe “Dark Ages” are a big LIE of those in cahoots with Satan.

Many or some may disagree, but for me All signs point to HUGE LIES for 100* years and we are in the thick of the end of it.

Thank you Manuel for your links and posts

Jesus bless you and your family ❤️

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"Earth's magnetic field dropped to only 0-6 percent strength and, during this time,..."

There is much talk about pole reversals but the biggest one is yet to come;

"Behold, the LORD maketh the earth empty, and maketh it waste, and turneth it upside down, and scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof." Isaiah 24:1

This is FUTURE. That means this verse isn't telling of something that has happened already, it's telling of something that is going to happen. And we who watch the world events unfolding in light of Scripture know that it's going to happen VERY SOON.

Every single day brings us closer to the time of Great Tribulation in which God will pour out His WRATH on this earth for its rejection of His Son, God in the Flesh, Jesus Christ who created all things seen and unseen. However, He will NOT pour out His Wrath on those whom He has saved so He will remove those who love Him in the Rapture of the church (those who love God and Jesus Christ and were cleansed by His Shed Blood) BEFORE He pours out His Wrath.

The Bible contains stories of how God pulled the righteous people out of harm's way BEFORE pouring out His Wrath. Lot is one good example. God was preparing to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah by raining fire and brimstone down upon it but Lot was hesitant. The Angel of God said, "I cannot do anything until you are taken out of here." (paraphrased) Genesis 19:22. There are seven raptures in the Bible.

1. Enoch; (Genesis 5:21-24; Hebrews 11:5)

2. Elijah; (2 Kings 2:11)

3. Jesus’ Ascension; (Acts 1:9-11)

4. Church Age Saints; (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

5. The Two Witnesses; (Revelation. 11:3-12)

6. Tribulational Believers; (Revelation 14:14-16)

7. Lot; (Genesis 19:22)

Perhaps someone who believes that the Rapture happens AFTER the Tribulation will see this when we're gone and learn the truth and be saved (millions upon millions will be saved AFTER the Rapture and during the Tribulation.

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Not sure why putting it here, just few words, about new plandemic, called measles.. Todays Del Bigtree Highwire claims measles was always there, it gave the natural immunity for ~ 6 months to the new born babies BUT it became prevalent after the introduction of the measles vaccines ~1963. If you withdraw the injections these days suddenly it is extremely dangerous to do so, thus vaccinate your baby.. That's the so called : Informed Consent Action Network... Any more takers of those??? Natural immunity no more.

That's the same network which NEVER accepted the TRUTH about covid GENE THERAPIES, which were obvious from very begin, but completely suppressed that knowledge while talking about covid 'vaccines'...

Btw. the young girl who died in TX, died apparently not of measles but instead respiratory issues, no skin leasions, just the PCR test...Hospital declined to provide budesonite treatment..

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here more on the tardigrade research form https://www.sciencealert.com/scientists-put-tardigrade-proteins-into-human-cells-heres-what-happened

"Amazingly, when we introduce these proteins into human cells, they gel and slow down metabolism, just like in tardigrades," says molecular biologist Silvia Sanchez-Martinez, from the University of Wyoming.

"When you put human cells that have these proteins into biostasis, they become more resistant to stresses, conferring some of the tardigrades' abilities to the human cells."

Some way down the line, we may be able to figure out how to pass some of that amazing tardigrade resilience onto our own cells and tissues, potentially slowing biological aging and helping in treatments where safe cell storage at cold temperatures is vital, such as organ transplants."

The fundamental idiocy of not accepting nature as an example of functioning ORGANISM, of not even understanding how the genetics of EVEN ONE organism works, ends in scientific prison of new achievements called crimes against humanity.

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The woke US military is history and real men are joining in record numbers including experienced military returning that didn't take the jab. The US is ready to fight anyone. Those 4 disgusting Biden years was just the facade of woke, trying to open up the eyes of the dumbed down citizens, while Trump was still commander in chief. Every military person who retires gets a certificate of thanks signed by the president. Every one from 20-24 was signed by Trump. Biden did stop lots of military preparedness, but not enough. He brought in tons of traitors and illegals, but the clean up is happening on steroids.

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hope so...

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Armie Hammer is only half-Jewish. Give him a break.

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America losing allies? No, more like parasites leaving a host who suddenly developed antibodies to repel them. It's not a bad thing. Look at the hundreds of billions or more that we'll save that we've been spending on countries who despised us anyway. Now the feeling is mutual.

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