No surprises with this except it took “them” so long to “activate it as a panic mechanism. Who else has been waiting for this and dengue, bird flu, and another Zika and another and another 😂🤪🤣 I have to laugh
Because it’s just so in our faces and people can’t see 👀
Dear Lord,
Please open the eyes of those who cannot see and who cannot hear.
If people continue to refuse to do so, shake the dust off of our feet and carry on…
As a writer, who’s always enjoyed the feel of an actual pen on paper over typing on a keyboard any day. I have to say, as much as I do NOT enjoy the United States Postal Service and think it’s archaic in far too many ways. I would sincerely miss the ability to send an actual personalized letter, card, and more in my own handwriting with my own fingerprints all over it. I love the history and intimacy that letters and cards provide of our culture in the past. And I have many friends and family over the years who have expressed how touched they are to still get a hand written note or card from me. It is a dying art form and there’s nothing that technology can do to improve upon it. I’ve sent various gifts through Amazon like everyone else, and used letter writing services, including one that sends cards for a year at a fairly hefty price I might add. And even though my mom enjoyed that particular gift… Nothing makes her light up more than an actual hand-picked card and letter from me along with some photographs. Sadly, I don’t think I’ve ever received an actual handwritten letter from my own adult children. So it looks like the art of the letter, has stopped with me.
1. The continual upheaval of the stock market now is identical in pattern to the upheavals directly preceding the Great Depression. Those with inside information siphon off as much money as they possibly can then in effect "scuttle the boat" in order to hide their crimes.
Once they've reached a siphoning threshold and the tank is nearly empty.
Worked before and probably will again. Wealth transfer.
The upper middle and middle classes are decimated and drained of resources when the whole construct collapses, then the entire process begins again.
The middle class builds itself back up with blood, sweat and tears and then it's harvested again.
2. Elon Musk's Canadian grandfather was known as the Father of the Technocracy. He advocated science as the governing system of a nation and eugenics as a method for achieving it. He was run out of Canada and moved his family to South Africa, a country already in line with his eugenics theories., where his daughter gave birth to Elon.
Thank you for your article. You always keep my interest....
The Technocracy movement was a social movement active in the United States and Canada in the 1930s which favored technocracy as a system of government over representative democracy and concomitant partisan politics.
like your latest Starship test flight that ended with another explosion over Florida:
I suggest that you watch Dahbood7's video. it shows UAPs surrounding the starship and more than likely shooting it down. Deep State or white hats? I suspect Deep State.
Good luck with that. I am not sure why anyOne would want to be under a for-profit corporation that has declared Them the enemy, and sees Them as dollar signs only.
Just FYI, if You're registering to "vote," You might want to know this:
Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.
tariffs, gaslighting and insider trading? I hope this isn't from you strange sound. What a load of democratic gaslighting BS, if you want to talk gaslighting. Nothing has been off again, on again. He delayed the first time because those who needed to exercise it weren't ready. The second one is only for the car industry to save them from losing millions of dollars. The art of the deal is to get what he wants, but still not inflict too much damage on others. The stock market works on its own demonic manipulated nonsense that has nothing to do with Trump. Trump is making America great again period. 5D chess that noone has seen before. He is an honourable man, and if you watched his senate speech, you can see the evil he is up against. We need new vocabulary to describe how disgusting liberals are.
'Trump is making America great again period.' I hope so for you... I am not MAGA fan, I am not Biden fan. I don't fight this red vs blue war... I am part of the world, of the solar system of the galaxy, of the whole entity... And I walk within these different spaces free, happy, curious and without expectations, trying to construct the most solid and positive foundations and vibes for my children, my wife, my parents, my brother, my friends and all of the people I meet and hang on with during the day... So you too... Period...
Trump is a puppet; a star marionette in a grand, complex and purposeful play written by the "spiritual wickedness in high places" for the puppets, e.g. "the rulers of the darkness of this world" and to be produced and broadcast by the media in ALL its forms. I use those two descriptors often because they were used by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Ephesians, chapter 6 and it's playing out like Someone knew what was going to happen - EXACTLY what was going to happen. It is exciting watching it play out, you must admit!
Just saw that today or yesterday he did postpone the tariffs. He doesn't do these things as fickle as the media will say. One of the research people I follow is looking into the art of it and I'll find out in a couple of days. You haven't explained yourself yet,...but perhaps you won't.
Please reread my comment: I hang on (internet) with you during the day, so positive vibes for you too. I mean well with all the people I spent time with. Have a great weekend, Manuel
By the way, in terms of market volatility, go have a look at the following:
1. Basically all of January, February and March 2022. This includes 2/24/2022, what a day!!!
2. Mid April through mid August 2022. There were some off days in June and July but mid April through early June 2022 was INSANE.
3. Late September through early November 2022.
4. Much of March 2023.
5. August 1 through August 8, 2024.
I could go back beyond 2022 but it’s not necessary. Who was POTUS from 2022 - 2024? The volatility during the periods I listed was the same or greater than the past week. Are you aware of this or did you just become an economist? Was Trump also the cause of volatility during these periods? Try to do better, Leaf.
Trump 1.0 did the same thing to the markets, as a trader I welcome the volatility. Adjust trading size accordingly.
I’m wondering if you’re suggesting that Trump is carrying out the destabilization part of Bezmanov’s takeover plan. Are you? I really hope not because this destabilization is nothing compared to the 9/11 PSYOP, COVID or the Fentanyl Floyd riots.
For that matter Marxism = Bolshevism. Do you know what group made up the vast majority of the Bolsheviks? The group who killed 100 million Christians. That’s the same group subverting the US and Europe, and they’ve turned your country into a nation of cucks.
Here we go again with the anti-Trump anti-America propaganda rhetoric.
1. Correcting your intentional mischaracterization of President Trump's tariff actions
a. Fair trade RECIPROCAL tariffs are imposed because of hostile policies of other countries.
b. Other countries promise to change their hostile policies, so the RECIPROCAL tariffs are postponed.
c. Other countries think President Trump is just as stupid and gullible as every other president for the last 100 years, so when tariffs aren't imposed, they don't change their policies after all.
d. Too bad for them that President Trump is not as stupid and gullible as joe biden as he calls them out on their lies and reinstates even higher RECIPROCAL tariffs.
There. Does that help?
2. Now you're lamenting the possible end of glyphosate because fOoD pRiCes or something? Haven't you been one of the torch bearers for the criminalization of glyphosate because EnViRoEnMeNt or something? Please make up your mind. Oh wait, i remembered my first point, you're anti-Trump anti-America no matter what.
3. It surprises me every time you pretend to be pro-life
4. You know social media was instrumental in much of the fraud over the last several US elections, but now you criticize attempts to correct it because it's President Trump. Sounds legit.
5. The murderous piece of scum sentenced to death that died by firing squad REQUESTED DEATH BY FIRING SQUAD. It was not the government's choice. More anti-America rhetoric.
Dang, the newsletter was particularly hostile toward America and President Trump today, and it seems like it's getting worse by the day.
The PO needs privatizing as it lost 9Billion last year and about 6B the year before. John Stossel over the years has made some good docs on what privatizing can do... much more efficient.
They won't get rid of it..... quit the gaslighting.
Also Manual needs some maturity and education for his political and economic views. Stick to everything else if you can.
No surprises with this except it took “them” so long to “activate it as a panic mechanism. Who else has been waiting for this and dengue, bird flu, and another Zika and another and another 😂🤪🤣 I have to laugh
Because it’s just so in our faces and people can’t see 👀
Dear Lord,
Please open the eyes of those who cannot see and who cannot hear.
If people continue to refuse to do so, shake the dust off of our feet and carry on…
As a writer, who’s always enjoyed the feel of an actual pen on paper over typing on a keyboard any day. I have to say, as much as I do NOT enjoy the United States Postal Service and think it’s archaic in far too many ways. I would sincerely miss the ability to send an actual personalized letter, card, and more in my own handwriting with my own fingerprints all over it. I love the history and intimacy that letters and cards provide of our culture in the past. And I have many friends and family over the years who have expressed how touched they are to still get a hand written note or card from me. It is a dying art form and there’s nothing that technology can do to improve upon it. I’ve sent various gifts through Amazon like everyone else, and used letter writing services, including one that sends cards for a year at a fairly hefty price I might add. And even though my mom enjoyed that particular gift… Nothing makes her light up more than an actual hand-picked card and letter from me along with some photographs. Sadly, I don’t think I’ve ever received an actual handwritten letter from my own adult children. So it looks like the art of the letter, has stopped with me.
1. The continual upheaval of the stock market now is identical in pattern to the upheavals directly preceding the Great Depression. Those with inside information siphon off as much money as they possibly can then in effect "scuttle the boat" in order to hide their crimes.
Once they've reached a siphoning threshold and the tank is nearly empty.
Worked before and probably will again. Wealth transfer.
The upper middle and middle classes are decimated and drained of resources when the whole construct collapses, then the entire process begins again.
The middle class builds itself back up with blood, sweat and tears and then it's harvested again.
2. Elon Musk's Canadian grandfather was known as the Father of the Technocracy. He advocated science as the governing system of a nation and eugenics as a method for achieving it. He was run out of Canada and moved his family to South Africa, a country already in line with his eugenics theories., where his daughter gave birth to Elon.
Thank you for your article. You always keep my interest....
The reason no one understands what is going on, is because they don't have the Game Plan, the Play Book: ok, you heard it here from Delta Force.
there is no ebola, but there IS this, gosh, what a coinkydink
Uganda received 10,000 doses of the MVA-BN vaccine, donated by the European Commission through its Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). The vaccines arrived at Entebbe Airport on Jan. 21, 2025.
The Technocracy movement was a social movement active in the United States and Canada in the 1930s which favored technocracy as a system of government over representative democracy and concomitant partisan politics.
like your latest Starship test flight that ended with another explosion over Florida:
I suggest that you watch Dahbood7's video. it shows UAPs surrounding the starship and more than likely shooting it down. Deep State or white hats? I suspect Deep State.
OK, I will
THE END GOAL IS THE "TECHNATE OF AMERICA" TECHNOCRACY, REplacing the current corrupt system. its ALL gotta go !
I am not a "citizen." I am sovereign. So the Trump-puppet can take a long walk off a short pier.
Just Stop Consenting! (article):
Join Me as a Sovereign Here on Ethical Ground (article):
Nope. I think I will stick with being a citizen. No real advantage to being sovereign.
Good luck with that. I am not sure why anyOne would want to be under a for-profit corporation that has declared Them the enemy, and sees Them as dollar signs only.
Just FYI, if You're registering to "vote," You might want to know this:
Any time You register anything, You are giving it to the state – to do with and to it as the state sees fit – in exchange for a privilege. In the case of registering to vote, You are giving Your sovereignty, Your Self, to the state – to do with and to You as it sees fit – in exchange for the privilege of wasting time in a booth.
Love always!
tariffs, gaslighting and insider trading? I hope this isn't from you strange sound. What a load of democratic gaslighting BS, if you want to talk gaslighting. Nothing has been off again, on again. He delayed the first time because those who needed to exercise it weren't ready. The second one is only for the car industry to save them from losing millions of dollars. The art of the deal is to get what he wants, but still not inflict too much damage on others. The stock market works on its own demonic manipulated nonsense that has nothing to do with Trump. Trump is making America great again period. 5D chess that noone has seen before. He is an honourable man, and if you watched his senate speech, you can see the evil he is up against. We need new vocabulary to describe how disgusting liberals are.
'Trump is making America great again period.' I hope so for you... I am not MAGA fan, I am not Biden fan. I don't fight this red vs blue war... I am part of the world, of the solar system of the galaxy, of the whole entity... And I walk within these different spaces free, happy, curious and without expectations, trying to construct the most solid and positive foundations and vibes for my children, my wife, my parents, my brother, my friends and all of the people I meet and hang on with during the day... So you too... Period...
Trump is a puppet; a star marionette in a grand, complex and purposeful play written by the "spiritual wickedness in high places" for the puppets, e.g. "the rulers of the darkness of this world" and to be produced and broadcast by the media in ALL its forms. I use those two descriptors often because they were used by the Apostle Paul in his epistle to the Ephesians, chapter 6 and it's playing out like Someone knew what was going to happen - EXACTLY what was going to happen. It is exciting watching it play out, you must admit!
Just saw that today or yesterday he did postpone the tariffs. He doesn't do these things as fickle as the media will say. One of the research people I follow is looking into the art of it and I'll find out in a couple of days. You haven't explained yourself yet,...but perhaps you won't.
So you too...Period.... Explain please?
Please reread my comment: I hang on (internet) with you during the day, so positive vibes for you too. I mean well with all the people I spent time with. Have a great weekend, Manuel
LOL. Got it now. peace.
By the way, in terms of market volatility, go have a look at the following:
1. Basically all of January, February and March 2022. This includes 2/24/2022, what a day!!!
2. Mid April through mid August 2022. There were some off days in June and July but mid April through early June 2022 was INSANE.
3. Late September through early November 2022.
4. Much of March 2023.
5. August 1 through August 8, 2024.
I could go back beyond 2022 but it’s not necessary. Who was POTUS from 2022 - 2024? The volatility during the periods I listed was the same or greater than the past week. Are you aware of this or did you just become an economist? Was Trump also the cause of volatility during these periods? Try to do better, Leaf.
Trump 1.0 did the same thing to the markets, as a trader I welcome the volatility. Adjust trading size accordingly.
I’m wondering if you’re suggesting that Trump is carrying out the destabilization part of Bezmanov’s takeover plan. Are you? I really hope not because this destabilization is nothing compared to the 9/11 PSYOP, COVID or the Fentanyl Floyd riots.
For that matter Marxism = Bolshevism. Do you know what group made up the vast majority of the Bolsheviks? The group who killed 100 million Christians. That’s the same group subverting the US and Europe, and they’ve turned your country into a nation of cucks.
Here we go again with the anti-Trump anti-America propaganda rhetoric.
1. Correcting your intentional mischaracterization of President Trump's tariff actions
a. Fair trade RECIPROCAL tariffs are imposed because of hostile policies of other countries.
b. Other countries promise to change their hostile policies, so the RECIPROCAL tariffs are postponed.
c. Other countries think President Trump is just as stupid and gullible as every other president for the last 100 years, so when tariffs aren't imposed, they don't change their policies after all.
d. Too bad for them that President Trump is not as stupid and gullible as joe biden as he calls them out on their lies and reinstates even higher RECIPROCAL tariffs.
There. Does that help?
2. Now you're lamenting the possible end of glyphosate because fOoD pRiCes or something? Haven't you been one of the torch bearers for the criminalization of glyphosate because EnViRoEnMeNt or something? Please make up your mind. Oh wait, i remembered my first point, you're anti-Trump anti-America no matter what.
3. It surprises me every time you pretend to be pro-life
4. You know social media was instrumental in much of the fraud over the last several US elections, but now you criticize attempts to correct it because it's President Trump. Sounds legit.
5. The murderous piece of scum sentenced to death that died by firing squad REQUESTED DEATH BY FIRING SQUAD. It was not the government's choice. More anti-America rhetoric.
Dang, the newsletter was particularly hostile toward America and President Trump today, and it seems like it's getting worse by the day.
The PO needs privatizing as it lost 9Billion last year and about 6B the year before. John Stossel over the years has made some good docs on what privatizing can do... much more efficient.
They won't get rid of it..... quit the gaslighting.
Also Manual needs some maturity and education for his political and economic views. Stick to everything else if you can.