It's getting pretty irritating watching these anti-isreal propaganda videos. The U N. Has acknowledged that Israel has delivered twice the amount of food that is needed for the refugees. Voluntarily....They have done this because Hamas routinely steals the food for themselves. In many videos, you see cats running around fat and happy. They are the first to go wen people are starving no evidence of that and no evidence of any kind of genocide taking place.... Your global warming propaganda is getting a little old as well. The planet has been hotter than this and it always cools down eventually. CO2 levels follow the temperature. They don't drive it

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The Governor is still in denial of course. He doesn't know yet. Unreal.

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Thanks for sharing. I am new just checking out this stack.

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Love your news roundups. Thank you. May I add Operation Lockstep to your list of

Research if You're Bored? 😁

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Every time I see the Masonic emblem, I'm happy that I was raised to a Master Mason 50 years ago. When the SHTF, I'm heading for my local lodge. PS we are accepting new apprentice candidates.

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I cringe at the masonic emblem as my DNA contributor was a worshipful master.

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That's good. You should.

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Smart man

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As a warning to any who may consider Davi's invitation, please take a few minutes to read this as I offer my highly educated opinion here which has come from decades of study and which is based on the KJV Bible. This belief is shared by ALL born again Christians and most lukewarm Christians as well (the most common type of Christian today; CINOs we call them).

The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry is the highest, most secretive church of satan in the world. They worship "Lucifer" (which is no longer his name because he was banished from heaven with 200 other angels before the Creation of mankind and his name is now Satan) and the highly secretive 33rd degree Masons practice witchcraft including human sacrifice in underground "worship' centers all over the world.

If you do not come out of the Lodge and repent of it all, you will be condemned to the lake of fire for eternity. Turn to the Only Truth, Jesus Christ, for salvation of your eternal soul or you will live forever with the consciousness you now enjoy, with all the wicked and satan himself in an eternal place of HOPELESSNESS and despair, pain and torture, fire and brimstone where there will be wailing and gnashing of teeth. Luke 13:28

Allow me to embellish; HOPELESSNESS is something that we actually know nothing about because, for we who are alive there is ALWAYS hope. Even DEATH is hope for the terminally ill when the pain becomes too great to bear. But in the lake of fire, commonly referred to as Hell, the condemned will KNOW for sure that there is NO HOPE of escape, EVER. They will also KNOW that they were given the same chance as everyone else and they REJECTED their Creator to serve their own selfish desires and that they BELONG there.

God put knowledge of Himself, even His eternal Power and Godhead, (see Romans 1:20) within every person of mankind He ever created. A Fair, Loving, Merciful God would do none else. But most TURN AWAY from that knowledge and go their own way, seeking the THREE biggies; the lust of the eyes, (things - cars, homes, treasures of riches) the lust of the flesh (sexual) and the PRIDE of life (status, power and influence among men) See 1 John 2:16. All sin falls into one of those three.

The lake of fire will be the perfect punishment for those who reject their Creator and the condemned will not object, calling injustice on their Judge. They will agree that they BELONG where they are and that they DESERVE every bit of eternity in the place God prepared for satan and his angels. We cannot be in His Presence stained by our sin that's why He had to make us PERFECT. And that's why we can't enter if we've done more "good" than bad, we're still left with the sins. They had to be REMOVED completely.

Also know this: He DOESN'T want you or any of mankind He created to go there. He wants you to come to Him and He made it so easy. Think deeply as you meditate upon your life, who you are, what you are and where you came from; admit that you didn't create yourself. Dive deep. Go to the root of your consciousness. Everything you are, your eternal consciousness, your body, mind and soul, your conscience, your emotions, your senses, EVERYTHING that you are was given to you by God!

But there's a big problem. You're a SINNER just as everyone else God ever made. God requires perfection because He is Perfection. His Plan is, instead of just wiping us out and sending us all to Hell (which He could easily have done) He LOVED us, so He came HIMSELF, as one of us, taking on every aspect of a man except one...sin. He never sinned, not even once. He is the lamb without blemish and without spot: (1 Peter 1:19)

He is the God-Man, 100% God and 100% Man and He came for the purpose of GIVING His Life as a Sacrifice, shedding His Perfect Blood FOR US and dying in OUR PLACE. He took upon Himself every sin any of mankind EVER committed and conquered it all for us so that we could be with Him for eternity, sharing in His Wonder, Majesty, Glory and Beauty. And He promises each of us a NEW body, (1 Corinthians 15:51) an ETERNAL body LIKE THAT ONE WHICH HE HIMSELF DWELLS IN AT THIS VERY MOMENT, seated at the Right Hand of God the Father. We will see Him as He is because we will be LIKE HIM! (1 John 3:2)

And He offers this, the literal INHERITANCE OF ALL THINGS for absolutely FREE. Just admit that you're a SINNER who needs a SAVIOR, not difficult to do; we all know we are sinners. Next, we need to seek to know Him either by reading His written word or hearing someone preach the Gospel (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) By this point you're going to want to KNOW that He is Who He says He is.

CALL ON HIS NAME. Get alone somewhere quiet and say aloud, "Lord Jesus, if you're listening right now please SHOW me that you're real." If you're sincere in your heart, and truly want to know Him, He will SAVE YOU. This will happen in a moment - the very moment you believe in your heart. Suddenly, you will regret your past sins and be sorry for them because He will enter your being by His Holy Spirit and will indwell you. Many weep at this moment, some don't but EVERYONE this happens to KNOWS they are saved (1 John 5:13)

The natural fear of death departs immediately and you'll know that what you were seeking you have FOUND and that He is REAL and that you will inherit all things (Revelation 21:7). Welcome to the Kingdom of God! Now what? Go! Tell others how easy it is to know Him. Find a group of like-minded believers if you can. Read the Bible every day as the Spirit leads. Pray fervently every day also.

Don't attend any church building until you learn what is taught there because most churches in this age are apostate. Make sure your church is Biblically solid by their statement of faith. Find a Bible study and join, making new friends. Prepare yourself in advance for the scorn and ridicule you will face from family and friends. This is certain to happen and is one of satan's greatest tools to keep the Christian from working for the Lord. The world belongs to satan and you are now his enemy. Do not worry because greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world.

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Troll much lately?

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I love your wry sense of humor in so many of your commentaries. They always make me laugh and it’s much more personalized too! Thankyou! :-)

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Thanks for the intriguing mix of stories, Manuel!! ;-) Interesting note.....Miriam Delicado is back on The Scene, so we might expect something "unexpected"!! ??? She did an interview with Michael Salla recently!

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